SKYLAR (Application Form)


p e r s o n a l    i n f o r m a t i o n


username: LazyFairy

profile link:

real name: Nicole

contact with: I'm really active in AFF, But I'll give you my MSN; [email protected]

activeness (on a scale from 1-10); 9 


b a s i c    i n f o r m a t i o n


character name: Nicole Moon

nickname(s): Michi - Her friends call her Michi

birthday: (03/09/1995) 

birthplace: Paris, France

bloodtype: O

languages: French (Fluent) English (Fluent) Korean (Fluent)


a p p e a r a n c e


height: 167 CM

weight: 44 KG 

ulzzang/model name: Kwon Su jeong.

ulzzang/model pictures:  001  002  003

back-up ulzzang/model name: Lee Dasom

back-up ulzzang/model pictures: 001 002 003

style: She goes for the tight, dark clothes. Shorts are her best friend and Skirts are her enemies.
001  002  003  004


c h a r a c t e r    i n f o r m a t i o n



Nicole is not quite the typical sweet girl. She likes saying the truth and often gets in trouble because of that. This young girl is a troublemaker that likes to prank everyone. She can be really shy in certain moments (That will be revealed soon.) She has her own innocent moments, but she is not really that innocent. People say that Nicole is bipolar: One moment she can be all lovey-dovey and the other she can hit you in the face with a water ballon. She likes revenge. Since she is really young and on top of that born in other country with different traditions she is often called 'rude' by older people. Nicole likes making nicknames for everyone. When people say she shouldn't do something, She'll do that inmediatly. When she wants something she won't stop until she gets it, you may call her stubborn. Nicole likes being respected and may sound cocky sometimes. She is sarcastic and in front of some people she may act like a total (Especially towards her rival)


Born in Paris, France to a french mother and korean father, she moved to the UK when she was 6, her passion towards singing started at the age of six when she saw a young boy called 'Declan Galbraith' sing in a concert. At 7 she discovered kpop when she was playing with her father's phone. Thanks to her pleading, they moved to South korea a year later with her brother. At the age of 9 she began going to auditions along with her brother; Thankfully, She was accepted into JYP and trained there for three months before leaving the company due to her school grades. That didn't stop her from going to other company; Pledis Ent. She became a trainee and trained for five months before swapping companies and went back to JYP. Her training wasn't as hard as the others because of her age, she mostly trained her acting skills. She didn't have many friends because they were older thn her and she was always with her brother. JYP Thought her talent fitted better in SM and exchanged her for one of their trainees.

likes: Strawberries || Music || Popping || Draws || Piano || The rain || A morning after a rainy night || The sunset || The color red || Watching america dramas || Learning languages

dislikes: Noisy People || Fake Aegyo || Heavy makeup || long skirts || Short hair || Chocolate || Heavy stuff || Cats || Rock music

hobbies: || Modeling || Acting || Singing || Drawing || Riding Horse || Dancing || Taking pictures of herself || 

habits:  || Biting her lips when dancing || Holding to hard the microphone when singing long notes || Mumbles nonsense when bored || Draws when happy || Eats chocolate when she feels stressed || Pulls something near her when mad || Covers when laughing loudly || She sometimes mixes korean with french and english when nervous ||


* Makes a cameo on Salamander Guru, I need a fairy and Fashion King (As a model)
* Model in her father's magazine 'Daredevil' with Jeremy (Her brother)
* She haves couple ring with Jeremy.
* Even though she is half french, she has a british accent when talking in english
* She did a cover of Adele's Rolling in the deepOver the rainbow and I believe I can fly


does your character often use vulgar language?: [ ] yes [X] maybe [ ] no (When she is alone or there arent cameras or fans around)

if so, in which language does she do it more often?: French and English.


r e l a t i o n s h i p s




NAME: Lydia Cheuster

AGE: 44

BIRTHDAY: January 18

PERSONALITY:  Outgoing, childish (It annoys Nicole) Caring, Funny.




NAME: Senghyun Moon

AGE: 46

BIRTHDAY: October 4th

PERSONALITY: Serious, Sometimes cold, sarcastic as his daughter, always working.






NAME: Jeremy Moon

AGE: 17

BIRTHDAY: March 9.

PERSONALITY: Cold, mature, serious, caring




best friend (1 only)


NAME: Jung Krystal

AGE: 18

BIRTHDAY: October 24.

PERSONALITY: A replica of Nicole, Sarcastic, cold and Ice Princess

HOW SHE/HE ACTS WITH YOUR CHARACTER:  Always making fun of each other, having skinship and taking selcas together.



friends (max 4)




AGE: 17

BIRTHDAY: November 3

 Curios, Cute and hyperactive. Fun to be with, Innocent.

HOW SHE/HE ACTS WITH YOUR CHARACTER: Like brother and sister, something that makes her real brother jealous.


NAME: Kim Jonghyun (JR)

AGE: 17

BIRTHDAY: July 8th.
 Serious, Mature. He is really smart and gentle.

HOW SHE/HE ACTS WITH YOUR CHARACTER: They hug and holds hands when they're together. Krystal calls them Friends With Benefits. Some fans think they're cute and even ship them together. They had read few fanfics about them. Certain SM boy is jealous and always tries to separate them.





Who is your rival?: She has haters but she doesn't think she has rivals

Reason for rivalry:


Love interest


Love interest: EXO-K  Kai

How do you two act around each other?: Kai is overprotective an gets jealous if any boy gets near the girl he likes, he despises JR because he wants to be the one shipped with her. Nicole acts like her normal self and Kai is always flirting and being nice to her.

Do you keep contact?: [X] yes [ ] sometimes [ ] no

If so, how?: They have each other's phone number and when they're asked about each other they answer the same thing 'We're good friends.'

Scene requests:
When Kai confesses The girls were practicing for their next single when EXO came by. They had a break together. Nicole began texting JR and Kai got jealous so he confessed his love in front of all of them.
Kiss: When they were on a show together (JR, Kai and Nicole) They were asking about love. They asked Nicole if she already had her first kiss and she said no. after the show when they were on the van together, Kai looked at Nicole and told her he wanted to be her first kiss. He stole her kiss while the managers were searching food for them and they were alone in the van. It was sweet and passionate.



G r o u p    I n f o r m a t i o n


Position: Main Vocal/ Sub dancer

Public persona: Prettier than Flowers (She is often praised of her looks and talents)

Persona: Prankster Cole.

Fanclub name: Nicksters. - Is a mix of Nicole and Prankster or Gangster.

Fanclub color: Red - Is Nicole's favorite color because it gives a y aura.

Stage name: 


C l o s u r e


Password: 'Cause SM loves to tease.

Anything else?: When the camera is on her she gives off the sweet, aegyo girl aura that boys love.


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