Love Note: (Nguyen Jaelin "Jaylyn")

Contact Information

Username: mynameisashley

Availability: 5 (No life = Sad life = Me. Lol. I'm so lame. ;D)

Character Information

Full name: Nguyen Jaelin "Jaylyn" 

Nicknames: Linnie, Jae, Lin

Reason behind nicknames: Linnie is just what kids/ childish people who are close to her call her.

Preferred name: Jaelin

Date of birth: December 5th, 1994

Age: 17

Ethnicity: Half Vietnamese, Half Korean

Birth place: New York City, New York

Blood type: AB

Character Overview

Personality: Level-headed and calm, Jaelin is someone who doesn't really like people. Because of this, she is often cold to people who try to get to know her in any way, and in result, caused her to be one of the most disliked people on campus or in other words, an outcast. However, despite such gossip and criticism about her, this is exactly the way she likes it - calm, silent, and peaceful. She keeps to herself and doesn't like to talk much, especially if it's so another peer of hers. Jaelin is often judged because of her character and the way she acts, but she takes no notice of it. She's usually immersed in a book or in her own little world and is anything but caring to her peers. 

Jaelin, although very cold, is actually very mature when it comes to certain situations. She is a calm girl who rarely ever panics, gets angry, or cries, but views those traits of her personality as a curse. This is because she can't express her feelings as good as normal people. When she feels the need to do any one of those things, her giant pride gets in the way, and she forces herself to keep it in. She knows it's unhealthy, but she does it anyways. It had accumulated when she was a child and she could never stop herself from doing so. She would be a strong and calm girl on the outside when she was falling apart on the inside. But, of course, because of her pride, she would never admit that. When in an awkward situation, she would act as if nothing happened and act as if there is no awkward atmosphere.

Jaelin someone who likes the old days where everything was plain and simple and everyone was nice and no one was as messed up as they were today. A hypocrite was what she should call herself. She wished to go back to old fashioned times because everyone was so messed up in modern times, but in reality, she was one of those people. She was cold and she was uncaring to her peers; who wouldn't think that she was messed up? But she couldn't help it. It was an instict she had learned over time.

When Jaelin finds something that interests her, she will stop at nothing to be able to do or find out about that thing. Her curiosity is one of the only emotions that bothers her the majority of the time. If she's interested, you know she will do anything to find out more about whatever she's interested in. If she tries to ignore it, it keeps coming back to bother her. It's just a thing about her she can never get rid of.

When people try to be friends with her, they find it entirely hard to do so. This is clearly because of her personality. However, if someone were to become her friend (which is something that's pretty difficult to do), they wouldn't find a girl who was as cold as ice, but instead would discover another part of her. If you were able to become her friend, she would trust you deeply because she doesn't trust many people. She's loyal and wouldn't hesistate to help out a friend. When she finds something funny, she cracks a small smile which lights up her face. She caring to her friends and hates it when they're unhappy. She's also very easy-going around her friends also. However, many people don't see this side of her. All they see is the cold, y loser that's always reading a book or is outside doing nothing.

Her one and only true love is dance. It's a secret, of course, mainly because if someone were to find out that she liked dance, they would most likely make fun of her. Although she may seem steel-faced, harsh words can always hurt someone's pride and she was no exception. However, she could never fight her desire to be in a dance studio dancing to her heart's content. She loved dance. It was basically her life, no matter where she went or what she did. It was there for her when she needed to exert her frustrations or simmer down when angry.

Jaelin, in conclusion, is someone that is more than meets the eye.


  • Night time
  • Soft, cozy socks
  • Spicy food
  • Sweets
  • Water
  • OSTs from dramas or animes
  • Nature (especially plants. Cherry blossoms are her favorite)
  • Homecooked meals
  • Sleeping
  • Nutella
  • Pixar movies
  • Pokemon
  • Being alone


  • Dancing
  • Reading
  • Chocolate
  • Piano/violin/guitar/orchestra/classical music


  • Nosy/annoying people
  • Being asked lots of questions
  • Being told/asked rudely to do something
  • Being in large crowds
  • Wasting her time on petty things
  • Drinking
  • Losing an argument should the time ever come
  • Whining
  • When people don't close the door after they leave
  • Stains anywhere (i.e. clothes, tables, couches)
  • Mushrooms


  • Insects
  • Frogs
  • Waking up early
  • People hurting her pride
  • Fears of breaking/tearing something in her body (i.e. tendon, bone)


  • Dancing
  • Reading
  • Watching the stars
  • Listening to music
  • Doodling
  • Admiring/caring for the school garden when no one's looking
  • Swinging on the swing set when she's bored


  • Procrastinating
  • Spacing out when bored
  • Tuning out on listening when she finds that it's unimportant
  • Getting instantly angry when being woken up in the morning
  • Blocking everything out when she's reading
  • Narrowing her eyes when she thinks something is suspicious

Random facts:

  • Favorite colors are white, purple, and black
  • Thinks rain is peaceful and calming
  • Cannot ever raise one eyebrow (she ends up furrowing her eyebrows or making a stupid expression on her face)
  • She has an infatuation for piano. violin, and guitar and can play piano and violin quite well. Guitar is beginner for her.


Ulzzang: Hwang Ji Min



 Personal description: She often doesn't wear much make-up except for eyeliner and mascara. She has a tattoo located on the upper right of her back just behind her shoulder of the Korean hangul for love to represent her love for dance and a trail of bird tattoos that entwine her arm until the middle of her lower arm. She has two piercings on each ear lobe and another piercing on top left of her right ear. She has long black as night hair that reaches to her lower back and curls slightly at the ends. She also has purple eyes from her contacts.

Height: 173 cm, 5 feet 8 inches

Weight: 126 lb, 57 kg

Fashion sense: She dresses in mostly neutral and pale colors but there are sometimes exceptions. She loves any boots with heels as well as heels and flats and combat boots. Sneakers are like Vans, Nikes, and sometimes Converse are her love. The only shoes she hates is Toms. She just refuses to wear them. Depending on her mood, she likes to wear comfy clothes as well as dress up at times. Accessories for her are a must like watches, earrings, and belts, but she doesn't go overboard with the accessories. She also likes carrying around tote bags and clutches but hates cross-body bags. They just don't appeal to her. Oh, and she likes sparkly things sometimes too.





Others: For sleepwear, she usually just puts on a wifebeater with short shorts. In the winter, she sleeps with a long sleeve sweater and really fuzzy pajama pants.

Family Information

** Idols are allowed **

Mother: Kwon Min Seul/ Nguyen Michelle - 44, Alive, Anesthesiologist. Worry-wart. Caring. Sweet. Witty.

Father: Nguyen Vincent - 46, Alive, Surgeon. A bit strict. Funny. Wise at times. Caring but doesn't show it.

Siblings: Ok Taecyeon - 18, Alive, Student, Senior. Towards his friends, he is a pretty cool guy and is easy-going as well as out-going. He likes taking risks and love adventure also and is quite athletic being on the American football team. However, towards his sister, he's the meanest and rudest person to her. He does actually really love her even if they're not really real sibling but is not good with expressing feelings. That's why he's in American football. It lets him express himself in a way nothing else can.

Other relatives: None.

Family background: Jaelin was born into an upper class family and lived pretty well off. Her parents were loving people to their family and also to their patients. Although her parents left her to the nanny most of the time because of work, she still loved them and they loved her and the relationship was unchanging. When she was about 8, her parents brought in a new addition to her family, Ok Taecyeon. The parents had always wanted to adopt a child to bring him/her a better life, and when they saw Taecyeon, they felt as if he was needed in their family. Although the two bicker now, they used to get along well when they were kids and were almost like best friends. Taecyeon was the perfect older brother to her and would protect her from any harm. However, when they got into 6th grade, Jaelin started to get bullied by classmates because of her brother, who was starting puberty and was beginning to get into fights because he was getting more aggressive. Because the people her brother bullied knew they didn't stand a chance at him, they took it out on his sister. Although Jaelin tried to tell her brother, he didn't want to listen and was also aggressive to her. This was where the rift between them started, and Jaelin continued to get bullied all the way until Junior year for changing reasons. Taecyeon, however, changed over the years and took it upon himself to use his agressiveness productively and put it onto American football, but his relationship with his sister was damaged and he was bad with feelings so they continued to drift apart. Jaelin also changed over the years from being a normal, happy girl to a cold and unsocial one because she didn't want to show the bullies she was weak. She hated being weak. Finally noticing that their daughter was being bullied, they sent her to a school in Korea, sending her brother with her for "protection."

School Information

Grade: Senior

Housing: Dorms

Old or new student?: New

Best subject(s): Music/Instruments II, Creative Writing, Drawing and Painting

Worst subject(s): AP Physics, AP Psychology

Grade point average: 3.9

Social Information

Clubs: None.

Persona: The Unemotional Outcast

Friends: None.

Best friend(s):

  • Yunho (DBSK) - He's the kind of guy you would call the school's knight-in-shining armor. Always courteous and kind, he is the ideal type for any girl who love romance. He's there for everyone who needs him and is rarely ever rude or mean. He's easy-going and out-going and is also smart too. When he walks down the hall, he greets everyone with a smile. Basically, he's the perfect guy. However, he's slightly different if anyone messes with his friends. If they mess with them once, he'll politely ask them to stop. He also does this for the second time but is a bit firmer. When it's the third time, he will do something about it even if it does involve physical contact. He will defend his friends no matter what. Although he is "perfect", he still does have flaws. His perfectness is not only a good trait but also a flaw. Sometimes, when he gets a girlfriend, she often misunderstands him because he's nice to every girl. This is often why he's single, but he's never made a change to himself. He just simply doesn't care. Jaelin is his best female friend.
  • Xiah (DBSK) - He is the epitome of happiness and excitement. Never will you ever see him without a smile on his face. He is always happy and always excited even for the worst things in the world, like a test. He's positive about everything despite how bad situations are. It's just something he can't help. He's a ball of bright happiness and often spreads that happiness because he can't contain it. He gets often easily distracted and cannot pay attention for long periods of time. He also cannot stay still AT ALL and always has to keep moving whether if it's just a wiggle of his finger or tapping the table.He is also a bit of an airhead. Jaelin is his best female friend.

How you became best friends: Jaelin was outside reading under her favorite tree, the cherry blossom, when Yunho had came over to try to be friends with her. In the kindness of his heart, it pained him that she was always alone and being talked about and assumed that it was a lot to take on for one person. Well, that was the excuse he used. He actually wanted to genuinely find out more about her because there was so little known behind her cold persona. Soon enough, he saw that she had a certain, weird charm about her. He tried many times to be friends with her and keeps trying. She's rejected his offer many times, but over the weeks, she grew used to him being around and annoying her and finally accepted him as a friend. One day, he brought one of his friends that was interested in how he became friends with her. Xiah was his name and when he saw how Yunho was so fond of her, he too wanted to be her friend. Because of Junsu's cheerful never-giving-up-and-always-smiling attitude, she also got used to him as time passed. 

Love Interest

Top three:

  • Jaejoong (DBSK) - Jaejoong is basically the epitome of refined iness. He oozes it, no matter where he goes and doesn't really notice that he does it. However, contrary to his looks, his personality is absolutely horrendous. He's is cold to all, if not most, girls. He finds them the most annoying creatures on Earth. This is because he had a girlfriend before who basically almost ruined his life because of her needs and selfishness. However, to the guys, he's fun, out-going, adventurous, and loves to take risks. No, he's not gay, although people find him to be. He just thinks that guys are much less bothersome than girls are. He's a cold guy, that's for sure, but he is a good guy and lives by his morals.
  • Kikwang (Beast) - Kikwang's the -dropper in the school. He will literally any girl, there and now, just as long as they're alone and she doesn't have any carrying diseases like AIDS. He's basically down to any time, and often checks out girls as they walk by, rating them from 1-10. Yes, he's that guy. The guy that thinks of women like toys and nothing more. That's the only reason why he ever held contact with the female persuasion. He just wanted to fufill his ual desires and have fun. That was how he lived his life. Although he's like this, his friends don't really care. As long as them and their girlfriends (at the time) weren't involved with him, they were fine. Around his friends, he's the funny one to throw around erted jokes and loves to play around. He's a pretty nice guy once you get to know him. Kikwang, although the #1 enemy to the whole female persuasion, is not as bad of a person as everyone thinks he is.
  • Donghae (Super Junior) - Nice but too nice. Lee Donghae is categorized in this section of high school personas. He's the guy who most of the time has no backbone and can never really say anything bad about anyone. He just can't. Whenever he spouts something mean or rude to someone else, he has the strong urge to clean his mouth out with soap. He's way to nice that people take advantage of him most of the time and he's always the one that ends up with extra homework or in trouble. He just can't help it. This is because he knows what it's like to be on the other side of being insulted. He didn't want anyone to feel like that so he tried to become the nicest person he could be.

Links: Jaejoong - 1 2 3 || Kikwang - 1 2 3 || Donghae - 1 2 3   

How you met / your story: 

  • Jaejoong - Jaejoong had been wandering  the streets when he spotted her, she being a familiar person from school. He saw her walk somewhere with a look that said she was going to a certain destination and followed her. He followed her all the way to a private dance studio somewhere near the edge of the city. There, he became entranced with her dancing and wanted to find out more about her by asking anybody and everybody that had info about her. When he had come up with nothing, he debated for quite a long time, fighting with his dislike for girls and his curiousity growing about her. He was intrigued by her because of how much she could hide about herself in a place she goes everyday, and how much more there really is about her. They officially met when Jaejoong had approached her when she was reading her book. Stoic and cold, she brushed him off and acted as if he wasn't there. However, he kept persisting, not telling her he knew about her dancing. Eventually, he got fed up with her rejection and went to her dance studio as she exited. Alarmed, she immediately asked him to not tell anyone for fear of being ridiculed. He complied, but not without a few conditions... (I'll leave that up to you, but could you not make it like where she has to pretend to be his girlfriend or his slave or something like that? Sorry for being such a ...)
  • Kikwang - After calculating how many girls he hasn't ed yet, he ended up with 2 girls. Her and someone else. After ing the other girl, his goal was to bed her and officially be able to have the bragging rights to say that he had with every girl at his school. He knew she was a challenge, but he loved challenges and he wasn't about to back down yet, especially when he was up against his rival at who could the most girls. He had approached her carelessly and tried to make a move on her, only to get his balls kicked. However, he never gave up and continued to pursue her. However, he finds it hard to do it, considering that his jealous, totally-in-love-wtih-him childhood comes back from the States.
  • Donghae - Sympathetic to almost every lonely person, he feels like it's his duty to try to befriend them to lessen their loneliness, even if it's just a little bit. He and Jaelin meet at a convienience store to which he feels likes an opportunity has opened up to be her friend. However, she refuses, and he follows her all the way home to try to be her friend. As he continues to be her friend, he finds out more about her and how she's dealing with new life in a different country.

Your first impression of them and way you treat them:

  • Jaejoong - She thought he was the rudest person she could've ever met, minus drunks. She got the impression that he acted cool to look good in front of others and didn't really care about how others felt. In other words, she thought he was a total douche bag. She disliked him to the point of almost hating him. Almost. At first, she treats him with the cold shoulder and barely utters a word to him, despite his hard efforts to try to get to know her. However, as they progress in their relationship, they get more comfortable with each other and often tease one another. Also, they slowly begin to have more skinship with each other. Although they may seem happy, they fight more than they get along. This ranges from the most foolish thing in the world to the most serious thing in their lives and can last for days at a time, both stubborn not to give in. It takes the help of their friends to get them to get along again. She finds him impossible and always gets angry when he thinks he's right.
  • Kikwang - The first word that popped in her mind was STDs. She thought of him as a manwhore and someone who was merely a tool. Normally, she doesn't judge someone by how they look or the rumors about them, but when he had first approached her with an underlying reson to bed her, she believed all of the rumors right then and there. She was disgusted by him and when he approached her, she felt the need to get away from him. She treats him like he's a roach who won't ever go away. This, to some extent, is true. He's like a puppy that follows her around, trying to get her attention. Often, when he is seen with her, he is often the only one who is talking, and people assume that Jaelin just ignores him when really, she does actually listen to him from time to time.
  • Donghae - Donghae gave Jaelin the first impression of annoying. She didn't want him near her much less trying to befriend her. He was a nosy guy who got into her business, something she hated. He felt as if he was helping her open up, and in fact, he was doing exactly that. She just didn't know it. Donghae is always the one being nice to her, while Jaelin shrugs him off, something other girls find rude. Truthfully, she's a bit grateful he wants to e her friend, considering her personality. As they get more comfortable with each other, they have more fun and laugh more.


Their first impression of you and way they treat you:

  • Jaejoong - When he saw her around school on the first day, he thought nothing of her and just passed her off. She was like a nobody to him and he saw her every once in a while in the halls, but he didn't have any classes with her and could've cared less or even noticed. She was a nobody and he didn't have time for people he considered a nobody. However, when he became interested and intrigued by her, he noticed her so much more. Unbeknownst to him, she was becoming a somebody to him. When he approached her, the first impression that got him there was that looks can be deceiving. He thought she was a little and a cold girl who thought she'd be better off with no one, making him feel pathetic because of her rejection. When they get more comfortable, he often likes to and loves being near her as much as he can. He doesn't spout cheesy phrases because he knows that she hates those, and he goes old-school with courting her. He enjoys her company. He sometimes takes interest in some of the things she likes and does also.
  • Kikwang - After he'd seen her, he graded her body to her face, and concluded that she was an A in his book. However, when he approached her with his playboy charms, the first impression her got was crazy. This is because she had the audacity to reject a hot piece of man candy such as him. As their relationship progresses, he becomes more protective of her, something he's never done before. Because of her, he experiences much more than he ever did before, including feelings. He treats her like a best friend, and basically tells her everything. He awkwardly romantic towards her because he's never tried to woo someone the right way before. He often feels lonely without her presence, and often whines to her about a lot of things but enjoys her company. When they fight, he often gives up to give her the satisfaction.
  • Donghae - His first impression of her was that she didn't really need friends, and that she was fine by herself. He believed that to some extent because of her personality. However, his sympathy overpowered his reason and he believed that no one could be that happy without friends. He treats her like a little puppy that wants attention, and often laughs when she rejects it. He doesn't mind that she's rude to him because he thinks that it's just a phase. He enjoys spending his time with her because he finds her amusing.


Requests?: Could I have a lot of sad scenes or problems? Oh, and could you make it so they have A LOT pf problems before they become a couple? And when he asks her out/be his girlfriend, could you make it funny and flashy? Lol. Oh and could you not put really cliche lines like, "I left him because I didn't want him to get hurt" or something like that. You probabaly won't put cliche lines in there anyways since you're an awesome writer. 


Rivals: Kwon Songhyun (OC) - She is Jaelin's cousin on her mother's side. She was already going to school there and always had a long time crush on (love interest). She's one of the queenka's at school and finds it embarassing that she's related to Jaelin. However, she takes pride in being related to Taecyeon though. Songhyun bases everything on looks and is very vain. She can be snobby at times and ALWAYS whines. She often complains when things don't go her way and is basically the most annoying thing on Earth, no matter how pretty she is. She's a rival to Jaelin because Jaelin's always been smarter than her. That's just how it was. Songhyun had the looks and Jaelin had the brains, but the things that irked her the most was that Jaelin was both pretty and smart. (love interest) having taken an interest in Jaelin only added more fuel to the fire.


Others: Kwon Songhyun (Cousin)- Look above for personality. She treats Jaelin like any other person in front of her family but when somewhere else, she treats her as if she was disgusting. Her jealousy sometimes would kick up a few notches on certain days and she would do something outrageous to Jaelin such as throwing a bucket of water on her at school or tear out a page to one of her books. She's mean to her also, but it hasn't always been like this. Ever since, 7th grade, when Songhyun went to visit them in the States was when the jealousy started. This was because of how much JAelin improved in looks without even trying whereas she would try to look her best everyday with make-up. She just didn't think it was fair.


OMG Almost done!! *dies*

Extras: I wish you luck on your story. :)

Why do you want to be / should be chosen?: Well, I feel that the blooming of my character would be an interesting story, and it would be something (and maybe other readers) would enjoy reading. Although I may not know whether my character's story appeals to you or not, I take pride in her, and I hope you like her also. However, no matter what applicants you choose, I give you full support. :)

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