today I embark on a (short) journey

Goal number one:

Stay off the Internet for one full week.

Why ever would I want to do this? Well, because it's high time I reconnect with reality and the world surrounding me. Plus, social media is down right time consuming for me- I wake up and spend at least ten minutes on my phone- before I've even removed myself from my bed. That can't be healthy; even before I've greeted the world and stepped out of my bedroom, I've already checked tumblr, Facebook, the works. And it puts me in a certain mood. If I see a bunch of negative crap on FB that irritates me, I'm already annoyed for the day. And I haven't even left my room.

that being said, I do have a fic I'm working on. During this week as I get my head right and unplug, I'll write a teaser for it. I discovered, while trying to write a teaser, that my writing is in a slump right now; that is to say, it's directionless and sort of admittedly....bad. So one of my goals for this break is to reconnect with writing and my creativity.

I'll update on my feelings towards the outcome next Sunday, when the fast ends. Till then!


Oh and goal two was come back a prolific visionary who dominates the world and becomes famous but I forgot I prefaced this post with a goal.



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