♚} ( never'ending ) Oh Minhwan - maindancer


we are never'ending
'annyeonghaseyo. yes sir, we're one of a kind.






♚AFF Username: AyoWhatUpKrease
♚Hyperlink to your Profile: lulz. Don't laugh about how everything on my profile is Chanyurr...
♚Name: Krease is fine, orrrrrr Cheri.


Character Name: Oh Min Hwan
Nickname: Mint: His friends teasingly call him Mint due to his "fresh, clean image" as a piece of sarcasm. Minnie: Called it affectionately by random people that hate the nickname Mint. Minty: Cuter way to say Mint.
Age: 21
Ethnicity: Korean
Birthdate: October 31, 1991
Birthplace: Pyongyang, North Korea
Hometown: Pyongyang, North Korea until age of 17 | Seoul, South Korea as of age 18
Languages: Korean: Fluent | Mandarin: Basic [explained below.]


This is how to be a heartbreaker:
Minhwan, our dearest, is known as the playboy of the group and with good reason; it's completely one hundred percent true. His heartbreaker attitude is the thing that defines him the most in the eyes of the fans. He's mastered the image, and it didn't take much practice; he's cool, confident, and flirtatious to the extreme. Let's break it down into the rules of his personality.
Rule number one is that you've got to have fun:
Not many people can be considered as playful or as outgoing as Minhwan. On and off stage, Minhwan is always messing around in his own way; whether it be playing harmless pranks or teasing the other members. He's the type to grab a ball of snow and shamelessly stuff it down someone's shirt or pants, then run away laughing. Or he'll make vinegar bananas, or whatever. Minhwan's fun isn't only innocent, either; he's had several scandals for his known playboy ways and is a figure in the public that netizens love to hate. He's shameless and doesn't frankly give a damn if people hate him. He's always shrugged off their nasty comments with a cocky air that only serves to infuriate people even more. Minhwan is only really concerned with having fun; be it by playing in the sun or going out and partying all night. He's flirty and overly friendly and will have his hands all over someone within ten minutes of knowing them, and is rarely an angry person.
Rule number two, just don't get attached to someone you could lose:
Although seen by many as a friendly and open person, Minhwan is in fact not all that open. He seems open because he's so friendly and so easy to talk to, but after a while you realize you've somehow been hoodwinked into telling Minhwan everything about yourself and you still know next to nothing about him. His truest skill in life is keeping the people around him talking without contributing much to the conversation, just smiling and laughing when appropriate. It's just something in his wide, often false colored eyes that penetrate into your soul; you just feel like you could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge you. And it's true, Minhwan doesn't judge anyone and he doesn't ever really hold bad views about anyone. But it's not because he's such a kind hearted and open minded; it's because he doesn't really care enough about the people around him to actually care about what they tell him. He's a bit heartless, but it only shows when someone manages to anger him. There are many ways to anger Minhwan: go through his stuff, lie to him, call him stupid, or hurt his friends. When you do manage to piss Minhwan off, prepare for World War Three because he's going to come after you and he's going to be vicious. Minhwan will not hesitate to physically assault someone, though it is a last resort. Usually, he'll just make your life a living hell. Despite his pretty face and his seemingly fun and gentle heart, Minhwan grew up learning cruelty as well as love and can certainly drive a person insane with his darker side. Not only will he bully the person relentlessly, he'll accost and harm them or their stuff at any chance he gets. Usually it's not hard to earn back his good side; you just have to apologize and actually mean it. Unfortunately, not many people are smart enough to say sorry.
Minhwan is chatty, sure, but he doesn't like to talk about his life very much. He also doesn't like to answer questions because his brain works a little bit slower, and it angers him when he can't figure out the answer. If there's anything in life that Minhwan can't stand, it's being considered stupid. So when he goes on variety shows, it can sometimes be an uncomfortable affair. He doesn't like playing the riddle games or the math games and gets really embarrassed over how slow he can be. When MC's put him on the spotlight, he squirms and gets upset.
Background: [sorry for the sort-of sob story]
god bless the dead
Pyongyang, North Korea, October 31st, 1991; Minhwan enters the world kicking and screaming, a strong young man with lots of potential. From a very young age he was superior to the students around him; his mind developed faster, his body was healthier, he was more handsome than the other children his age. For a couple years, his family eeked out an uncomfortable and exhausting life, working grueling hours to provide the life they felt Minhwan deserved. But then Minhwan's father got an important promotion, they bought a house, Minhwan was accepted into a prestigious school, and his mother was pregnant with a daughter. 
And then there was the car accident; the one that gave Minhwan brain damage and killed his parents and unborn sister.
if you see god first, tell him sh*t got worse
Pyongyang, North Korea, December 3rd, 1997; Minhwan was in a coma for two weeks. He woke up three days before he was scheduled to be pulled from life support, but he was no longer the same person. His brain didn't function the same anymore, and he could barely control his own muscles enough to walk around. He was called a "miracle child" but he didn't feel like a miracle, he felt like . He lost his parents, he lost his baby sister, and now he lost his mind? His ability to move? Without any family willing to claim him, Minhwan was sent to an orphanage and was placed in physical therapy, and was also forced to take supplementary classes so that hs brain could function at a normal level. The boy who was once a genius, who could once run faster than any other boy in his class, was an invalid. He spent the next seven and a half years recovering, slowly but surely learning to move his body normally and to think at a normal rate. Dance was, shockingly, an amazing therapy for Minhwan. By dancing, he learned to control his muscles and even tone them. He worked hard until he was eventually able to run again, to dance freely. Looking at him now, no one would ever know that he was partially handicapped.
pain was a part of the game
Pyongyang, North Korea, August 20th, 2008; Life in an orphanage has been hard on Minhwan. No one wanted a boy like him, a broken and damaged boy. Even though he had been perfectly fine for the past several years, when people heard his record they turned and fled. And no matter how hard he tried, he could never be as smart or as intelligent as the other orphans. Minhwan was coming up on being eighteen and being kicked out of the orphanage, so he made a decision. He was never going to be a doctor or a surgeon, and hard labor was outof the question. So Minhwan decided he wanted to be an idol in South Korea; a career he thought would suit him well. Since it's dangerous to cross into South Korea from North Korea, Minhwan fled to China when he was seventeen, where he spent a year living with a man he hardly knew as he waited for his papers to clear. This was when Minhwan learned of his ual interests. The handsome older man he was living with, Zhen Chao, somehow managed to make Minhwan feel things he had never felt before in his life. He felt love, and more importantly, he felt loved. Chao was fierce and sometimes abusive, but he always apologized to Minhwan and treated him very kindly for a while after, buying him gifts and doting on him. Minhwan, who had been fighting with ruffians in the orphanage and taking beatings from nuns all his life, really didn't mind the injuries in exchange for the acceptance. However, close to halfway through 2010, Minhwan caught Chao cheating on him [with a girl] and decided he had put his career on hold long enough, and migrated to Seoul.
Dancing: It's basically what saved him from himself. If he would have continued being unable to move properly, Minhwan would have committed suicide.
Reading: He doesn't strike many people as an avid reader, but he really loves reading.
Alcohol: What's wrong with forgetting your problems and just having fun every once in a while?
Joking: He likes playing pranks and joking around, and cracks tons of erted jokes.
Spicy Foods: The spicier, the better! Minhwan loves super spicy, burn-your-tongue-off foods and loves tricking others into eating it too.
Cooking: Minhwan learned how to cook from Chao, and has been doing it ever since. He likes making things from all over the world, but his current favorite ethnic foods are Indian and Thai because of the curry and the spice.
Eye Candy: He likes having hot guys to look at, and is pretty excited about this new group. Living with guys all day? Sign me up!
Expensive Cologne: Unf. On him, sure. But on other guys? Death. He loves a guy that smells good.
Skinship: What can a guy say? He likes holding hands and mssing around with people Plus it makes them fangirls lose their .
Mornings: Does...anyone...like mornings? Well, if they do, they're crazy. If Minhwan had the choice, he'd sleep till noon.
Training: Not a big fan of bouncing around and inging his lungs out for hours, thanks. That's a lot of exersize.
Being called Stupid: Obviously no one likes this, but Minhwan especially hates it.
Sour Food: He just can't stand it, he has no tolerance for it.
Personal Boundary Violations: Okay, he doesn't dislike skinskip. He loves it, in fact. He just doesn't like nosy people going through his stuff.
Fattening Foods: He's vain as heck, guys. Gaining weight is a no-no. And therefore, delicious junk food is his arch nemesis that he sometimes has illicit love affairs with in secret, where the managers can't catch him stuffing his face.
Messy People: He's a neat freak, so he hates being around slob people because he has to go around and clean up after them.
Cooking: He's quite the little chef, but sometimes trolls members by putting wasabi in their dumplings or making vinegar bananas. But he's a good chef, so they want to trust him...
Cleaning: He can't stand messes or messy people, and compulsively cleans the dorm when it gets messy, hough he will complain and grumble about it.
Dancing: He practices dancing in his spare time and when he's bored, and often looks up videos for ideas for new dances. Right now he's trying to learn Latin based dances like tango and salsa.
Photography: He's an amateur photographer in his own mind. He doesn't walk around snapping pictures constantly, but has an expensive camera to take on trips with him.
Lip Biting: He bites his lip when he's nervous. It's really the only way you can tell that Minhwan is unsure of something because otherwise he is extremely confident and often appears fine.
Bites his Nails: He does this when he's feeling upset or sad. Minhwan isn't good at showing his emotions, so you have to look for his 'tells'. When something has made him sad, he tends to pick at his nails excessively, sometimes even drawing blood.
Fretting: He sometimes frets over people that he really likes but is afraid to approach, and he can be a bit naggy.
Oral Fixation: He constantly needs to be chewing on something in order to focus one hundred percent. Ever since the accident, his mind tends to wander.
Sleep: Minhwan is one of those people that needs tons of sleep to function and can be moody and violent if he's tired.
Hearing: Minhwan has selective hearing. He only hears what he wants to hear.
Tying Knots: Minhwan...can't tie his shoes. No one knows why, but it frustrates him to no end and he hates having to ask people to do it for him. It's a matter of pride, damn it!
Sleeping: For some strange reason, he prefers sleeping on the couch rather than in the beds. 
Crushes: He has several massive crushes at the moment... Basically on all of Infinite, though he must say Dongwoo has the most amazing ever and L is ultra handsome.
Singing: He sings in the shower. Loudly.
Violence: He's playfully violent
Skinship: He doesn't care if you just met, he's goingto grab you at some point in time.
Shippings: Yes, he has them and no, he's not afraid to tell the other members about who he ships. He will ship members and try his damndest to hook them up just for fun.
Social Networking: He doesn't do it, period. He has absolutely nothing. He doesn't want to have to be bothered with status updates.


Father | Oh Namjung  | 42 | June 15th, 1970 | Unemployed | Minhwan doesn't remember | Deceased, so they do not have a relationship really.
Mother | Oh Hyerim | 40 | March 30, 1972 | Unemployed | Minhwan remembers she was always smiling and cheerful | Deceased
Choi Junhong | 17 | Oct. 15th, 1996  | Maknae/Rapper B.A.P | Zelo, as he's more commonly known, can be just a bit awkward; like all B.A.P members. When put in front of girls or a camera, he can get a little weird and a little uncomfortable. Thankfully he has his hyung, Minhwan, to take pity on him and save him from the endless teasing and awkwardness. Minhwan tends to swoop in and save the day with his cheer and joking nature, allowing Zelo to open up a bit more. Zelo and Minhwan are close for their large and sometimes prank other members of the staff and groups. They're pretty notorious for messing aroundor hiding from their coodi's and managers for long periods of time, or taking off all together. It's really hard to get these two to be serious. | Not the best of friends, but they're trouble makers together. They've formed a special bond out of figuring out how best to annoy the living crap out of their stylists.
Bang Yong Guk | 22 | March 31, 1990 | Leader/Rapper of B.A.P | He's also sort of awkward, but he's a serious guy that famously "never gets mad" ....unless Minhwan is involved. For some reason, whenever Minhwan shows up and starts playing around, Yong Guk gets really irritated and yells a lot and chases him down. He's a dedicated leader who seems to smile under any circumstances, even when things seem to . Although he and Minhwan are prone to arguing and play-fighting, they get along in a strangely antagonistic way in which they both pretend to hate each other. | Weird frenemies relationship
Best Friend:  
Nam Woohyun | 22 | Feb. 8th, 1990 | Singer of Infinite | Troll, plain and simple. Woohyun is always playing around, always having fun, always harrassing and imitating other people. He's very light hearted and addicted to hugs and skinship, and can actually make Minhwan feel completely awkward and uncomfortable if he feels like trolling. Woohyun is...well Minhwan can't tell if he's into guys or not because sometimes he says things like "Ah, waaaae... Your looks so great in those pants!" and other times he's stalking female idols and dragging Minhwan along for quality bro time. He also never pays for the food or karaoke he brings Minhwan along too. He's pretty conceited and likes to be the center of attention, and talks a lot, but he's always cheerful and can be considerate when he's not trolling and teasing. | Minhwan is an Infinite fan boy, and met him at a fan signing. Woohyun looked up and laughed out loud when Minhwan held out his poster, and they started a weird conversation and somehow Minhwan left with his number. | Since they're busy, they don't see each other often. But they're very close and text all the time, and have been known to break free to spend a day wandering through town.



♚Love Interest: Aigoo, group member is fine. Or like. Yong Guk if we do b.a.p. cuz that frenemy stuff is funny...? I'm sleepy now....
♚Their Personality: I've rested since I wrote the love interest! Wooooo~ Lol. I need to do homeworrrk. Um. Let's see. A guy that would fit Minhwan:
He needs someone that can calm him down seeing as he's prone to act out and do crazy wild things or get into fights and torment people. He likes taking care of people to a certain extent, but also likes it when people take care of him. A guy with a troubled past might help him open up a bit more, but he'd probably have a hard time prying it out of a guy like that anyway. Minhwan doesn't really like people that are unfailingly cheery and bubbly and loud because he doesn't understand how they can be like that and views them as annoying little flies on the wall, but he could end up liking one of them after a while because he finds out new things about them that sheds nw light on them and makes him respect them more; like finding out how kind hearted they are and the nice things they do. Although Minhwan doesn't seem to keep people at a distance because he seems so friendly, he really is standoffish and doesn't like to be around other people because he naturally dislikes people. He's likely to fall for someone with a kind heart that doesn't show so easily, someone he learns about by experiencing them.
Yong Guk: Known as a buddha on Weekly Idol for his nerver angry nature and his gummy, approachable smile, Yong Guk is almost always doing a one-eighty around Minhwan because Minhwan really gets under his skin with his childishness. But He's a good leader and a kind hearted person that can smile through anything, even if he is a little shy and dorky.
♚Relationship: Probably that person (band) will view Minhwan as a friend pretty early because he's so easy to talk to and get along with and he seems really kind, but Minhwan has a secret distaste for them and doesn't count that person among his small circle of friends. 
If it's Yon Guk: Frenemies for sure, but Minhwan really admires Yong Guk for his warmth and his determination. Yong Guk is the type that always follows through with things and never yells; he's very different from Minhwan and Minnie likes that.


Character's Face: Yu Ha Min [gallery]
Backup Character's Face: Nam Woong [gallery]
Style: He's also a model, so he has to dress fashionably; he's contractually obligated to look his best every time he leaves the house. Although he's a jeans and tee-shirt or hoodie kind of guy indoors (or the type to just wander aimlessly in his Pororo pajamas) he's always keeping up with the latest fashions when he exits the door and is always dressed to kill. He recieves clothing from the modeling agency that he works under and is usually told how to pair the clothes because honestly? On his own he has no sense in fashion. He likes dark clothes (tends to dress like his ulzzang. I'm uncreative D: )
Others: Has both ears pierced, and has his catilige in his left ear pierced with a spiky hoop earing cuff that clings tightly to his ear. He wears colored contacts often.


*Stage Name: Min
Position: Main Dancer, Sub Vocal
Backup Position: Lead Dancer, sub vocal
Fanclub Name: Mints
Fanclub Color: How different is Mint green from sea green? Ehehehe... Can I do Mint Green?
Dancing Twin: Taemin from SHINee
Singing Twin: Taemin, from SHINee. Lol, he's an alright singer, and he's getting better!
Rapping Twin: Daehyun from B.A.P [in other words, he suuuuucks but tries]
Backflips: He can do backflips, yay!
Modeling: He models, yay!
Impersonations: He can impersonate people, yay! (Favorite is impersonating his manager, or Bang Yong Guk)
*Predebut Activities: Modeled for Calvin Klien and various other companies.


Suggestions: miiiaaaaanhe, I totally would think of stuff, but I have homework :(
Comments: Uhhhh, hope you like hiiiiiimmmmm. I have a love hate with him right now haha.
Scene Suggestion: mian, I'll think of some and ammend it when I can but right now nooooo.
Password: not a gif and you probably seen it but how cute and violent are they? Watch.



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