notice me! — turn in post

title the blogpost: notice me! — character name here
delete all hints please
press enter+shift when you're jumping paragraphs so as not to butcher the source
change the haein pics to your girl, the Leo pics to your love interest and voila that's it for the hints? 


character name

username • nickname • activity rate


Girls, why?

name » Lorem ipsum

nickname(s) » Lorem ipsum

birthplace & birthday » Lorem ipsum

hometown » Lorem ipsum

ethnicity » Lorem ipsum

languages » Let's stick to maybe 3 at most, with fluency only in one.

face claim » Name linked to a gallery

backup face claim » Name linked to a gallery


appearance » include height and weight, just so I can estimate. Any tattoos, earrings, birthmarks, and any really big differences from the ulzzang.

style » lool so I actually don't care a lot about this part usually because I'm not going to actively describe people's entire ensembles. This section is sort of just to tell me if she dresses hyper-preppy feminine or if she dresses goth as heck or where ever in between. telling me their basic style choices and maybe like their favorite accessories or weird clothing quirks they might have. Like for instance, the only jewelry I wear is watches and I have a favorite watch that I wear a lot. Some people always have their nails done. Those kinds of quirks, please.

" character quote or motto here "

" character quote or motto here "



plotline » self explanatory, right

personality » so like I said, quality and quantity. I believe in writing only as much as you have to-so if you can make the point and make it well in one paragraph then you go for it. Highlight, underline, bold, or whatever the important traits please. also I'd like to clear this up right now as advice to all your future apps- the best way to stand out is to be funny. Your character doesn't have to be hilarious, but at least describe her in a clever and funny way. Making a bunch of boring statements like "she's bold; she fears nothing and always does the right thing." is a lot less interesting than, "Joohyun is considered bold, mainly because she seems to fear absolutely nothing. In all actuallity she's kind of pig-headed and totally doesn't realize her is on the line- she's making a point, okay, consequences be damned." that's not my best line but it's okay to experiment with narrative styles in these sections. You can tell me a story, you don't just have to describe her. I won't punish you for being creative.

Likes » 5 or so
DISLIKES  » 5 or so
habits » however many
HOBBIES » however many
fears » fear your little heart out
TRIVA  » oblivion


(my) superhero(s).

background » only a few backgrounds matter to the plot you know? like everyones background matters but only a few people's backgrounds mke a difference to their plot. Please remember that Hyuk, Hongbin, and Hakyeon's backgrounds matter at least a little. In Hakyeon's, remember that she might have something that's holding her back from being who she really wants. In Hyuk's, there might be something that makes it so that she's uncomfortable with noona-dongsaeng relationships, and in Hongbin's well ya'll got a past so make sure you include that.


family » follow the format below
relation »  name » age »  occupation »  relationship (only really include how well you guys get along » personality traits (2+)


friends/rivals » follow the format below. all aside from nominator are optional.
nominator (could also be a family member) »  name » age » personality traits (2+) » occupation »  relationship (actually discuss this one a little) » how you met 

bestie »  name » age » personality traits (2+) » occupation »  relationship (actually discuss this one a little) » how you met 

rival »  name » age » personality traits (2+) » occupation »  relationship (actually discuss this one a little) » how you met 


love, lalala.

love interest » Lorem ipsum

backup love interest/Plot line » Lorem ipsum


personality » same as your personality. as long as your little heart wishes.

TREATMENT » when you're trying to decide if your BF is a good guy, it's actually better to look at how he treats other people. How he treats the waiter, a puppy, his friends, his enemies- these things can tell you a lot about a person. Here, I want you to tell me how he treats VIXX, the other girls, random people on the street. 


love story » Okay so here's the fun part right? Here's the part you tell me how you meet and fall in love. Gosh darn it guys if you don't follow the plot lines in this one and talk about, for instance, how Ravi feels when he realizes she's not an angel or what in the world causes Hakyeon to try and bring his love interest out of her shell, you'll be sorry. So to review and make it easier for you:
Leader: How does Hakyeon begin to bring her out of her shell and open up her inner wild child (if she even has one)? Why does he do it? How does she feel about that, and how do her feelings continue to develop into something more?
Vocals: Why doesn't she like Ken back, and how does her feelings toward Ken change? Why do they begin to change?
Rapper: How does she react to Ravi's way of treating her like some delicate little flower who he fears that he might corrupt at any moment? Does it make her angry? Does she think it's funny? Does she even notice? What happens when Ravi starts to see that he might be wrong? Does it change his feelings towards her, does she have feelings for him? What sparks their interest in each other?
Visual/Rapper: What is Hongbin's intention for picking her? What sparks his feelings towards her? Does she remember Hongbin? If so, does it make it awkward? If not, is she upset when she finds out who he is and why he picked her?
Dancer: Why doesn't she accept Hyuk's feelings? What finally pushes her to accept them? Does Hyuk ever give up?
Please keep in mind that these are guiding questions, and they don't have to be central to your love-line. These are questions that might spark you to consider their relationship but they don't have to be the on;y questions you address, they don't have to be a part of the relationship at all. I'm using them to get you thinking about how their relationships might be, not exactly how they have to be. capiche?


(Not so) sad ending.

comments/suggestions » for the story in general. like what funny things can I put the groups through. also, debut songs and other songs that might be on their debut album would be appreciated. try not to only use title tracks. also you should suggest solos for your character if you're a rapper or vocalist. leader, you are a vocalist. if you're just a dancer, like Hyuk, you can find me dance videos

scene requests » you better have at least a couple for me. center them around either their friendships between each other (the girls) or the boys. Or it could just be random stuff like a bug scares the crap out of her at three in the morning and everyone is out for blood but then they see that spider and they're like "....Hongbin-ah, come over right now. We have an emergency." because that spider is huge and they have him under a jar but dear god he's so big they can't squish him themselves.




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Here is Jinhwa~
Notice her please xD and hope you like it~ :3
Hello so its 2:48am in here and 1/4 of the app was filled up using my phone, sorry if there were some mistakes. I'll correct it when I wake up :-) (which is about 4 hours from now)
hiya im posting the app on my dummy account to prevent clutter so i hope you don't mind!