〈♚〉EMPRESS — Kim Sora


Kim Sora

Suki / Imperfection--/ 8
AGE 20
BIRTHDAY — 20/11/1993
ETHNICITY Korean-American
♚ — Korean;  Fluent/ Even though she was born and raised in the USA, her parents always spoke Korean around her so she can still keep in touch with her roots.
♚ — English;  Conversational/ Since she left America at an early age, she didn't try to keep the language as she couldn't speak English to anyone.

HEIGHT — 170cm
WEIGHT — 55kg

APPEARANCE She has a tattoo on her collerbone that shows a tiny image of birds. She has this symbol on her collerbone to show freedom. She has a heart shaped face with brunette straight hair. She is of average weight size as she hates being too thin and she hates being too big. She prefers being just right. Her skin color is quite fair which compliments her brunette colored hair.

STYLE 1 2 3 4 5 

(+) Independent, Weird, Nurturing, Levelheaded
(-) Awkward, Stubborn


PERSONALITY The first thing you’ll notice about her is that she is one awkward person.  She doesn’t  know how to respond to people who give her compliments, and she doesn’t  know how to give compliments herself. She will most likely go along the lines of “You have nice earlobes.” She doesn’t  know why she’s so awkward, she just is. She often say things that will cause the conversation to suddenly drop and a heavy awkward atmosphere will take its place. She laughs at things that aren’t supposed to be funny.  She says the wrong things at the wrong time, She doesn’t sugar coat so that probably makes things worse, and she’s just overall a really awkward person when she first meets someone. Don’t get her wrong, she loves talking to others, she just… she has problems with it. If it’s not for a job, she doesn’t know what to talk about. Once you get to know her, the awkwardness will slowly fade and you will learn she is really… different.

She is not a pessimist, she is not an optimist, she is a realist. She never looks on the bright side of things because often, that will give you false hope and it will be crushed when things don’t go your way. She doesn’t like looking at the negative things because who wants to live like that? She forces herself to look at things from a logical perspective, no matter how scary reality can be. Because of this, she may come off as negative, but she is just stating the truth. The perk to being a realist is that she’s level headed. She knows what is wrong and what is right. She knows how to plan ahead and what to do in tough situations. She knows what things will be successful and what will crash and burn. She has leadership qualities, but her awkwardness and inability to rely on others often gets in the way.

She will not, for the life of her, let anyone take care of her. She hates being taken care of. She does not want your help, she does not need your help. She is independent and she will stay that way. It’s a terrible trait, yes, but it’s the way she is. She can have a broken bone, a fatal injury, but even then she will refuse your help and continue on without rest. She hides her injuries. She will not tell you about it, she will not complain, and if you happen to find out(which you most likely wont since she has a wicked poker face and pain tolerance), she will not let you help her. If she has a fever and she’s sick beyond words, she will continue with whatever she needs to do and she’ll grit her teeth through it. If she can still stand and function, she will not rest. She doesn’t like showing weakness and will go to extreme lengths to hide it. Sora will hold her ground of stubbornness and she will keep going until she passes out and only then will you realize she was hurt. In this way, she is a hypocrite. She won’t let anyone take care of her and will hide her injuries, but if any one of herloved ones are hurt in even the slightest, she will not let you leave your bed until you’re back to health. She will nurture you even if you don’t want it. She’ll worry and fret and she wont stop until you’re healed.

Once you get passed the awkwardness and befriend her, she’s weird. She’s not afraid to embarrass herself in public and she will embarrass you along with her. She always has a smile on her face, even if she’s dying on the inside, and that’s just the way it is. She’s the one who makes serious situations seem harmless. If she was stuck in a scary movie, she’d be that one person who is joking even in life or death situations. She doesn’t really have the same thought process as everyone else, she doesn’t think the same as everyone else and she often does things that are just plain weird. She eats noodles without the soup, she apologizes to inanimate objects when she bumps into them, she forgets where my phone is when she’s talking on it, she say the most random things at the worst times and the list can go on forever. She is always cracking jokes and even in the most serious of situations, her dry humor will shine through. If she’s unhappy, she will still slip in a few jokes in there and laugh even though it hurts. 


Sora was born and raised in Oregon. She's the daughter of a vocalist trainer and a school teacher so she knows how to spit raps and keep her calm demanour. She has a younger brother, Chi Jun, whom she adores whole heartedly and their life was wonderful. Her elementary life was great and she made plenty of friends including Teen Tops L.Joe. However, at the age of 11, Sora's parents went through an ugly divorce. Sora moved to Korea with her father while Chi Jun stayed with their mom. Her dad got remarried to someone who already had triplets, and he was constantly doting over them, unconsciously forgetting about his real children. Sora continued on with her life, not caring much that she was fading into the background and continued on with rapping and school.

When she was 13, her biological mother dissapeared. Sora joined every sport and club there was to get away from her home and forget about the sadness. After practices, she would go to hip hop clubs and watch the underground rappers. The only thing that slapped her back into reality and got her back on her feet was Chi Jun. He moved in with them after the dissapearence and after a few months of Sora contantly leaving, he got fed up and forced to her to return home. She apologized fervently for causing him to hurt and she vowed never to cry or hurt him again. At 16, she found out that her long lost best friend L.Joe debuted into a band called Teen Top and that's when she decided to fix her life up. Even though she had major experience in rapping thanks to her father, she was still hesitant on going to auditions. However, seeing her former best friend (and crush) making it big in life made her even more determined to make herself known and finally decided on auditioning for SM. 

LIKESFood, sleep, Chi Jun, Sports, Running Sweets, Strawberried, Laughter, Cracking jokes and pranking people.
DISLIKES — Clowns, Spiders, Insects in general, When her hair is in her face, Salty and hard food, Standing still and being controlled. 
HOBBIES — Rapping, Running, Painting, Listening to music and sketching 
Cracking her wrists, Biting the inside of her cheeks, Bouncing her leg when she is sitting down, Blurting things out and ignoring things around her when she is annoyed
FEARS — Clowns, Failing, Making her loved ones upset
TRIVIA She has been training under her father since she was able to walk | Her dad actually wanted a boy so he treated her like one even after Chi Jun was born | She's allergic to seafood | She has a soft spot for kids and animals | She's really awkward when it comes to comforting someone and would most likely pat their back whilst looking away | She's not that good with technology | She failed the YG auditions so then decided to audiiton for SM
Father / Kim Junhyung / 56 / Vocal Trainer / 3
Mother / Kim Yeon-Ah / 53 / Teacher /  9

BrotherKim Chi-Jun / 15 / Student /  10
Step-MotherKim Melody / 47 / Housewife/  0
Step-SisterKim Mira / 10 / Student /  0
♚ Step-BrotherKim Micah10 / Student /  0
♚ Step-SisterKim Mina10 / Student /  0

♚  L.Joe/ Idol/ 20/ 9
♚  Zico/ Idol/ 217


— L.Joe
PERSONITY — He's playful and is often joking but just like Sora, he is outspoken, causing them to argue and clash more often then not. He gets really serious when it comes to rapping and he's over protective of Sora. He's the jealous type and it often gets in the way of things. He teases her a lot and he is always pulling pranks. His smile seems to never leave his face but he knows when to be serious. He's a smooth talker and can get himself out of a sticky situation. He's responsible and loving and can be really really weird at times.
HOW YOU MET L.Joe and Sora first met when they were in elementary school. L.Joe was the first one to appraoch Sora first giving her a banana at snack time. Ever since that encounter, Sora and L.Joe became insepreable. L.Joe was always protective of Hana from the first get go. He was always interested in rapping even at an early age which meant that Sora and L.Joe got along well because of their common interests. Even after Sora left for Korea, L.Joe vowed to himself that when he becomes famous he would find Sora once again.
INTERACTION — When they finally meet, Sora would be her awkward self. However, the awkwardness would go away as L.Joe would bully and prank her leading Sora into a fit of rage. L.Joe would always be teasing Sora whenever he has the chance. I guess you could say they have a love-hate relationship. Even though L.Joe doesn't like to admit it, he gets jealous easily when Sora interacts with other males and would be super overprotective.
RELATIONSHIP — Best Friends 


— Zico
PERSONITY — When you first meet him, one word will come to your mind. Jerk. He will be mean to anyone he meets, but suprinsingly he has a soft side for anyone who are alone in life. He doesn't want to show that he wants to comfort them and befriend them but he tries to get away with that hidden personality every time because he just hates it when people are alone in life. 
HOW YOU MET — Zico and Sora first met when Sora was going through her rebellious stage and attending underground rapping. It was there when Sora first laid her eyes on Zico. He caught her attention because of his charismatic rapping skills. After he had finished rapping she decided to get out of this place and it was there then when Zico saw Sora. He followed her out of the place and decided to talk to her when she was alone. 
INTERACTION — When Zico first meets Sora, he would be his usual jerk self as being "nice" was forgein to him, especially towards girls. However, after seeing how awkward Sora was, his playful side started to show and from then on, their friendship started to blossom


— Krystal
PERSONALITY One word decsribes Krystal. Manipulative. She can manipulate anyone with her ulzzang like face. The only thing she cares about is money and her career. She would use anyone just like that. She has a know-it-all attitude and demands attention on her all the time. She acts like a princess always treating her staff like slaves.
HOW YOU MET Sora and Krystal first met when they were in America. She was Sora's younger brothers first crush and she crushed his heart so Sora helf a grudge against her over time. It also doesn't help that Krystal also has her eyes set on Sora's lover.
INTERACTION — When Krystal first meets Sora she would bring up the past and use her brother against her. She knows what makes Sora tick and she uses it against her. However, throughout it all, Sora tries to ignore it all and even makes an effort to befriend her.
RELATIONSHIP — Krystal was Chi-Jun's first love but she broke his heart. Sora knew something was iffy with Krystal as she was so much older than him and she knew something was off about her.
PERSONA Awkward Turtle
POSITION Main rapper, vocalist
BACK-UP POSITION — Lead rapper, visual
FANCLUB NAME — Soring Star's
RAPPING TWIN Amber (fx) + Woori (Rainbow)
FAMOUS LAST WORDS I hope you like my character author-nim! Hehe are those my chemical romance lyrics :o Hwaiting!
PASSWORD I saw this on the updated section and I thought it looked really good! :)
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