Behind The Scenes | Tae-Hoon | JYP's Male Producer

Park Tae-Hoon


nickname — Typhoon

activity rate —  8 of 10


name — Park Tae-Hoon

nickname — His younger sister calls him Typhoon because sometimes he is like a ticking-timb bomb.

birthdate — 20 November 1990

birthplace — SF, USA

hometown — SF, USA

ethnicity — Half Korean-Half Japanese

language — Korean: Fluent | English: Conversational
Weight — 60kg
Height — 180cm

Don't Take your eyes off of me, Cause You will fall for my charm

face claim — Lee Seung Jun

gallery — <1> <2> 

backup face claim — Park Ji Ho

gallery <1> <2>


appearance — He has plugs on both ears as well as various tattoos around his body. He has a sleeve tattoo on his right arm showing a picture of music notes and lyrics. He also has a tattoo on his collerbone of a white dove and music notes which has a close meaning to him as he feels that in music you can be free to express yourself in whatever form you want.

fashion style — Tae-Hoon's fashion sense is very unique. He normally wears "hipster" clothing which consist of a snapback or beanie (he will not leave the house without this), black skinny jeans and a tanktop with graphic designing or checkered t-shirts. He usually wears sleeveless shirts so he can show off his sleeve tattoo. 

You, you, you, Its all about you

plotline — JYP's Male Producer 

traits — Positive- Levelheaded, Nurturing, 4D  | Negative- Awkward, TickingTimebomb, Stubborn, Independent

personality — 

The first thing you’ll notice about him is that he is one awkward person. He doesn’t  know how to respond to people who give him compliments, and he doesn’t  know how to give compliments himself. He will most likely go along the lines of “You have nice earlobes.” He doesn’t  know why he's so awkward, he just is. He often say things that will cause the conversation to suddenly drop and a heavy awkward atmosphere will take its place. He laughs at things that aren’t supposed to be funny.  He says the wrong things at the wrong time, he doesn’t sugar coat so that probably makes things worse, and he's just overall a really awkward person when he first meets someone. Don’t get him wrong, he loves talking to others, he just… he has problems with it. If it’s not for a job, he doesn’t know what to talk about. Once you get to know him, the awkwardness will slowly fade and you will learn he is really… different. He is not a pessimist, he is not an optimist, he is a realist. He never looks on the bright side of things because often, that will give you false hope and it will be crushed when things don’t go your way. He doesn’t like looking at the negative things because who wants to live like that? He forces himself to look at things from a logical perspective, no matter how scary reality can be. Because of this, he may come off as negative, but he is just stating the truth. The perk to being a realist is that he's level headed. He knows what is wrong and what is right. He knows how to plan ahead and what to do in tough situations. He knows what things will be successful and what will crash and burn. Once you get passed the awkwardness and befriend him, he's weird. He's not afraid to embarrass himself in public and he will embarrass you along with him. He always has a smile on his face, even if he's dying on the inside, and that’s just the way it is. He's the one who makes serious situations seem harmless. If he was stuck in a scary movie, he's be that one person who is joking even in life or death situations. He doesn’t really have the same thought process as everyone else, he doesn’t think the same as everyone else and he often does things that are just plain weird. He eats noodles without the soup, he apologizes to inanimate objects when he bumps into them, he forgets where his phone is when he's talking on it, he says the most random things at the worst times and the list can go on forever. He is always cracking jokes and even in the most serious of situations, his dry humor will shine through. 

He has good patience. He doesn’t let things get to him, he doesn’t get angry when people are being idiots, he knows how to wait for what he wants. He doesn’t mind when people try to degrade him or put him down and he will take it with a small smile. You can scream at him, curse him, threaten him- and he will not bat an eyelash at you. You just have to remember that he's a ticking time bomb; the more you tamper with him, the bigger the consequences. So yes, go ahead, insult him. But he will get you back. Once you’re done yelling at him, when you think you’ve won, he lets herself explode. He will point out every insecurity, every flaw, every bad thing you’ve done and he will roast you for it. He will not hold himself back and he will show no remorse and no mercy as he tears apart your self esteem and makes you mentally crippled. He will not, for the life of him, let anyone take care of him. He hates being taken care of. He does not want your help, he does not need your help. He is independent and he will stay that way. It’s a terrible trait, yes, but it’s the way he is. If he has a fever and he's sick beyond words, he will continue with whatever he needs to do and he'll grit his teeth through it. In this way, he is a hypocrite. He won’t let anyone take care of him, but if any one of his loved ones are hurt in even the slightest, he will not let you leave your bed until you’re back to health. He will nurture you even if you don’t want it. He'll worry and fret and he wont stop until you’re healed.

background — 

Tae-Hoon was born and raised in San Francisco, California. He's the son of a Korean boxing trainer and a Japanese music teacher so he knows how to pack a punch as well as create a masterpiece of sound. He has a younger sister called Sora, whom he adores whole heartedly and their life was wonderful. His elementary life was great and he made plenty of friends. However, at the age of 11, Tae-Hoon's parents went through an ugly divorce. Tae-Hoon moved to Korea with his father while Sora stayed with their mom. His dad got remarried to someone who already had triplets, and he was constantly doting over them, unconsciously forgetting about his real children. Tae-Hoon continued on with his life, not caring much that he was fading into the background and continued on with producing music and school.

When he was 13, his biological mother passed away. Tae-Hoon went through the motions of mourning but it took a toll on his physical and mental health. He was in and out of the hospital because of stomach problems and he wouldn't talk to anyone. He wouldn't come home, sometimes days at a time, and he would spend all his time at the boxing ring or at school. He joined every sport and club there was to get away from his home and forget about the sadness. After practices, he would go to hip hop clubs and watch the underground rappers.  The only thing that slapped him back into reality and got him back on his feet was his younger sister Sora. She moved in with them after the funeral and after a few months of Tae-Hoon contantly leaving, she got fed up and forced to him to return home. He apologized fervently for causing her to hurt and he vowed never to cry or hurt her again. At the age of 14, he decided to pursue his career in music as he wanted to commemorate his mothers death as well as doing something that he enjoys and thrives in.

likes — 
- Sora
- Running
- Cracking Jokes
- Pulling pranks on people
- Strawberries (He eats it everyday)

dislikes — 
- Clowns
- Salty and hard food 
- Standing still
- Being controlled
- When people tells him what music to produce

hobbies — 
- Boxing
- Listening to music
- Sketching

habits — 
- Cracking his wrists 
- Bouncing his leg when he is deeply into producing
- Ignoring people and everything around him when he is producing music 

trivias — 
- He's been training under his father since he was able to walk
- His dad was tough on his as he wanted to produce a man
- He's allergic to seafood
- He has a soft spot for kids and animals
- He's really really awkward when comforting someone and will most likely pat them on the back whilst looking away
- He's not that good at cooking (He nearly set the house on fire when he was 16)

The people that have given me unchanging love and courage

family — 

— Father | Park Junhyung | 56 | Boxing trainer | Controlling, Tidy and neat, tickingtimebomb | Tae-Hoon and his father rarley talks as his father is too busy with his step-children. They will say hi once in a while and will only talk when necessary.

— Mother | Park Yeon-Ah | 52 | Music teacher | Kind, Patient, Caring | Deceased

— Sister| Park Sora| 16 | Student | Hyper, Baby-like, inpatient | Tae-Hoon and Sora are like best friends. They are always teasing each other but inside they love each other so much. 
— Step-Mother | Park Maya | 47 | Housewife | Stuck-up, rude, a snob | Tae-hoon and his step-mother rarely talks to each other. Tae-hoon usually ignores her presence and vise versa
— Ste-Siblings (triplets) | Minah, Mira, Mica | 13| Students | Loud, manipulative, can't keep secrets | The 3 triplets tend to annoy Tae-Hoon to max knowing that he will explode. They will then report it to their mom and get Tae-Hoon in trouble. They usually will do anything for him to get into trouble with their parents.


Its a rope that bonded us together

friends —  

— Best friend | Kim Hana | 20 | Student in Uni | Mature, Calm, Playful | Hana would usually be the mature one out of the 2 whilst Tae-Hoon would be the immature one even though he's the oldest. Hana would usually be the umma and help him with his problems about producing and she would constantly be giving him advice | Hana first met Tae-Hoon when Hana was 16 and Tae-Hoon was 18. He was a trainer at a boxing gym (a part-time job) and Hana was his student. 
— Other applicants in JYP | Friends 



Lovey dovey Dovey oh oh~ 

love interest — Any other male or female applicants :)

backup love interest — Hana (OC)


personality — Hana:  She is playful and is often joking, however, Hana is more mature than Tae-Hoon. She is the serious one out of the 2 and is always telling him off for doing stupid things. However, she's the jealous type and it often gets in the way of things. Her smile seems to never leave her face. She is a smooth talker and knows how to get things her way.

relationship — Hana: Tae-Hoon and Hana are like the Spongebob and Patrick. They are the most compitable duo even though they may not seem alike in some ways. She is always lecturing him on his life as she wants the best for him. However, at times, their roles get switched around, especially when it comes to music as Hana would be the playful and teasing one whilst Tae-Hoon would be the serious and mature one.

i Hope you make it!

comments/suggestions — Hwaiting author-nim! Good luck!

scene requests — 

password — BTS FIC (Omgg I love BTS!! "Jimin you got no jamz!" xD)

turn in — back to the story


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