I forgot all about this!

So, in my junior year (11th grade) of high school, I had to do a culminating project to graduate, most people do this project in their senior year or their last year, but I didn't want to worry about it so I ended up doing it in my junior year. I ended up writing a book and self-publishing because I'm not good enough to actually write books and get them published. But anyways, the book is full of vignettes, not really stories but not just a descriptive scenes, they're like blog posts except more pretty writing like and if you want to read it, um, you can go buy it on Blurb right here. 

It's not much, but I just remembered that I wrote a book and people actually liked it, and it's short so there's that, fifty pages and each vignette is a page and a half long which isn't that long. So there's that, also, I'm "working" at a Yoona Request Shop and that's here.  (When it's not busy, someone should request anything BUT Exo, omg.) Also, I'm not dead, contary to belief and I miss everyone. So, I'll be active on Twitter and everything, cry over the fact that the angst circle is perfect and leave random comments on people's walls because I can. Lololol, jk. 

My plans involve having a nice little ChangYoon one-shot up by my birthday, ugh. And 500sunny500 is stopping her Yoona fanfics, cries a billion tears. Um, maybe some Kaistal murder too. But yeah, that's that. I need to talk to you people more often.Talk to me. I'm not an alien.


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you have a twitter?????
(also cries with you about the angst circle's perfection)
"someone should request anything BUT Exo, omg."

lol omg me too