in which i rant and get emotional.

Two things first: 

1. Why does capitalization matter?

I really don't understand. There are some users on this site who are off putted by the lack of capitalization. And I would like to know why. My writing has been casted aside because it isn't proper. And not even that, but at the same time, people have been hurtful and commented on it in a repulsive way. Yes, I am hurt. Yes, this will bother me. No, I will not cater to your wants. 

Here it is: if I am going to write, I will write in my own style. If the words still speak to you, if you can still read it and be touched then why is it necessary for you to comment on the appearance? 

The lack of capitalization doesn't always happen. And I love it because I feel more free, it brings in a punch, not everyone employs it, but I love it to pieces. And if you feel it's necessary to say you were off-putted by it, I want to know why. To me, the text becomes more raw and it's only to emphasize it. 

Please refrain yourself from telling me: I wish you used capped it. Ew, ugh. Etc. What hurts the most is that you decided to overlook my whole story in disgust just because I wrote it in lowercased. 

2. I really like Writing. 

And I beat myself up because most of my stories that aren't ChangYoon or a popular ship will be ignored by the whole masses because it isn't a popular shopping. And that's hard. It's so hard to still be here and believe I'm improving because I write something that isn't familiar to the world. 

Which also because no one really knows the personality of any of these idols. We only know them on a superficial level. Please, just take the time to get out of your comfort zone. Read something that you usually wouldn't read. Expand your horizons. There are writers in this community who write beautifully and they aren't being noticed because it's not in your realm of beauty. 

No, I'm not saying this on my behalf. I'm saying it in general because I've been on this site for five years and I barely ever believe my writing is worth the read. I'm always so happy when I see a comment on my stories, anywhere, any time. And I may not reply to them, but I go back to them every single time I get upset with myself. 

Your words mean the world to someone out there. Start using them for the better. You can break or make someone with them. 







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Do what you love. If it's a story of a ship that isn't popular, it doesn't matter because you write well and love doing it. Also, the ppl that read your fics, even when it's not as popular of a ship, really like your stories because to them those ships are important. It's hard finding a story when the pairing isn't as popular