No updates for a while.

I already posted this in my fic but I'm re-posting it here as well as I will probably won't update for a while....................


Okay guys, please bear with me here.I just got a phone call that a person whom I consider to be like a little brother to me is in the hospital because of his diabetes and is very very sick. He was transferred to a different hospital out of town a few hours ago and they may be putting him into the ICU (Intensive Care Unit)  as it is very serious. That being said I am in no state of mind to finish my chapter that I was going to put up. I can barely think straight to type this out as it is......... I'm scared and worried for him and I'm just one giant panicky ball of emotions at the moment. Thank you guys for all your patience and support.

Thanks guys. 


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Merry Christmas ^.^ so sorry about your dear friend :( hope he gets better soon. I'll pray for him :)