Possible Giveaway....

I have 248 subscribers.... and yet only a few who actually comment. Don't misunderstand, I don't write purely for the comments, I write for myself and because I enjoy it. Comments are a lovely bonus and often make my day.

I was thinking to reward the awesome subscribers who do comment and inspire me to write more, although I have been lacking in the writing department. I have some extra posters (Mainly SNSD) that I will never use and they are just kinda chilling and one SNSD cd but but it's one of their early ones. They are used as I got them from someone else but decent condition none the less.

Would anyone be interested? It would be open to anyone, from any country. 

Let me know. 

The giveaway wouldn't be for a while though as I am moving to a new apartment in April as well as doing my unviersity exams and will be very busy.


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