Inspiration what?

So I've been having a lot of trouble finishing up my Everyone Loves Jello story. Then tonight out of nowhere here comes the perfect connecting event. Ten minutes and I have two pages written, typed, and revised? Say what?! I blame the fact that I've been sitting here listening to music for the past three hours >.> That and I'm bored out of my mind... XD haha funny how that works. I feel like I haven't posted on here in forever and I feel so bad towards my readers TT^TT I'm a bad author for taking forever to update but...they want a good story right? lol Anyways I'm hoping this story will be finished before the end of the week so I can start focusing on other stories that I've been working and needing to work on >.>;; *cough* Gonjiam Falls *cough* u_u;; galaxydies is gonna kill me if I don't get working on that I think >3>;; especially after all the work that's gone into it already...

On a completely unrelated note I think I'm going to try and watch the sunrise from the beach this Saturday...maybe I'll get inspiration to write a whole bunch. That or I'll end up exhausted and bored... >.> And I'll get off that train of thought because paranoia will kick in XD haha. Well it's almost 12am and I have work in the morning so I guess I better go to sleep...Hopefully I won't be kept up thinking of Everyone Loves Jello XD then again that might be a good thing cause I'll actually be motivated to finish it. haha Anyways this has been JelloChan~ tune in soon to hopefully have a fully completed fanfic :DĀ 


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Kreecherkai #1