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 Can i just disappear? I hate it. I hate living with these stupid people in this stupid house in this stupid state in this stupid country. I can't anymore. I know once I leave, I will be so happy. I'll be away from people who put me down. Sigh.. I'm sick of my mom calling me a loser. I'm sick of my sister hitting me and calling me fat. I'm sick of my other sister telling me that I'm not good enough. I'm sick of it. I hate it when they talk about me behind my back. I hate it how my mom just pretends like I'm not even there, how she treats my two younger sisters better than me. How she treats me like I'm a up and there's no amount of anything that will change that. I feel like I'm dying and it seriously hurts. I wish I could just sleep forever, only to wake up when everyone is gone. I just.. I can't wait to leave. I want to run and never look back because I'm so fed up with all of their . Sigh. Fml. 


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