My subbers are being mean to me :(

okay, so I haven't updated my story Hey Seoul Sister in over a month, and I lost a subber like 2-3 days ago, so I decided to explain why I hadn't been able to update, and in return, you know what happened? I lost another subber!! ugh this is so frustrating!! so since I'm scared of losing more subbers, I'm gonna force myself to update even though I am sick with a cold and sore throat+cough and headche right now. so yeah, thanks to my subbers that actually bothered to stay with me. I love you guys :3 any who, hope y'all will look forward to the update :D


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oh don't worry it'll be okay
I lost 2 or 3 subbers too bcus I decided to make my ending the way i like it , but instead they unsubscribed , so I made it a happy ending , the ending they always wanted . Its not much of a problem they chose endings , but why unsubscribe and stop reading , stop commenting , its pretty wasted if I made another decision and they missed it . I'm sorry for ur situation and I hope you get well soon :)
i also lost subbers... but idc, hehe ^^