Way to go S.M Entertainment! :P

See the thing is, JYJ is being COMPLETELY DEPRIVED of the right to be on shows and have shows of their own. read this article:


Don't y'all think S.M was behind this too? And even after the Seoul District Court ruled in JYJ's favor!**(look below)

If S.M is involved in this, this is my official statement to them, and I'm sure others will agree:

"Okay listen S.M Entertainment douche-bags, I don't give a damn if some of my favorite k-pop groups are from your company, JUST LEAVE JYJ ALONE...!!! Jeez they didn't like y'alls treatment so they left, don't they have that right? What the hell are y'all getting from bringing JYJ down huh? Cuz if its for pleasure I swear y'all are going to burn in the fiery depths of hell!!!"

a VERY pissed off JYJ fan :P
Yeah, i'm not an extreme Cassie, but i do support JYJ all the way. As for the "TVXQ" thats promoting right now, in my eyes they aren't TVXQ, they're merely HoMin. TVXQ isn't TVXQ unless all FIVE freakin members are on stage.

**Take a look at this- http://www.allkpop.com/2011/02/seoul-central-district-court-dismisses-both-of-smes-injunctions-against-jyj

Okay, let me stop ranting and go to bed. Peace Cassies! Always Keep The Faith ;)


-Chai <3


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T-Rexelle #1
Well SM sure knows how to well. (: But ayyy, if I was SM I'd be pretty pissed off that they left too. I think SM felt betrayed more than anything by JYJ. I'd be out for something in' revenge if I were a company. AND HEY, I have all the power, so why the hell not have some fun ? (: PLUS, SM poured so much money into these boys. I WANT MY MONEY BACK. (lolol, miley cyrus dad reference)