For readers of my May/June fics

Hello readers of [Love Song in May] and [June's Promise] - my collection of cheesy n so-called mysterious stories that has zero dependency on idols(i think, hope) to get i think. but really they're more cheesy(but definitely NOT fluff). don't even bother if you're not fan of those stuffs n just clicking in this post randomly...

this is transported from the fic. because it's too long for author's note and from my experience...the readers always end up only commenting on what's asked in author's note and totally ignore/forget about the fic itself... i'd rather not get such comment in the fic...just comment about the fic in there...and comment about your opinion on what i have to ask, here. clear?


i've been toying with this idea....since seeing May and June in my fanfic list....i can't help the temptation of wanting to see other months appearing as gives me idea....of having mini stories/sequels sort of, for each month. but this is risky...since i lose interest first i just think of dragging it into July/August since obviously i won't be able to tell the story to finish in June...since time moves oh so slowly in my but then yeah...i started to think...wae no December? that's my month. and then i thought...then if we reach December...might as well continue with the rest of months.../greed greed/

of course, this is NOT confirmed. i was thinking of adding characters for each month, n i received a reader suggestion that it doesn't have to be for love relationship alone....bcuz honestly...that'd be a little too unrealistic to have like 12 love interest in a year when you had none for over 10 years. i wanted the story to be mysterious, but not downright wtf/eventhough it already kinda is/. xD...i thought i couldn't deal with so many different relationships...but who knows...come to think again...there are possibilities of delving into more age-issues with more diverse people from different walks of life and different relationships introduced...though i really don't know since i'm not living her life/ least not yet. i don't believe much in research alone in building a character's life...because to me, everyone leads a unique life...that can't be achieved/studied through research cuz their experiences are authentic.


I'm just worried if i lose interest halfway the journey when i get more acquainted deep to the story...bcuz if i'm going to make like 11-12 sequels...then it means some aspects will be inter-dependent on each other n not solved in a fic...but somewhere along one of the sequels. wow...idk what i'm even talking/bricked/....try to understand on your own bcuz i'm tired to explain. fine...i'm trying to explain now...

let's say if i've collected a few secrets/mysteries to start being revealed after 8th month...but i suddenly got sick of the whole thing during the fifth month n want to might affect the flow...because i'll have to reveal it all or not reveal but rush things to be finished on fifth month or change the ending or something...because this is not like...12 chapters...but a chain of 12(or more?) inter-related little fics that are dependent of each other. many things can change within a year since i get fed up n annoyed n sick n bored easily. but if it happens, then it's a new personal achievement for me n honestly...despite being sequels, each month will be a new beginning n have the burden ain't that much...bcuz i try to keep mindset that the fic will end at the end of month and the next month's fic is something new in a way.

So what do you think? Any opinion? At least take the poll if you're that lazy to comment...though i hope those who read would leave at least a line or two comments at the fic itself since i hatedislike silent readers n i don't want to hatedislike my readers really. i even write while being sick bcuz i worry i couldn't finish it on time n you'll be given a crappy rushed ending by the month-end.

another poll you could take to help me even if you're not a reader...xD

After being a nameless character for one whole fic and 4 chapters of 2nd fic....'her' finally gets a name. i think as for the guys, they need to be more mysterious since i don't want their names/celebrities who inspire the characters to determine the readers i get....bcuz meh...not that it'll change anything on my side...but if...

if i do make it into this...12/13 fics the end of the fics....i might...disclose groups which has the member where the characters were inspired n modified from, or if it's actor/other celebs...i'll just name their show/company or sth...but that's only if i make it into 12/13 fics...NO promise.

This is all still in 'just a thought' stage...with a little planning ahead...

That's why I want to hear my readers opinions...just leave it here...not like it will dictate my decision...but it might help make the voices in my head more reasonable...bcuz this is first time i'm having this weird 12/13 separate but interdependent fics. it's strange for me since i never done it but somehow...thrilling? lol.



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I say go for it!
I like this monthly thing but if u think u might get tired of it
U can just start the new month and write about it till u get more ideas for ur own month?
Or somthing..
Ambad at these kind of things but yes definatly cont
And if u need ideas then.. Am here? XD maybe/coughs/