EXO Kris

So, I still hear people complaining about Kris and SM Ent. I mean, I know you all miss him and I do too but don't you guys think it's a little too much? All that, "EXO isn't one without Kris" "EXO will never be the same" "12-1=0", etc.

Honestly, I hate when people say EXO is nothing without Kris. Have you all seen how tired they look after Kris has left? They have been working their asses off to make us happy. When Kris left, they had work harder than ever. Even after their BIG concert "The Lost Planet", they still have all those other live shows to do.

Don't you guys think that..SOME exo fans only want Kris back, is because they want to fangirl over their oppa only? Like, unless you want to see your oppa pass out or die on stage then keep begging him to come back. He has Myocarditis if you noticed.

Seriously, can those "EXO is nothing without Kris" type of stop? If you are really a true EXO fan, we will support the remaining 11 other members instead of ing about how Kris left. What's done has been done. There's no turning back. If you were in Kris's position, and you see all those comments about EXO is nothing, etc. How would you think he feel? He wouldn't want that, right?

So, we should all just support Kris's decision and also support the other 11 remaining members.


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i miss Kris ;(
you are so riye..*sigh... i miss kris but... i still support exo no matter what... the hve been working double hard to make sure the fans means WE feel satisfied and happy with their performance... Stay strong EXO
You're right, authornim. We , as EXO fans, must support them continuously. EXO will always be EXO. Just keep on supporting them. Show them our love and encouragement. And of course, support Kris as well. I don't know what to say about this issue. It's really sensitive. I know it hurts all the fandom but, for the sake of our love for them, I think we must be one! That's all I can conclude for now.
Ps: Sorry, authornim. But, I just can't take this war or whatsoever they name it. I want us to be like before. Thank you.
I really do miss him, but support him for his choices <3
I agree with you! I miss Kris a lot... but the members r doing an awesome job still, and i love them.