All Lives Matter!


#All Lives Matter


In memory of all the non-corrupted police officers who were killed on the line of duty.



         For all the people living in the United States, I  am sure you guys have heard of the Dallas, Texas shooting that took place the other night where a sniper shot and killed five police officers and injuring another 6? Anyways, are there any protests fighting for justice and against the police, being held in your town/city? There is a huge protest being held in my city right now and they are still continuing the walk and it is already 9:00PM. 


        HOWEVER, if any of you guys have heard of all these riots and protests being stirred up in the country, what do yall think about it? 


         I just want to give my thoughts on this. Honestly, I don't believe that the protests being held is wrong but I don't think that it is right either. You are protesting for your constitutional rights but it is no longer right when you are disturbing public peace. You are marching through the streets, yelling and causing huge riots, saying " the police!" and all these sorts. Is this what you call a peaceful protest? NO, it is not. I know many police officers have abused their power and killed many innocent people, but there are by far WAY MORE police officers who have done right then wrong. They are the ONLY ones protecting you and are the first ones you will probably call when you are in danger so I have no absolute idea on what you mean by when all of you yell " the police". Without them, I am pretty sure we would all be killing each other in drive by's and have hundreds of murderers, pyscopaths, rapists, and es on the loose. ALSO, most of these riots also are yelling "Black lives matter". Actually, ALL LIVES MATTER. We all matter. Every race and ethnicity matters, police officers matters, animals matters. EVERYONE. Please know that every single race or ethnicity are racially discriminated against one way or another.


Sometimes, I even think humans should become extinct. Why? We are killing our planet. We are killing off our own species by murdering and tormenting each other. Even animals don't kill their own. WE, humans, should pay for our sins because we basically show that humans are lower than animals.


My heart goes out to all of the families and loved ones who had lost someone.








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