I became D.O! :D

No kidding, guys! Me and some random EXO stans made an impromptu Mircacles In December performance at the mall today!

So I was being me, and yeah I was strolling around the mall by my self. Of course I would not forget to pass by the Nature Republic store because one: Luhan's standee HAHA and two: random kpop songs being played there. But since I was feeling so lonely, I decided to sing along to the song playing which was MID (Kyung has the first part right?) and much to my surprise, there were two EXO stans that walked in and sang with me! Right after singing D.O's line, the girl sang Baekhyun's while the other girl sang Chen's parts! The people looked at us and I was so embarrassed yet felt excited lol. IDK. I never really sing in front of many people. And well, yeah, I became D.O for the day xD We sang up until the first chorus because yeah it was embarrassing;;;;

I didn't get their names, though, but they were Chanyeol/Luhan stans. I hope I can meet them again~ and probably sing again?

It was lots of fun tbh! ; v ;


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Rinaliane #1
EF IT how about i join in and then the glasses go whooshhh BANG! and i;'m liike whoops (or maybe not because i can't sing like you and asdf)
Wow I'd like to try this. HAHAHA. That must've been really fun.