Winter's Blood; Kudo Rin ; Black Cat

Kudo Rin; Black Cat
applicant. Quinn1
active rate [1-10]. 8
nickname. Mimi

plotline. number 6
full name. Kudo Rin
nicknames. The Bratty Princess [her angel calls her that cues she never wants to work or do things for herself]
birthdate + age. 7/18/1997 + 16
birth place. Tokyo, Japan
ethnicity. Japanese-Korean
languages. Japanese fully and learning Korean
face claim: jung min hee
backup face claim:
Listening to music
tv and moves
video Games (pc and ps3)
Reading (comic books)






Rainy days










  • talk to herself when thinkging
  • pulls her hair when scared
  • mouths off if there is something she dount like
  • will talk over others


  • comes form a rich family
  • a only child
  • eat fish all the time
  • is not a party girl
  • one of the younges in the group
Tonight - Give up your soul for the utopia.

Rin's life and death story:

Rin was born as a only child into a rich family. Her mom and day were big time lawers so they were not home a lot of the time. Instad Rin was rased by her gandma (her dad's mom) for most of her life. They also had houes works and maids how helped out. But Rin's gandma was getting old and could not play with Rin as will as she could. The house maids did what they could to paly with the kid but they had work to do so most of the time Rin was by her silfe. She lived in Japan antill she was ten then moved to Korea to live with her mom's side for the family.

However she did not take to her new home will, she stopped going to school and being home schooling, she did not talk to the other kids in her town so she did not make freinds. She always feet like they wanted something for her. After all she was the new foreign rich girl on the block. Ever time she tryed to make a freind they whoud ask her to buy them something or to do something tha tshe did not want to do. So she stopped trying. That is till she met him. Kwon Sangmin was the who live just a blocks away form Rin. They meet one day in the comic store. He worked there and saw that she would come in very week to buy the new books that come out. So he began to talk to her. At frst she did not know what to think of this boy who was so nice and want to talk to her all the time. What did he want cues he was not goin to get it out of her.  But over time and a lot of comics the two were so cloes it was hard to see one with out the over.

One rainy day Sangmin and Rin were comeing home form a big gaming tournament when they sew something in the shadows. A little cat no bigger then Rin's hand was sitting on the side of the rode. She take it home with her that night and named it Midnight. Sangmin who never really liked cats let Rin keep Midnght at her pleas till he could find the ones who lost it. He never did and Midnight became port of the famliy.

Life when on like this for Rin for some time. She would school work at home then go out with Sangmin to a movie or to a gaming shop then onec it was leat she when go back home to her cat who was getting bigger by the day. It was a good quit life. No one told her what to do or how to do it. She did what she wanted to do and was never work for a thing. And if there was something taht she did want she could call up daddy and have him get it for her. Ya life was good... antill

Rin was about 16, one day her and Midnight were reading the newest volume of fairy tail then they fall asleep on the couch. Rin never lock the door at night she let the miads do it or her gandma. But night the robbers came, no one did so Rin did not hear them came in. Three man who all simed to be in the late 20's came in the houes. They all had weapons of some kind and they begain to tare the donw stars upart. Rin who was on the 2snt floor, woke up form her sleep and whent to see what all the noise was about. She found the man in her kichan but was to scard to do eventhing. She knew that all the srives has gone home for the night and she was the only one in the houes. Trying to go back up stairs to her room and the phone Rin was seen by one of the men. They come after her and there was a fight. She know how to difened herself but she was outnumberd and the man were much bigger then her. She feel the floor and one of the men tryed to kick her wall she was down. But Midnight, her cat, who had been setting on the staircase jumped on to the men's face and began to bit and srach him. By this time, the cat had grone a lot and man was having some truoble getting off his face. Srceing in pain and very angery the robber thuow Midnight to the grond and shot at him. The cat stopped moveing. Rin saw one of the only two frineds she had on the floor in a heep. She attack the men with all she had but was diffted when the gun was pulled out on her. After Rin was shot the robbers run form the houes.

On the floor Rin pulled her self over to were her cat sat and begean to pat him. Both of them were going to die there and they know it. They leded there for what simed like for ever when someone new came in to the houes. This men was not with the robbers just now, he was younger and like something was not the some with him. He walked over to Rin and begean to say something to her but it did not get through to her. Thats when everthing whent blcak and all of her pain stopped.

Powers after death:

Rin and Midnight are two hafes of one soul. They are both alive in the over and can't not be appart for to long. With this Rin now has the grace and strath of a cat. She can move faster and beater then she ever could. This with the fact that she all ready know Taekwondo makes her a fors to forced to be reckoned with. Midnight can now think like a human and is much bigger then most houes cat comeing to be the size of a medium sized dog. And althow he can not talk, he dues share a telepathy linck with Rin. But they are at the strongerst then the two morph together to become a giant cat demon. Its more then 8 feet tall and has firey red eyes, black as black can be fur and long sord like teeth. However they do not like going in to this form becues they can not cuontorle it as will. It is like a third mind in the body that they don't know. This is there most powerful form but they do not do it if it can be helped.

Helpful weapons:

Althou Rin is most of the time the spy for the group can fight. With her speed and agilita she can get in to places that her firends can not. Plus with the telepathy she has with Midnight its like they can be in two palces at onec. However there are time she gets caught and when this happens if one of her team meats don't come get her she has to fight. Rin has a Katar (dagger) that she ueses to fight off demons and over things that mite came here way. If Midnight is not with her, she ueses the Katar and her Taekwondo know-how to get in the enemy baes and take it donw from there.

The angel in my life:

Name: Nam Hyunki (played by Lee Jung-shin of CNblue)

Character Traits: Tough, Straighforward, Loyal, Bossy, Serious, Overcitical.

Hyunki take his job of being a angel very seriousy. He dues not play around and even when he is off work he is sill some what of a stik in the mud. Be he means will he has just had a hard time and can't talk to new pepole wall. However in a fight he one of the beat guys to have becues he fights for his frierds and the one he loves. He is a strong man who is loyal to his friends, Rin, and the higher ups. 

Angle Power: Gravity Manipulation, He can pull things in to him, like if his enemies were trying to run away he can pull them back in. And push things out away form him, if something is going to hit him, he can push it and overs out of the way. Sometimes if he gets to mad things in the room will start to float, like pots, chars, and sometimes Rin.

Relationship: Rin and Hyunki have a big brother, little sister thing go on. They like to be with the over but they would never tell them that. They fight all the time but some how make up. They go in to battle and look out for the over with out saying outright that they are. The two of them get along all right there are just some time when Hyunki can't get Rin to work or come out of her room. When this happens there will be a fight and most of the time Hyunki win. Then a very upset Rin has to go kill something that was never realy had a chanes. With the work done and the monster dead, Rin will pull some kind of prank of Hyunki for make her go out in the frsit place. Its all good fun really.

No more Wings: Hyunki had been a battle wear he and the others of angles were loseing. To save there lives Hyunki went agent orders. He won the fight but it was a hard one and when he come back he wings were taken form him. Althou he saved a lot angles that day. The overs did not see it that way. Going agenst orders is something an angel can never do. With his wings gone he was not aloud to go in to the fight.



Angels are crying from up above - yes, we make them cry.

Character Traits: Clever, Sly, A Pranster, Lively.

Rin was all way a smart girl, she knows what to say and what to do to got them to do what she wants. Buy har things, do things for her or just do favers for her. She knows how to get in to there heads with out them knowing she doing it. But this can make her spoiled and had to be arould. Cuse if she can't get what she wants or do what she wants, things can get massy. She has a plan for every problame and if she dusn't she can find one. Rin is also very sneaky little girl, she has a way of gitting aroud with out you know she there. Mabey its becues she is so small? She over hiers a all of thinks just cues the overs dont know she there. She is very sly, which helps when Hyunkiy wants her to spy and there enemies.

Rin is also a little trickser, if she gets bord then she will go around pulling pranks all how ever she can find. Most of thie time its Hyukiy who has to suffer thoue it. She will led donw traps for him, but at this point he can see a lot of them caoming. So she is always trying to find new things to do or to trap him in. Yes, she is definitely a lively girl. Alway partying or doing something with her freinds. She doun't like to work so she will run to the movies in stead of do what Hyunkiy tald her. But if he tells her that he will buy her something then mabey she will stay long enough to finsh the mission.

A pure paradise; even heaven is jealous of our love.
love interest.  Teen Top's Niel (MIn Insu)
age. 17
relationship. Beast Freind
Race: Human

Scene Requests:

  • INsu wating up for Rin to go to school
  • The Two of them at a video game con
  • At Rin's houes playing games and reading comics
  • Insu takeing pichers of Rin wille she draws

PERSONALITY. HE is a hipper little nrd who is always with Rin. he love games and comics just like rin and is the one who got her in to these things. he is a happy kid who gos to school with rin and althoue he is older then her by a year he lets her do all the shot calling. He comes fomr a good home and was one of the frist kid to talk to rin when she moved to his town. now that they are beast friends it is hard to see them aprt. insu is always with rin and is just a happy and gentle soul.

MEETING. One of the night that Rin had a missoin and could not come out. insu was on hes way to the stor when he got in the way of a fight that rin was supposed to be fighting. knowing that she could not tell insu what was happen the two of them had to run form the fight and the rast of the team. insu was hirt in tthe got-a-way and rin falt bad abuot it so she tryed to pull away form him but it did not work. She beagan to miss him and think of him all the time.

layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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