「 赤い糸 ⋮ Red Thread Of Fate 」— ❝ character name ❞


「 赤い糸 ⋮ red thread of fate 」


( change the first image of sueun to your face claim's; width 500px)
( change bangtan's gif to your face claim and love interest's; height 120px )

↺ character name

( change sueun's image to a portrait image of your face claim; width 250px )


↺ basic information

「 birth name 」his/her legal name, the one on his/her passport, id etc

「 other name/s 」his/her name in other languages, nicknames + reasons etc

「 gender 」self explanatory; male or female

「 date of birth 」mm/dd/yyyy

「 age 」age range: 16-; international age; take 2014 minus his/her birth year

「 birthplace 」anywhere would be fine

「 hometown 」anywhere would be fine

「 ethnicity 」preferably full korean, but we accept all ethnic races; max is 3

「 nationality 」basically what passport he/she holds, they can be a transfer student from another country

「 language/s 」there's no limit, but keep in mind that they are high school students; fluency + provide reasoning for their fluency

↺ look at me now

( change sueun's icons to your face claim's icons; 150 X 150 )

「 face claim 」sueun and kim seolhyun are taken

「 links 」at least 5+ HD photos or two galleries

「 backup face claim 」again, sueun and kim seolhyun are taken

「 links 」at least 5+ HD photos or two galleries

「 height 」for females, don't be too tall; for males, don't be too short

「 weight 」be it male or female, at least be border line healthy, I will check the bmi

「 fashion style 」just a short write up on how he/she dresses in school, outside of school etc; links are loved

「 appearance 」things that might differ from the ulzzang used, or things that can't be seen; hair color, scars, birth marks, piercings etc

↺ more than what it seems


「 personality traits 」at least 4 each, for both good and bad

「 personality 」elaboration on the traits above; at least two strong and solid paragraphs with at least 5 sentences; quality & quantity

「 lifestyle 」his/her current residence, his/her daily routine; what he/she does after school, before school, on weekends etc

「 trivia 」likes, dislikes, or anything that I should know about your character

↺ blood will always be thicker than water


「 background 」at least a paragraph of at least 5 sentences about her family; status, income etc. explain all the important events in his/her life

「 family member/s 」add and delete accordingly; you can add more infomation on the family members, cousins and aunts/uncles fall under here

relation | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions | dead/alive

「 best friend/s 」add and delete accordingly; it's completely optional and there's no limit, again, you can add as much information as you wish

name | age | occupation | personality | interactions

「 friend/s 」add and delete accordingly; it's completely optional and there's no limit, again, you can add as much information as you wish

name | age | occupation | personality | interactions

「 misc character/s 」employers, neighbours etc; optional

relation | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions | dead/alive

↺ student information


「 years 」year 1, year 2, year 3; check the cheat sheet

「 academics performance 」her usual grades; As, Bs, Cs etc

「 subject combination 」choose one out of each section

physics | biology | chemistry

social studies | geography | economy

「 subject preference 」state her usual grades for that certain subject

favourite subject:
least favourite subject:
best subject:
worst subject:

「 social status 」there's the popular, the jocks, the nerds, the out casted, the wallflowers etc

「 after school activity 」give the usual and typical high school after school activity that a typical asia country would have; meaning no cheer leading, american football etc

「 behaviour in school 」overall in general, how she acts in class etc

↺ love interest's name

( change chunji's image to a portrait image of your face claim; width 250px )


↺ just one day

「 birth name 」his/her legal name, the one on his/her passport, id etc; can be an oc, if he/she is an oc, state the face claim used

「 other name/s 」his/her name in other languages, nicknames + reasons etc

「 gender 」self explanatory; male or female

「 date of birth 」mm/dd/yyyy

「 age 」age range: 16-; international age; take 2014 minus his/her birth year

「 year 」the korean schooling/ageing system applies for them, too

「 social status 」there's the popular, the jocks, the nerds, the out casted, the wallflowers etc

「 after school activity 」again, the typical and usual after school activity an asian school would have

「 relationship status 」single, taken etc

↺ if I had just one day


「 background 」his/her family background, just a short paragraph with about 5 sentences would do; more is appreciated

「 personality 」for this, I am expecting more; 1 strong and solid paragraph with at least 5 sentences, that's not hard, is it

「 first meeting 」when I say first meeting, I really mean the meeting that brings them together; for one, you can't get close just by bumping into each other, I love original and unique ones

「 interactions 」love is going to play a really huge part, so if possible write more; 1 paragraph, at least 5 sentences

「 love story 」how their love story progresses, match this to the plotline given; be descriptive

「 trivia 」small trivia about him/her that I should know


「 backup love interest/s 」give me two cause it might clash, and I would suggest using love interests who appear similar in a way to prevent you from writing a whole new character when you're given your backup; if using an oc, give me two back up face claims, state the name

name | age

↺ rival's name

( change jung minhee's image to a portrait image of your rival's face claim; width 250px )


↺ it's war

「 birth name 」his/her legal name, the one on his/her passport, id etc; can be an oc, if he/she is an oc, state the face claim used; can have more than one

「 other name/s 」his/her name in other languages, nicknames + reasons etc

「 gender 」self explanatory; male or female

「 date of birth 」mm/dd/yyyy

「 age 」age range: 16-; international age; take 2014 minus his/her birth year

「 year 」the korean schooling/ageing system applies for them, too

「 social status 」there's the popular, the jocks, the nerds, the out casted, the wallflowers etc

「 after school activity 」again, the typical and usual after school activity an asian school would have

「 relationship status 」single, taken etc

↺ I Brush myself off and get up


「 background 」his/her family background, just a short paragraph with about 5 sentences would do; more is appreciated

「 personality 」for this, I am expecting more; 1 strong and solid paragraph with at least 5 sentences, that's not hard, is it

「 first meeting 」when I say first meeting, I really mean the meeting that brings them together; for one, you can't get close just by bumping into each other, I love original and unique ones

「 interactions 」love is going to play a really huge part, so if possible write more; 1 paragraph, at least 5 sentences

「 why is he/she the rival?  」just a sentence or two

「 trivia 」small trivia about him/her that I should know


「 backup rival/s 」give me two cause it might clash, and I would suggest using love interests who appear similar in a way to prevent you from writing a whole new character when you're given your backup; if using an oc, give me two back up face claims, state the name

name | age

↺ question & answer pt.1
( answer in your character's pov; delete the ones that you don't have to answer )

「 plotline #01: on and off 」

01. How long have they been dating?

02. What do they usually fight about?

03. What is the new arising problem between them?

「 plotline #02: slow but steady 」

01. In this relationship, who suggested this slow relationship?

02. How did the other one react to that?

03. Why did either of them want to take things slow?

「 plotline #03: since birth 」

01. How long have they been friends?

02. Who is the oblivious one in this relationship?

03. How did the oblivious one act when being thrown signals at?

「 plotline #04: unrequited love 」

01. What is their relationship between them?

02. Who is the one crushing on another?

03. Is the one crushing on another in a relationship?

「 plotline #05: rebound 」

01. Who is the one being the rebound, who is the one being used as a rebound?

02. How did the bad break up go? What happened?

03. What triggered the break up?

「 plotline #06: skinny love 」

01. What kind of skinny love is it? The flirty one, or the shy one?

02. How do you they react when being asked about whether you guys are dating or not?

03. Has either of them openly confess their liking for each other before?

「 plotline #07: friend zone 」

01. Who is the one who is being friend zoned?

02. Did the one being friend zoned confessed openly?

03. How was the one being friend zoned, put into the friend zone?

「 plotline #08: eye candy 」

01. Does the one being admired afar have a certain trait that the other likes; hence the reason why he/she is being admired?

02. Who is on the top of the social hierarchy, who is at the other end? 

03. Does the one being stared at afar know of the other's existence?

「 plotline #09: 50 cents bet 」

01. How much was the bet?

02. How long is the relationship supposed to last?

03. What triggered the bet?

「 plotline #10: old flames 」

01. When did they started dating? How long did it last?

02. Why did they break up the first time round? Who intended it?

03. How were they brought back together again?

「 plotline #11: polar opposites 」

01. How long have they been dating?

02. In what way are they polar opposites?

03. How did they handle their differences clashing before?

「 plotline #12: friends with benefits 」

01. How did this relationship start out? A dare, 7 minutes in heaven etc

02. Are they friends in anyway?

03. Do their friends know of their relationship? If so, how do they react to it?

「 plotline #13: you don't know love 」

01. Are they in a relationship yet? If so, how did they get into a relationship? How long?

02. Does the reluctant one like the other one in anyway?

03. Who is the childish one, and who is the mature one?

「 plotline #14: shameless in love 」

01. Who is the shameless one, who is the one shying away?

02. Has the shameless on ever confessed to the other one before?

03. How does the shameless one shows affection to the other?

「 plotline #15: taken 」

01. What is the relationship between them?

02. How did they find out about their partners cheating on them with each other?

03. How did they react to their partners cheating?

「 plotline #16: free plotline 」

A paragraph of at least 5 sentences about this plotline; be creative and descriptive.

↺ question & answer pt.2
( answer in your character's pov; answer all questions )

「 what are your thoughts on romance? 」Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

「 what is your definition of love 」Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

「 what are your thoughts on the theory: red thread of fate? 」Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

「 have you ever been in a relationship? if so, state how it went 」Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

「 have you ever experience your first kiss? if so, how was the experience? 」Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

↺ just one day

「 nickname 」a name that I can address you with

「 active rate 」how active are you; just tell me the days you are on and at what time

「 fluency 」are you fluent in english? yes/no

「 timezone + country 」state your timezone and country

「 comments 」any last words?

「 password 」refer to the cheat sheet

( change sueun and minwoo's icons to your face claim and love interest's; 70X70 )

turn in post red thread of fate


↺ if i can be with you

「 anything else? 」anything that I missed out about your character?

「 scene request 」optional; but highly appreciated

「 ending? 」because this is based off the red string of fate, there can only be two types of ending: unclear and good, choose one


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