♦ Enchanted | Fan Meiying | Main Vocalist 3


ghosty — because she's really quiet and is silent when walking so she'll often scare them by accidentally sneaking up on them.

birthday — June 15, 1995
birth place — Hong Kong
hometown — Hong Kong

ethnicity — Chinese-English
nationality — Chinese

english , Fluent — learned when younger
Chinese, Fluent — native language
korean, intermediate — currently learning Korean after moving.

blood type — A

fan meiying

by quinn1 (mimi)



— beauty is seen from the inside, maybe also the outside

face claim — wang yiyi
back up — zhang xin yuan

height — 158 cm 
weight — 40 kg 


Standing a tiny 158 cm and her quiet personality it's easy to overlook Meiying. Pale skin and medium length black hair most would find her somewhat scary instead of beautiful however her smile is one that can make even the most judgemental people find attractiveness in her. A strange beauty most would call her. Meiying's round and pudgy face make her seem even younger than what she is. 

Her dark brown almound shaped eyes adds to her alluring features. She'll try to make herself seem like everyone else tying her hair up or adding more makeup to her skin so she doesn't seem as pale. She'll even try to wear light brown contacts as if to make her seem less odd or weird to look at.

fashion style

— being the modest of them all is perfect!


Dispite her quiet demenor and unusal face Meying's style is actually extremely girly. She loves the cute skirts and soft blouses. Light and soft colors are her favorite mixed in with some floral prints and a cute pair of shoes to match. Like most girls she's also a fan of accessories and will always have some whether it's a bracelet, cute headband, earrings, or any mixture of them to make the outfit complete.  




formal awards

formal parties


— i'm not perfect, none of the humans in this world perfect


Meiying can be described in one very simple word, quiet. She's not one that will talk or say her opinion in front of others. She's also extremely shy and has a hard time talking to others that she doesn't know and even sometimes those that she does. She's very helpful though in her own way always cleaning up after herself so she doesn't cause trouble to those around her. The only time when she comes out of her little shell is when she sings since it's something that she's good at and the one thing she has confidence in. She loves the joy that singing brings her and it's a time when you can see the beautiful and genuine smile on her face.

Unfortunately though Meiying is very much detached from others and is seen as being extremely antisocial not being able to be around others. Most think she's scary because of her emotionless face and simple and noninvolved answers. Some even assume that she's stuck up since she won't join in with the others when doing games or going out with everyone. Meiying would much rather sit in her room and read than go out and have to deal with people she doesn't know and probably won't see again. 


— likes


one — singing
two — winter
three — baby animals
four — strawberry milk
five — reading

— dislikes


one — loud people/places
two — coffee
three — crowed areas
four — selfies
five — hot weather

— habits


one — bites her nails when nervous
two — stares off into space when thinking hard
three — smiles brightly when singing

— hobbies


one — singing
two — reading
three — sewing
four — nature photography
five — watching anime

— other facts


one — only child
two — can't swim
three — cannot do aegyo to save her life but she is always asked to
fouris the puzzle master // extremely good at puzzles
five — extremely good at math
six — adds a lot of english into her korean // konglish


— we may not have it all together, but together we have it all


Meiying was born and raised in Hong Kong as an only child. Her mother was full Chinese while her father was English, which was how she learned and became fluent in both languages. Even as a child she was very quiet and not very outgoing always being that kid in the corner staying to herself and not branching out to the other kids. Once she was old enough her parents put her in a private school hoping to expand her education and experiences. However it didn't work the way they had planned since Meying was so quiet she was bullied by the other girls. It was a hard time for her but she found serenity in singing and eventually became extremely good at it.

Meiying became even more quiet and into herself and was extremely detached even with her parents who did everything they could to make her better and ulitimately decided to leave Hong Kong and move to Korea in hopes of a new start and it will help her get back out of her shell. Sadly it didn't work since she couldn't really speak the language so she couldn't become friends with them. One day she was scouted by an SM entertainment representative for her unique look and asked if she would want to be a trainee. At first she didn't want to it being way out of her comfort zone but her parents insisted and so with a lot of convincing she was Meiying decided to enter SM Entertainment.


— like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one

father — Chris Fan // 45 // Business Man // easy going, diligent, too focused // she's 

mother — Chaoxing // 42 // Housewife // quiet, to herself, loving // she's close to her mother but still doesn't talk to her much though she tries to talk more since it hurts her mother's feelings when she doesn't


— friendship is not a big thing, it is a million little things

n'a she's not close to anyone so she doesn't have any friends.


— remember the day we first started talking to each other?


relation — n/a

idol life | main vocalist 3

— be you since it's the only person you can be

stage name — Mei; it's easier and shorter than her real name

fanclub name and fanclub colour — Beauties

TRAINEE life — Meiying had a hard time as a trainee since all she could do was sing but she didn't mind too much just focusing on her skills to hopefully become good enough to further his career in the music industry. She didnt' make many friends and was often left in the background due to her lack of presense always being over looked by other's even though her skills were way above others. 

TRAINEE year — 2 years 

talent twins 

singing twin — secret jieun

dancing twin — secret jieun

rapping twin — n/a

talking twin — secret jieun

talent twins 

singing twin — hello venus yoonjo 

dancing twin — hello venus yoonjo

rapping twin — n/a

talking twin — apink chorong

future activities (you don't have to fill this one, just live it (A/N))

solodoing a few drama osts and maybe her doing a solo song. (one of jieun's song.)




last comment — here's my app I hope you like her.

scene requests
//  L trying to get clsoe to Meiying
// the other members trying to get Meiying to come out of her shell and show that not everyone is mean.

passwordThe Mysterious Flower

infinite l (myungsoo)

— exo kai

personality — At first glance you would think that L was a cold and detached guy who was extremely hard to get to know. However that is definitely not the case because anyone who gets to know him knows that he's nothing but a ball of weird and awkward faces and actions. He's not completely talkative but his facial expressions and unique laugh speak a thousand words for him already. Overall he's a kind and awkward kid who just happens to have a cold looking exterior.

relationship — Their whole relationship is L trying to get Meiying to speak to him or give her a smile some sort of reaction besides just a polite greeting and a bow. Sadly it never seems to work since Meiying is extremely stubborn and stuck in her ways and set on being alone and quiet. However L learns that the one thing that gets her out of her shell is singing and even though he's not the best he manages to convince her to allow him to practice with her so that they finally get close to one another and she slowly develops feelings for him and has a hard time with them since she doesn't truly understand what those feelings are and tries to deny them to the best of her abilitiles though it's very obvious seeing as she is not the best at hiding her feelings. 

history — Meiying met L at a grocery store of all places. They simply ran into one another while she was grabbing some more of her favorite strawberry milk. She of course knew exactly who he was and made her way apologizing and slipping out the sunbae though he didn't know who she was but thought she was really pretty and mysterious. They met again when walking around the company building where he was surprised to see the girl again and was even more surprised that she was actually a trainee. Ever since L made it his life long goal to make Meiying his friend and have her come out of her shell a little. 

other — 
♦ Born March 13 1993
♦ in group infinite
♦ really likes Meiying and is teased for it.



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Melissa1793 #1
Congrats, you have been accepted! I'll post your teaser today. Hwaiting!
Melissa1793 #2
Thank you for applying! I won't make a review so, just wait if today the empty slot is changed into your character or not, okay? Bye!