»N.B.A« Plotline 4

Park JJ

applicant. AmazonZafrina
active rate  10 I have no life lol
nickname. Zaf

plotline. Clumsy Tomboy(Plotline 4)
full name. Park Jin Jae (pronounced JinJe)
nicknames. Jin Jin - her Best friend
birthdate.  October 20,1994
birth place. Seoul,Korea
ethnicity. Korean
languages. Korean-fluent,English-fluent,Japanese-basic
face claim:
backup face claim:
Polaroid cameras
Street dancing
video games
to read
the ocean(doens't know how to swim)
overgirly things
hot weather
staying still for long periods of time
character history

JJ was born in a average Korean family,her family wans't poor but neither had a great economic wealth,since little she was different from her sisters,who where the perfect lady-like girls,with pretty faces and cute dresses,but JJ never really liked those things,she did enjoyed shopping at malls and taking selcas as any other girls,but make-up,dresses,skirts and pink never really called her attention.Her parents often ignored her for being different from her sisters,but JJ pretended to be OK all the time.JJ has always liked dancing and singing,but due to her clumsyness,people often ignored her and underestimated her ,that was until she decided to audition in SM'S Ent. annual auditions,in which she was accepted,sadly,she had a pannick attack and was rejected in the band she was going to debut,but thanks to Krystal,she kept trying to debut ans to persue her dreams.

character personality

Sunshines and rainbows or clouds and thunder?"  By nature,JJ is an opctimistic,cheerful girl.Despite being born in a family that didn't really paid her much attention or that estimated her much,she learnead to be cheerful and optimistic despite the situations,she always tries to see the bright side of the situation,even if it seems like there's no way out.She can read people emotions easily so if your sad she will try to cheer you up and make you laugh,she would rather choose make herself look like a fool than to let someone down.She is a sweet girl too,she founds happiness is small things,like flowers and kittens.But hey,not everything is smiles and happiness, right? On the outside,she may seem happy and cheerful,but in the inside she can be crying and crumbling down,she knows well how to hide her emotions so when she's mad or hurt,she will hide it,she doens't like people to worry about her.She is a very fragile girl when it coems to emotions,so she is easily hurt or offended by words.

I better stay quiet" JJ tends to speak before thinking and words can hurt ,she will apologize a thounsand times to you,but that doens't mean she will not do it again.It' not that she does it with bad intentions,actually,she will say it to help you out or to realize something,but not all people can handle that type

"Not so chaotic" Aside from that chaos above,JJ is actually a sincere and honest person,if you have a trouble,she will put aside her problems and help you,she's really trustable,if one of her friends is insulted in front of her ,with or without her friends person,she will defend them with teeth and claws.JJ is a good listener,even if she's super tired ,she will listen to you and give you advices. of remarks well.


best friend
best friend. Onew(Lee Jinki)
age. 24
interactions. Onew and JJ are the perfect clumsy bestfriends,often joking and being silly.JJ actually enjoys speding time with someone that doens't laught at her or judge her.Onew was the one to comfort her during her trainee days when the other trainees laughed at her,since then they've been very close to each other,Onew likes to nag at her and to and JJ does the same to Onew,who many times has joked saying that his "onew condition" was accquiered by JJ for spending so much time with him.
picture links:

PERSONALITY. Onew is a total gentlemen,who often suffers rather,interesting situations,like falling or stamping over things,but his unexpected clumsyness makes him a fun person to be with because his not afriad of make himself look like a clown in order to make others smile,he prefers to make others happy and sometimes hew worries too much for others and the normal thing is that he would forget about himself because his taking care of others but no,actually Jinki is very aware of himself,especially because he loves food,and he's a chicken maniac,when he sees chicken ,he forgets about everything else,even his own memebers(lol).He is also sweet,kind a caring,an easy-going person,whom which is easy to get along with. 

MEETING. Onew and JJ met during her trainee days.JJ had a very rough day in the company,she was being more clumsly than usual and by accident when she was practicing some moves she hit another trainee and the girl furiously reacted and hit JJ back,JJ didn't wanted trouble so she just stayed still and let the other girl hit her and that's when she heard a voice asking what was happening,JJ didin't know who the voice owner was since she had her eyes closed,she opened her eyes when she felt that the other girl wasn't hitting her and instead of facing the girl,she was facing Onew's face,who was smiling.JJ inmediately recognized who he was and she bowed,Onew laughed and told her it was OK,that she didn't need to be so formal,then he grabbed her by the hand and lead her to the comapny's bathroom,there he rinsed a paper towel with water and gently cleaned JJ's swollen lip,since then,Onew attended almost everyday to the trainee area to make sure JJ didn't get in much trouble and soon they became great friends.

layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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