
So, those of you who have had me added as a friend on here may know about my original series of stories, Lament. It's taken some time, but after a lot of planning, replanning, reworking, more planning and scrapped ideas, I've finally finalise the idea. 

Lament is now a three series story that mostly follows Cecilia. They're now told through the eyes of the two youngest characters, Evan and Cecilia as they embark on a journey of self discovery and truth. 

The three stories are now as follows; The Cold War, The Elementors and The Hidden Promise (title tbc).

The first two books of the series follow the same plot as they would have, but the third has been replotted to focus on the events following The Elementors. 


Though the series has now been cropped down to a triology, there are actually 20 works in progress linked that take place in the same world and hold many secrets that the triology kept hidden. 

As Camp Nanowrimo is now going on I've taken the chance to finally finish the first draft of The Cold War and I should hopefully have a second draft by September and finalised book by Christmas (if I work hard). I'll be using the July camp to write The Elementors and then the following Nano to write the last installment. 


I just want to thank everyone on here that encouraged me with the series and I hope it's worth the extremely long wait. 


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