Jump (new bxb story)


Today I come to you with a new story. About two boys who meet on a day when they had both planned to commit suicide, Jump is the story of how friendship can overcome almost every obstacle and the importance of sharing your problems with the people who love you.

Here is the description:

Kell Aveyard let Riley West jump to his death. Now he must stop Myles Thorne from following the same fate.


Living with the knowledge that you are the one thing standing between a person and death can be a hard thing to do. Living with the knowledge that you were the one thing that could have stopped the death of a person is much harder.
Kell wakes to that knowledge everyday.

When the consequences of Kell's actions become too much for the 17 year old to bear, the only release appears to be the same fate that he could have prevented. But on the morning that Kell had planned to jump, he meets Myles Thorne; a boy stood on the edge of the exact same spot Kell had planned to fall from, one foot away from going under. 

A boy that Kell thinks is a lot like Riley West. 

Presented with what Kell can only look at as an opportunity to redeem himself, he makes a vow to do whatever he can to save Myles from diving into the deep end. But is it possible to save a person who doesn't want saving, or will Kell's prodding only make things worse?


Interested in reading? Jump can be found here: http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Ga0Fzy4RZD and I appreciate all and any reads and comments. I'm working hard to make this story heartbreaking and meaningful and most importantly; eye opening. 

I know that suicide has been talked about a lot in the media the past couple of years but it has always been separated from the lgbtq+ community, which is ridiculous. So many lgbtq+ teens end their lives due to the torment that they recieve for the way they live their lives, and I am sick of it. It is time to stand up and let people know that we have a voice and we demand to be heard. We will not suffer in silence, people will know our pain.

This is what I want to achieve with Jump. Thank you for your time.


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