Lament, IG and Shops?

So I have a few things to go over today so I'm going to list them below and number them for convenience.

1. Is Lament coming back and what actually is it?
2. Instagram
3. Shop?
4. Other stories?

Okay so let's get into it.

1. Lament was an original story I wrote a while ago. It was high fantasy, and focused on a group of people whom were trying to stop an ice queen from taking over the Human territories and raging war against the other race.
That story doesn't really exist as Lament anymore.
I haven't touched the story for a few years because of certain reasons, but I have started work on a new "Lament". The characters and story are not the same, the only similarity is the title, and so far all I can tell you is that its going to be very dark and in the form of a webcomic. It's really early days at the moment but you can follow my progress on IG!

2. Which brings me to my 2nd point! 
I've started using instagram a lot more recently and you can follow me here:
If you drop me a message or comment then I'll be sure to follow back!

3. I now have a shop! Or actually a redbubble. Same thing.
You can buy various different artwork by myself on items such as mugs, posters ect and it would help me out immensely if you were to have a look.
I was thinking of maybe selling designs based on my stories as well? Things for paperplane ect so if you think that's a good idea drop a comment and I'll get right on it!

4. Fanfiction at the moment has had to take a back seat. There's various reasons for this but the main one is that, at the moment, its very important that I focus on my original work such as my Lament project. Once that's up and running I may be able to start work on a smaller side project, but for now it's on hold. I do really want to get them out but at the moment I'm back to no writing space (really long personal story) so we'll see how things go.

I think that's about everything! Any questions then feel free to ask but it may be a couple of hours before I get back to you.


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