[Rainbow Rambling] #17 ❁Beautiful Cover❁ ♯ One More Time & Because I'm Stupid ♯ (bonus: Snow Prince)

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today, i'm combining another 2 random beautiful covers. why? well, bcuz Rainbow has too many of 'em...xD n why am i combining SS501 n Jewelry song covers? well, maybe bcuz SS501 n Jewelry had done a special stage together in the past so i naturally thought of both together? n i kinda ship some members at some point...oops, did i say that loud? lol. besides, SS501 is Rainbow's sunbae, while Jewelry is most probly the girlgroup Rainbow members are closest to(just my observation though...could be wrong...Rainbow is friendly with many groups). i think this especially goes to Jooyeon n Eunjung as far as Jewelry is concerned.

these are from early 2010...from Rainbow's Not Your Girl era....so yay, the fresh n newly debuted Rainbow..(they debuted late 2009)...okay, except the Because i'm Stupid cover..is from August 2010.

^ One More Time(Jewelry) was one of the biggest hit from...the year it was released...lol. i don't remember...was it 2008? bcuz that time i remember Jewelry n Brown Eyed Girls creating storm by getting their songs megahit despite not being the standard mould of girlgroups...which at that time, the girlgroup era had just begun...Wonder Girls n SNSD got big pretty early...KARA took time to become big(which is a shame, bcuz i still find their debut image/song/style, one of the best if not the best, a girlgroup from the era had come up with...it's badass without appearing like tryhards-for me...lol. n old skool...) eyy, we're talking bout Rainbow here...ok(but admit it...one of the things that made you keep stalking my blog is to read my random distraction rite? haha...), so covering such a popular song, i'm not surprised to see Rainbow being bashed...but then again, don't they get bashed for everything even from before debut?(one thing they hav in common with nine muses actually in their early days that made me took instant interest in both groups lol though now things are diff) bleh...ok, but this is live, i loveee live perfs.

^ [recommended] SS501 song from BOF ost i think, Because I'm Stupid. i just lovelovelove that all members get to sing though Woori always seem a little insecure/scared/timid about her singing. but otherwise, she did well. n i'm mentally doing cheerleading with imaginary pompoms to see Noeul n Yoonhye getting to sing more than once...xD...they all sound so fabulous here. 

^ this is something i found by random while looking for the cover above...and here you get to hear them sing Snow Prince beautifully...one of SS501's iconic song...lol. i think this is from Hyungjun's progamer show or sth...him n Rainbow girls seem to make the friend(Kyungjong, another progamer...not to be confused with kyujong..lol) flustered n bullying him...lol...but the guy was on cloud9 anyway...lol. n how do i love that the girls act bright n dind't act/put on yknow those typical shy/coy girly pretense i often see n barf at for the unnaturalness vibe it gives...n whether or not this is instructed by company or own initiative...i'm so happy(n surprised) to find Hyungjun showing support for the girls...SS501 members, ahem, especially the maknaes? are so nice to help their juniors...yknow...out of dsp, i'm most confused/curious/suspicious abt the relationship between rainbow n kara...it's easy to see how both groups' relation with all the boygroups in their company...but with each other...mostly i only see during events where they're together...sometimes even in same event...i hardly get to see interaction except for some members who are known to be close...i'm not really a believer of all those dsparadise thingy...n i'm not saying they're enemies or anything either...it's just...a relationship worth observing for me...lol.



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