Swept Away


NAME: Kim Yukiko







Full Name: Kim Yukiko

D.O.B :  22

Blood Type: AB)

Ocean of birth? In the North Pacific Ocean(near Japan)

Swept away: Who Are you?

WHat Do you Look Like?

FaceClaim: Soyu 1 2 3
Back Up FaceClaim: Park Hwan Hui
Style: Yuki has a tattoo en her back with the Japanese Kanji of "love" and has 5 piercings,3 in her left ear and 2 in her right ear.

Tail/Fins: it's colorful and almost magical,it reflects all the colors of the rainbow,with long and defined fins.She loves to swim around and to show off her fins. 

Clothing: While being on land,she likes to wear mostly shorts and skirts with comfy tshirts and inside of the tshirt a bikini top,why ? because that way if she wants to sink her feet in a pool or take a walk by the beach she can get in the water.While being under water she likes to wear colorful tops that match her fins.

Landwalker or Waterdwellar?: Yuki prefers to be in her human form,because you know,people always want what they can't have and that's exactly what happens with Yuki,being in human form for her is exiting and fun,even though she loves being a siren too.

Siren: Mind Control-Yuki can play with your mind,she can make you think whatever she wants to,almost like telekinesis and telepathy mixed together,because they're very different,telekinesis is the power to move things with your mind and telepathy is to read other's people minds and to communicate by thoughts.

What is your story?

Personality: First the negative traits.As mentiones before,we always want what we can't have and Yuki is not the exception,if she wants something,she will try to get it and sometimes her methods con hurt others and she doesn't mind.Yuki tends to be reckless and blunt,sometimes too much and words hurt,specially if you don't measure what you say,even if she does it unconciously.She is also very stubborn,she won't admit her flaws,not until someone points them out for her.She doesn't like people to nag at her,nor to manipulate her.Yuki is aware of her slight selfishness and tries not to be that way,but you see,somethings are just unstopable.


Now her positive traits.Yuki is very optimisc,she tries to see the bright side on every situation.She loves to help others and hates to feel useless,very energetic and cheerful.She is also very honest and hates being lied to.Yuki is very brave and hates being called a coward,she can be anything but a coward,sometimes that audacity brings her trouble,she's also responsible and caring. A cute  girl that draws people atention with her sweet actions.



-sweets(gummy bears)

-polaroid cameras



-sea shells


-to learn languages(she knows Japanese,Korean and English)


-dogs(during her first trip to land,a dog bit her)

-mornings(she's not a morning person,I mean,who is?)

-sad things







-to sing(naturally most sirens have good voice)

-to read

-to surf

-to collect sea shells

-to watch the stars at night


-ruffle her hair when she's under much stress

-rant in Japanese when mad

-blink repeatedly when confused

-play with her fingers when anxious

-giggle when nervous

-tsunamies(because tsunamies bring dangerous animals like sharks or piranhas with it)

-being alone in the dark
Interests: Yuki can't decide which she prefers,she likes both,from the human world she likes the chirping of the birds and to feel the sand beneath her fingers and when she's a siren,she loves to feel free while swimming on the ocean.
Background: Yuki was borned in the North Pacific Ocean,near Japan's cost.Her parents died during a tsunamie and she was raised by her two bothers,Jiho and her twin Kiko,as her parents died when she was just 10,she spent most of her time with her brothers,who spolied her to death,specially her older brother.They were like nomads,they never stayed much time in a place because her brothers loved to explore and she went with them everywhere they wanted to go.


Well,that changed when they reached an island that was in the Bermuda Triangle,near Florida's cost.Yuki really liked the place and quicly she grew atached to the island and when her brothers told her they were leaving,she refused to go.Her brothers respected her desicion and let her stay.After that Yuki got a job in a Surf Shop as surf teacher ,there she met Jisu,her friend and the only one that knows her mermaid secret.



Kim Jiho//25//older brother//traveler//responsible,caring,over protective,fun,bold//10

Kim Kiko//22/older twin just for 5 seconds//none//caring,sweet,childish,mischievous and over protective//10


-Park Jisu//22//friends//surf teacher//fun,caring,goofy, a total romantic and a er for sappy things//7-10

Living Quarters: Yuki likes simple things,but always focusing in little details,she loves bright and vibrant colors  1 //   2 // 4 // under water

Sailor Boy

Love Interest:  Wu  Yifan
Personality:  Yifan says he's cool and awesome,well,he's wrong,he's exactly the opposite,I mean,he can be really awesome when he wants,but most of the time he's a total dork, and when he tries to proof he's cool,nothing goes as he wants to.He is silly and carefree.He swers he's a picasso,he's wrong,very wrong.Most people thinks he's scary and utter y because of his "pokerface/face" but his nothing like that,he's actually very kind and sweet.

He can also be very protective for the things he cares for.He has an unexpected soft spot for cute things like plushies or kittens.Very caring and brave,loves to tease Yuki,he can be annoying at times and a little exasperating with his weird antiques,but he's a good boy.He's not use to expressing his feelings,so he would bluntly say "I love you" and won't repeated again.
First Meeting: Yifan and Yuki have seen each other before,as Yuki works in a surf shop that Yifan has visited many times and the day the boat crashed Yifan recongnized Yuki as "the pretty girl of the surf shop" .At first Yuki didn't have many interest in Yifan,but after some time,she grew close to him and started liking him.
Interaction: Most of the time,Yifan is bothering and teasing Yuki,but that's the way he shows his love for her,he is not the type that would openly talk about his feelings,but once in a while he will act sappy and corny with Yuki to cheer her up,he is always there for her,to comfort her,to cheer her up,to help her and Yuki is glad to have someone like him.Yifan almost never iniciates skinship,most of the time Yuki is the one to hug him first.Yifan gets jealous easily,it's not that he doens't trust Yuki,but he doens't trust the boys around her.The first time Yifan saw Yuki's siren form,he acted pretty calm and then,he fainted and the day after,he tried took it rather well.He interrogated Yuki about her fins,her origins,if she had powers...about everything.Most of the time,they're your average happy couple,well,if you consider sirens normal,but they have their fights,specially about the fact that if he will become a siren or she will become half human.Yuki never liked the idea of making Yifan a siren,she thought he was perfect the way he was,but finally she gave up after 4 days of not talking to each other and turned him into a siren.

Love Interest Back-up : Joonmyun

He's caring and sweet,a total sweetheart or cutie pie if you want to say it.It's in his nature,being a total gentleman and a respecful guy.He calls every girls attention with his gentleman-like actions and kind heart.But he can be a little dramatic at times,like fussing over small things or make a huge deal over things like scratches or scrap,but it is in his nature,like a the mother Hen taking care of its chicks.

They met during the boat's crash,Suho was unconscious,almost dying and Yuki resisted the urges of killing him and saved him,since then,they stayed together.

Anything else?

Any questions?  

Sorry if some things were weird or lame,English is not my first language and i'm not good with words.

P.S : This is the coolest idea ever~
Scene requests?  
Password: He is a bias list wrecker,he is going to kill me with his weird and awkward self XD



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I see it now! :)
Hey you said you updated the back up love interest but I can't see it. D: