Happy Happy Owie?

Ah so I've been lying in bed for about an hour unable to sleep so I'mma blog :P OTL I'm going to be so tired tomorrow but eh that's what coffee is for right? :D haha Anyways I'm so happy that I got two more chapters written and typed up for Everyone Loves Jello. I had no intent when I first started the fic for it to be over 20 chapters long but well...that's how it turned out XD haha. This'll be my first ever full length story finished in my life....like seriously that's a big thing for me. I have dozens of stories (both normal and fanfic) that are sitting in a notebook or on my computer waiting to be finished. So yay congrats to Everyone Loves Jello~ you've survived! haha

I really need to start working on my YunJae fic though. Like seriously I tapped into some deep, dark depressive part of me when I started writing that (although tbh there was some pretty ty stuff happening in my life at the time) and I haven't been able to tap into that inspiration again (I mean not that I really want to reach that low spot again but come on the genius that came out of it /brick'd/). I think the idea that Yunho and Jaejoong both will be in the military together is enough to make me want to write more YunJae stuff but well...eh it's hard to finish a depressing one when your happy fangirl feels are running like rampant rhinos, 

Lately, although there have been some pretty crappy days, life has been looking up. I mean seriously. I spend practically every weekend hanging out with my amazing friends (or more specifically one crazy yet loveable friend who seriously needs to stahp being so amazing before I get spoiled :P). Like seriously no matter how crappy a week I've had that's become something I look forward to doing. I know it sounds kind of crazy but I've never really had a friendship like this. Like it's kind of scary and new for me....Sometimes my anxiety gets the better of me and I feel like I'm being overly excited about having good friends for once or that I'm being annoying and bugging people too often. But somehow it's like my friends know and whether knowingly or not they put a lot of my anxities and worries to rest. I seriously can't express how blessed I am to have them. Sometimes I wish I could express myself better to their face instead of hiding behind my computer screen when I tell them how much I appreciate them and all they do for me. Like seriously I owe them a lot for helping me in more ways and more times than I think they even know. :) It seems weird having friends who are willing to do as much for me as I am willing to do for them...It almost makes me feel like I've been cheated out of a lot up until this point. 

Anyways~ that's enough mushy stuff for now cause I'm seriously not even talking to them directly and I'm blushing and getting all awkward and embarrassed sitting here typing this out XD haha I'm off to try to finally sleep and put a heating pad on my back since I'm a derp who slips on wet floors in my kitchen XD haha~! 


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Kreecherkai #1
AWWWWWWW I'm crazy!!!! But you already spoil me XD

mushy mushy mush mush

*kisses* >3>