Begging for Karma

Kinda a rant blog. 


I've had people asking me for Karma simply because I hit the 1000 mark. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not using my karma for anything. I don't advertise or plan on changing my username. But I will not give my karma away. 


If you want karma, don't go around asking for it. Become a positive contribution to the site and comment on stories, blogs, upload fics, whatever. Earn your karma. Don't be a beg. 

I won't be giving my karma away. Not because I want to use it, but because it's a reminder of all the things I've done on the site. 


So bottom line: don't beg for Karma. Earn it. How else do you think other people get their karma?


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I know how you feel, people always ask me for Karma even though they have thousands and thousands of Karma. u_u
People beg for karma? XD
I don't even know what to do with my karma points? LOL
fyehxn #3
That is true. That is why, I made a graphic contest so people who have the talent to make graphics would join and earn the karma they want and other stuffs. I think it's better to earn karma that way and appreciate graphic makers too :D
official #4
thankfully, no one has begged me for karma yet, but i feel like if i displayed my karma points, they would. i have 4k that is just sitting there im thinking bidding if it gets high enough.

but you're right karma should be earned. or bought to support the site and bid idk

some people give out theier karma because theyre not doing anything with it, but :/ asking is pretty cheap