My Ideal Type (You know, for s and giggles)


I'm pretty lonely lately and you know, this could be good for me..

Although I've got my eye set on someone, I have a perfect guy in mind as well. 

I got this from WinterRose who saw this blog from airhead98, who says she got it from JinHasBoyfriend.



1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?

Looks matter, but not that much. He'd have to be pretty decent though. I only like Asian guys  though, so attractive isn't very hard for the ones at my school. 


2. Smart?

I would love this. I love engaging in actual conversation, so yes please. 


3. Preferred age?

Mmm, not older than 2 years. And I can deal with a younger guy. The guy I'm interested in right now is actually a Freshman (I'm a Sophomore) 


4. Preferred height?

Taller than 5'5 pleaaaaase. 


5. How about sense of humor?

Whether it be unintentional or sarcastic, this needs to happen. Pleaaase. 


6. How about piercings?

I used to be really attracted to piercings , but now its not so much, so preferably, none. 


7. Accepts you for who you are?

I wouldn't date him otherwise. 


8. Pink hair?

HAHAHAHA, unless I dared him to dye it, noo. 


9. Mushy or no?

Mushy or cute? I could deal with cute, but not TOO mushy. 


10. Thin or fat?

Not too thin. If he's in between, it would be ideal.  G-Dragon's build is fine too though!


11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?

As I've previously stated, I enjoy Asians, so, you know.


12. Long hair or short hair?

Not too picky actually! I like Taeyang hair, as well as Eddie Shin hair. Just as long as it is Tail Free. 


13. Plastic or metal?



14. Smells good?

Like Lacoste or Ralph Lauren or CK please. Or Abercrombie. 


15. Smoker?

I would slap him. 


16. Drinker?

No. I would slap him. 


17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?

Maybe. To keep it interesting. 


18. Muscular?

Doesn't have to be, but man I love abs. 


19. Plays piano?

I would love that c: 


20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?

Acoustic nfsakjfkasfj 


21. Plays violin?

Meh. I'm good with the piano. 


22. Sings very good?



23. Vain?

That's not cute. 


24. With glasses?

If he looks cute in them. 


25. With braces?

... I would prefer if he didn't. 

26. Shy type?

The boy I have my eye on is pretty shy heh heh 


27. Rebel or Good boy?

It would be cool either way. Oh my gosh, one with a motor cycle. That would be so fun. 


28. Active or passive?



29. Tight or bomb?

I'm not sure what this means. 


30. Singer or dancer?

Sing. I'm in charge of dancing. 


31. Stunner? as in looks? or like a schmoozer?

I don't really know how to answer this question. 


32. Hiphop?

..I'm god. 


33. Earrings?

Not gages. 


34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?

I'd prefer if not. 


35. Dimples?

Meh. Fine with me. 


36. Bookworm?

yes c: 


37. Mr/Ms. love letter?

Been there, done that, no thanks. 


38. Playful?

That would be fun. 


39. Flirt?

No. Also been there and done that. 


40. Poem writer?

I hate that kind of stuff, so no. 


41. Serious?

Depending on the type. 


42. Campus crush?

I 'm not sure. 


43. Painter?

That's different. 


44. Religious?

I'm pretty religious, so that'd be cool. Doesn't have to be though. 


45. Someone who likes to tease people?

Tease me in a fun and cute way? Yee. 


46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?

Oh dear gosh no. 


47. Speaks 20 languages?

I love languages, so if he loved them too, that would be so cool. 


48. Loyal or faithful?

Both. Both both both. 


49. Good kisser?

That'd be nice. 


50. Loves children?

I think it's super cute when guys love kids, SO YES. 


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