Application for champions!


username: DamnThatDubu

profile link:

★  l this is real, this is me

character name: Woo Eun Mi

nicknames: Mimi (English name; called this by most since it is the name she went by in Australia)

ethnicity: Full Korean, born and raised in Australia (Would this be Australian of Korean descent? )

birthday: July 8, 1993

age: 18                             

place of birth: Brisbane, Australia

hometown: Brisbane, Australia

★  l i've been this type of girl

personality: Mimi is a bit of an . Actually, that’s an understatement; she is a huge . She has a mentality that she is better than everybody, therefore does not talk to them. All of the other trainees believed that she ignored everyone because she was foreign, and could not understand what they were saying, however, she just didn’t want to talk to anyone. Mimi was a very sweet and charming girl, until her parents divorced the same year her so-called first love shot her down. From that day on, she despised people and kept to herself. She has sworn to never let another male in, unless they see her as “one of the guys”, which is easy considering her lack of feminine charm, despite whatever she decides to wear. Not to tomboy level, but definitely less acquainted with female ways than most. This is all on the surface. When she is open to certain circumstances, such as a person becoming injured or someone becoming depressed, she manages to change her attitude and help the person to the best of her abilities. Once the problem has been settled, however, she returns to ignoring their existence. If you do get far enough into her comfort zone, she is still sarcastic and blunt, but it becomes more of in a friendly and joking matter as opposed to being rude. She adores cats, and only lets her extreme weakness be seen when there is a cat around, and loves a good horror story. When it comes to performing, she is a serious dancer and one hell of a performer; it’s as if her eyes automatically change from bored to fierce. All around, she can be explained as a charismatic freak that can only be tolerated by certain people.


·         Cats

·         Edgar Allan Poe (or other dark writing of the sorts),

·         Horror (film, story, novel),

·         silence,

·         instant ramen and other unhealthy snacks

·          the smell of fresh laundry and asphalt after it rains.


·         Romantic Comedies

·         whining “prissy little girls” as she calls them

·          cooking

·         crowded parties (parties in general)

·          mobs

·          faking emotions

·          people


·         She has a habit of running her hands through her hair in frustration

·          cracking her knuckles when accepting a challenge

·          scoffing at listening to other’s conversation,

·          bowing only her head as opposed to the rest of her body as well.


·         Write fiction

·          keep a private, anonymous blog

·          Sleeping

·          making up choreography

·          mediocre film making


·         She truly only has one fear of rejection.

·          When her parents divorced, she tried to run away, but came home hours later because she was hungry and had forgotten her wallet.

·         She is considered very stylish by some (urban outfitter vibe) although she claims she does not pay much attention.

·         She rarely takes out her phone because she is embarrassed; it has a 3d Rilakkuma case. Her excuse is: “It was the only one in the store, I haven’t had time to buy a new one. Shut up before I shove it up your *censored*”

★  l do the pretty girl rock

uljjang name: Lee Da Som

back up uljjhang: Kwon Su Jeong

height: 165 cm

weight: 50 kg

extra: In tribute to Edgar Allan Poe, has “Lord help my poor soul” tattooed on her hip area

★  l if you are who you say you are.

background: Her early life was mostly lonely. She is an only child, and had an incredibly busy father who was always away on business trips, always back with presents from different countries to make up for lost time. Her mother was also hard working, but did try to keep the family together. By the time Mimi was 14, their marriage was hanging off the edge and at the age of 15, it completely ended. Prior to that, she didn’t have many harships or exciting things happen to her. It was dull to say the least.

family members: Woo Sungwoo (English name: Michael): Father; 46 ; works in management at a large corporation; cold and distant. Hasn’t contacted her since he left.

Kim Minah (English Name: Donna) Mother; 43; works at a popular organic food store in Brisbane; a good word could be pushy, considering that her caring and want to make Mimi feel loved comes off as overbearing. Truly strong and caring mother.

bestfriend: Idol: Shin Dongho of U-Kiss. 17; rapper/maknae for U-Kiss; just about as nonchalant as Mimi is, but with an adorable vibe that although annoys the crap out of Mimi, can’t help but make her care about him (too much for her like); Met predebut. Mimi studied at the same entertainment art school as he did. She graduated while he is still attending.

friends: Due to her anti-social nature, Dongho is really the only one she can stand enough to call a friend.

rival: Krystal of f(x)

why: Krystal is everything Mimi has grown to hate about people; she is whiny, annoying, prissy, and due to her superiority complex, Mimi genuinely believes she can do far better.

 ★  l all i think about is you. 

love interest: Exo-K’s Kai; U-Kiss’ Dongho

personality: Kai:

Obnoxiously attractive. He does everything possible to get every girl to melt at the palm of his hand, and Mimi doesn’t buy it. Truly it is just a façade and he is a genuinely shy and sweet person, but with terrible connotation due to his looks as stage presence. Dorky with his sense of humor, and completely cheesy.


He has the nature of a lost puppy. His looks are exactly like his personality. He is adorable, but with so much nonchalance, he is on par with Mimi. She is his precious noona whom he adores, and he does sweet things just to try to get her to smile, which usually doesn’t work, but it is in his nature to keep trying until he gets it.

meet or not: Kai:

 Mimi tried to avoid him as much as possible predebut, seeing as she was disgusted by his womanizing rumors, however since debut, they’ve been forced to communicate since they are now officially part of  “SM Town”. Annoyingly gets paired up with him in couple stages.

Dongho: see best friend section.

Relationship: Kai:

A bit of a rival, seeing as though she wants nothing to do with him

Dongho: Best friend; she is his “precious noona”


 ★  l look at me now.

stage name: Mimi

your fanclub: The Ravens, due to Mimi’s sleek dance style, dark personality, and once again, obsession with Edgar Allan Poe

fanclub colors: Dark purple

persona: Mysterious member; semi 4D.

onstage personality: Completely confident and charismatic. Cocky as well, pulling many facial expressions and winks during her parts.

position: main dancer

backup position: lead vocal and sub dancer

trainee years: left to train after divorce of parents, so 4 years this December.

how did you get into sm: SM Open Auditions (like Key and Taemin from SHINee)

 ★  l it don't matter. 

secrets: Far deep down, she’s waiting for someone to change her opinion of love.


Sorry the application is so long! I can’t help it, I think I’m already attached to the character ;__; Thank you, and good luck with your story!


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