Long thing about my 20th birthday weekend and feelings

It's a weird feeling. I can't really explain it. I spent the morning at the basketball game (haha we lost...on TV) and then the rest of the day and night with my parents. Then on Sunday I went to brunch with them at this...Eurobistro place and damn it was fabulous and delicious. I had crepes omfg so good. Afterwards my parents left and went back home. And my mom, oh gosh, she made me my favourite cake. Tres leches. Oh yum. And it's freaking huge! I was not expecting it to be huge. Every piece that was cut out was supposed to be a small piece but it's so thick and big that each piece was monstrous size. I still have some in the fridge, I've not gotten to any yet. My parents stopped at Tous les Jour on their way up here and got me some pastries. I'm so excited for that. I was finally able to give my mom the ladybug plush. But it was a nice weekend. I didn't do homework until after they left. I was so tired on Saturday night that I just crashed. I got one gift...actually two but the second part came with the first...and that was really nice. But there was something that didn't cost money that I didn't get and I am so sad because of that. I guess it's understandable why I didn't get it but I had brought my hopes up so much that I was just bummed out and mentally exhausted because of it.
Ah but anyways...my 19th year of living was an interesting one. One that I don't regret and was the happiest I've ever been. To be honest...I didn't expect to live this long. When I was 12 or 13 I couldn't see my future self at 17, yet here I am at age 20. I lived beyond what I thought was going to be my final year on Earth. I'm thankful for the miracles that were bestowed upon me in the form of 15 men and quite a few people who don't even live near me in the same state much less country.


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:) Happy Belated Birthday~ Sorry I'm late ^^ Yeah, we still breathing at this moment so no matter hard it is, we have to be grateful~ ^^