I'm going to be back soon

I'll be back soon. Probably, not really, that much on AFF, but definately on different websites around the internet (and I'll try to make AFF one of them, if I have the time to come back and get back into posting and all that stuff). Mostly on Wattpad though, which I've been getting back into the past couple of weeks.

I've been working really hard on Coalesce which I'm hoping on uploading soon and releasing as my debut novel (yes, I know that was meant to be Lament. I've had some better ideas concerning that, so I'm hoping on re-assessing my plan and just making it better). There's still a lot to work on but I'm almost there (in turns of plotting, writing there's still a fair bit to do, I'm only at the 3rd chapter), so I'm hoping on uploading the description and possibly the first chapter later this week. I'll upload a blog when I've done so.


So for now, I'll leave you with a small sneak peak, simply because I love you guys


When you’re a child, you grow with the belief thay monsters don’t exist. They’re nightmares, figments of our imaginations. They go away as long as you close your eyes and count to ten. 

But for Abigail Whitewood, no matter how many times she closes her eyes, the monsters keep coming. And they’re the least of her troubles.

- -

So today, when she stands in the middle of the trodden field, mud covering her feet and reaching up to her ankles, I’m terrified. And she can tell, because although she doesn’t say anything, a smile takes her face. It’s friendly, kind, not in any way spiteful. But it speaks a thousand words – and with one smile I know what she’s thinking. “I’m going to kick your today, Whitewood. And I’m going to kick it hard.

And I’ll be honest. As My feet drag me towards the centre of the fenced area, I consider turning and running and hiding and never coming back out. But the ounce of pride that I have won’t allow it – not after I ran from my friends. Because I know that if I don’t face something, someone, then all I am is a coward. And I can’t be a coward. That isn’t what Masters are.


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