Rage Post cause if I don't rant somewhere I'll die

Okay seriously. If you're going to ing argue don't do it in front of me. I'm so sick and tired of hearing them tell eachother to leave and never come back. Hearing one boo hoo and whine because nobody appreciates them while the other is swearing up a storm screaming how they wish they could just die. Like seriously? You wonder why I have so many issues dealing with depression and anxiety? Do you not hear yourselves? Sometimes I wish they'd just get a divorce so I wouldn't have to hear it...but at the same time I don't want that to happen. I know some people are better off being friends instead of married but my GOD you've stuck it out 28 years why are you being so ing hardheaded now? Just UGH! 

Sorry about all the ranting and depression and pity party talk...I just need to vent somewhere...I don't even care if people read this...I just need to get it out without certain people on other sites judging or thinking it's all about them. I just ugh~! Too much drama. I need to get a better job so I can have more money to be able to get out of this house. 

Anyone else ever feel like as soon as things start going great in your life something, no matter how small, has to come in and kind of ruin it all for you? I mean seriously. You start having a good week and out of nowhere you get written up at work for something you didn't do. Or you get a flat tire during the ONE rainy day that was forecasted for this week. Seriously these ups and downs are starting to kill me. I try to RP but that never works out so well cause' then something happens on one of those. 

That whole writing fanfics thing? Yeah let's talk about that another time when I actually have good ideas. u_u;; Thank God for my friends or I don't think I would have made it this far. Like seriously I swear they're the only things keeping me alive right now. 

Well I guess that's it for now cause' I'm starting to fall asleep typing this (funny how no matter how angry or irritated I am, I always get super tired). 


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Kreecherkai #1
Yeah like seriously! I did not spend the whole weekend trying to burn down the kitchen and making Jellochan laugh just to have you come ruin it!!! rawr!! *searches how to change name* seriously if there was ever a time I needed to be Kreecher it will be now!

Anyway...sleep well!! Work well!!! I will spend all night if I have to! I'll come up with something that will make you laugh muwahahahahahahhahhahah...yes, evil included!