featuring shops

THIS IS GOING TO BE A RANT. you have been warned o n o

recently, there's been this suggestion box thing on AFF Helper, asking aff users for recommendations and suggestions on how the improve the site.

i've noticed a ton of people suggest that we don't put shops in the 'feature' section. and i understand that they might want to look for cool fics. but if they want to find cool new fics, there are so many other ways to do that. for one, we have the 'recommended section'. there are also a multitude of well-respected recommendation shops. furthermore, aff users can always just ask friends or other fellow users for recommendations. really, the possibilities for finding great fics is endless. however, they have to realize aff is a community that includes stories, graphic shops, layout shops, roleplays, etc. who all have the equal chance of gaining popularity, and getting the opportunity to be featured. the 'featured' section isn't for good fanfiction, it's there to recognize well-established and well-received threads, whether those threads be roleplays, fanfictions, shops, galleries, or contests, in the hopes of garnering more attention for that thread, and giving it the recognition it deserves. even if you make a seperate 'featured corner' for shops and roleplays, who's going to look for it or really know HOW to look for it? and let's be completely blunt here. no one would give two craps about these little corners; they would ignore it and go straight for the cheesy drama romcom on the front of the homepage. these features are rare moments when a non-fanction can be appreciated by the whole of the aff community. to put it in even simpler terms, it's quite apparant that aff is best known for its fanfics. the majority of aff users use this site to subscribe to and comment on their favorite fanfictions. therefore, it only seems logically correct if it is fanfictions who are the dominating force in the aff community. with that in mind, one should realize that this means other threads, ones that are NOT fanfictions, have a difficult time reaching to the public, because a lot of aff users don't bother to look at layout galleries or graphic shops, even though a multitude of authors use both in their stories. so when those non-fanfic threads are featured, it means a lot. when uncontrollable was featured, the layout community celebrated. when roleplays are featured, it is a huge deal for those roleplayers, as well as the admins, and creators, who have put their blood, sweat, and tears into making their roleplay a fun community for all of their roleplayers. coders, roleplayers, designers, reviewers, etc, they've all worked equally as hard, and spent just as much time to provide the aff community with the highest-quality material they possibly can. that's why those kind of threads are featured. not because they're hardworking authors giving their all at a wonderful fanfiction. it's because these people have given their all, have improved, and have gone through ups and downs to reach this sort of recognition. if aff does decide to ban non-fanfictions from being featured, i honestly think threads that aren't fics are going to be severely less-appreciated than they already are (which is saying something). a lot of aff users don't realize how difficult and time-consuming it is to learn and use codes to make something even remotely decent to look at. at the same time, a lot of aff users don't understand how much patience and skill it takes to create a simple graphic, or to be able to pander to so many different people's wants and desires. with that in mind, why should a website, that offers a variety of threads, discriminate against other threads and hold one above the others? and they can argue that shops and roleplays will get just as much attention from their 'little corner', but that's emperically just not true. just look at the 'm rated' fics. they aren't nearly as popular as they were before, because they're now hidden; they have a 'little corner' for their featured fics, but it's not nearly as clear as being front-page on aff. and regardless of emperics, since there aren't any legal restrictions on graphic shops, layout shops, or rps, why should we hide them away?

this isn't about my own layout gallery, or anyone elses' thread. rather, it's about realizing what a community is, and to protect the opportunities each and every aff user has, regardless of what they do. this issue goes beyond just the idea of including graphic shops and roleplays in the featured section, its about making others realize the importance of potential, and realize as well as recognize talent, even if posters or roleplays might not appeal to them, rather than discriminate against something foreign or 'useless' to their own livelihoods.

that's why i honestly think the featured section should stay the same way as is. if an author, coder, or designer has earned the support and upvotes to be featured, then so be it. they've all worked equally as hard to earn that chance. who are you to rid them of that?

HAHA i have so much more to say, because i'm just really infuriated atm. but that's just my logical, unbiased argument on why it would be unjustified, discriminatory, as well as morally wrong to put fanfictions on a pedastal, while preventing other great threads from getting that kind of recognition. it's frustrating, really.


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I am not against graphic and layout threads getting featured. I do appreciate the hardwork/effort and creativity that goes into every graphic and layout. I started coding and been making graphics from time to time. I also have a gallery. But I do appreciate the suggestion of a separate featured section for shops because more shops would be recognized.

What made you think it would be a little corner? How did you know it wouldn't be in the homepage? You are jumping into conclusions just because the featured section of rated m fics is in a little box on the left side panel - which mind you, no matter how small - still garners recognition and readers. It would just be a different box, where all shops would be featured. We need to have organization here. Why feature something that can't be seen? The daily random feature has its place in the homepage. What makes you think that the shop feature would be placed in a corner when Boss created the layout marketplace, textarea mode in the editor for codes and even increased the width because of a designer's layout? So no. If he makes a separate section, it would still be in the homepage. Did anyone say that? To be out in a little box in a dark corner no one would see?

Heh. Sorry about that. I don't like users complaining about featured stories as well. They were upvoted fair and square. But because I'm a bit of an organizer, I am for that separate shop section. Not in a little corner, haha
You took the words right out of my mouth. I mean I was iffy on roleplays being featured to, but when I found out people were actually complaining about them being featured? If you want actual stories to be featured then upvote those stories so they get noticed more. Designing a poster can be just as creative as making a story ^^ There's a lot of graphic artists on here I think, that deserve to be featured and same for other artists besides writers.

Some people are way too biased when it comes to what should/shouldn't be featured -__-
The thing is, while I do think that layout makers/review/poster shops can stay in the featured system because they deserve to be there just like anyone else, I also know that there are more than enough people that do posters/code/review/etc... where a separate section wouldn't keep people from looking at those shops. If there is a separate section, you'll easily get people to stop complaining (because people are constantly going to complain about that, especially those that don't code or do posters) and there is more than enough people that will check that separate featured section anyway, especially those that need posters/layouts or know people that do those services.

Personally, I don't code very often, because I rather write, and I'm a beginner at best anyway, but I do check the featured system every day and if there was a place for stories and a place for shops, I would check both without hesitation. And I'm sure there are a huge number that feel the same way or will just check the featured shops instead of the fics. (Especially since people hate the fics in the featured system any way and keep on complaining about how awful they are, so there are quite a few people that have stopped checking the featured system because of that.) And I think there is more than enough people that use those services that if there was a separate section for shops, people would still think those shops are cool and awesome and would check them out if they got featured in a different section. (I've talked to quite a few people and actually a lot of them like the idea of a separate section because then they don't have to look at the featured fics and can just focus on shop stuff.) And really, I think a majority of users here use posters and layouts in their stories or on their profiles that having a separate section wouldn't take away anything from you guys. You would still get featured, people would still check your shops out, and less people would complain.

(1/2 - follow replies)
That's exactly right!
/cries of joy/
so right ;;
/claps hands
Im a reviewer, author, & coder too!
and everyone deserves the equal chance to be featured.
we work as hard as authors to design and code for people too. cx