New Story?

I thought of this a few weeks ago and it sat there just bugging me whenever I tried to do anything else. I couldn't finish writing anything, and because I've been using my phone to write mostly, I couldn't really get this idea down.

So today, I picked up my laptop and did this. I bring you Ethereal, a scifi fic that has about as many idols in it as I can think of.


I won't be updating this straight away - I have a half finished chapter of Paper Plane waiting to be finished, the beggining of the next chapter for The Library Boy and a rough draft of Excruciatingly Delicate that needs to be touched up and edited. But it's a start. It'll probably be updated once I managed to get the next two chapters of Paper Plane finished (which will happen as soon as I remember where I put my flash drive).


EDIT: never mind the flash drive was in my room false alarm I can finish Paper Plane now.


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I hope you update it soon ^_^