It was so amazing!!

Okay, it all started when I was dying of boredom. I broke my hand so I can't really do that much, I'm just glad that I'm still able to type with my other hand but it ain't easy though. I then started watching random videos, clicking here and there whatever I find interesting. Then, I clicked one video about an audition of a 14 yr.old girl with the judges lacking confidence in her, thinking that the girl is not capable of singing. Her name is Shiane, she grew up in Darwin and a real sweetheart. When she started singing, everyone was so amazed! even the judges! Okay, the thing that made me amazed is the song she sang!

Watch this video, you'll find out why! I also know SONE will guess why I found it amazing!


I know it's not the actual song but still, it's the remake version of there song so the similarities are not that far~

I was amazed by the fact that what are the odds that I'm going to encounter this song among the others?


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OMO SNSD! Well it's duffy's "Mercy," but still :3
yeah true, she's really great!
She's awesome.