LUXE Application: Thanya

|| LUXE ||




|| And You Are...? ||

Character's Name: Thanyaluk Jainukul (Nickname: Thanya 탄야)

Age: 19

Date of Birth: October 12, 1994

Birthplace: Ayutthaya, Thailand (just north of Bangkok)

Hometown: Ayutthaya, Thailand

Ethnicity: Thai

Languages: Thai (fluent), English (fluent), Korean (conversational)

Bloodtype: A-negative

Weight: 48 kg (106 lbs)

Height: 164 cm (5’4”)



|| Show Me Who You Are ||

Face Claim: Jang Hae Byeol

Links: 1 | 2 | pre-debut
Dorm:  1 | 2 | 3 
Airport: 1 | 2 | 3 
Practice: 1 | 2 | 3 
Fancy: 1 | 2 | 3
Extra: casual/date

Anything else special about her style?:  She refuses to wear anything that reveals her stomach because of scars her mother gave her when she was younger. She also prefers darker colors to really bright and vibrant colors, like neon pink. She is a fan of sweaters and comfortable boots when the weather’s cold. She doesn’t like heels, but she is capable of dancing in them and she wears them for fancy or formal occasions. She prefers long sleeves to short sleeves. She will wear skirts, but not pencil skirts or skirts that just barely cover her . She considers her fashion to be very sensible rather than over-the-top and extravagant.

Back up Face Claim: Min Hyo Sun

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 



|| Tell Me Who You Are ||

Personality: Thanya is very determined, hardworking and perfectionistic. When she is given a task, she wants to accomplish that task to the full extent of her abilities. She is willing to try anything at least once. She laughs easily, and is very kind. She doesn't anger very easily, which makes her seem very easygoing and a bit of a pushover, but those things that do anger her fester inside until they overwhelm her, which is scary to people around her. The side of her that most people see is the quiet and introverted side. She doesn't do things that would bring too much attention to her. She knows how to handle herself on and off camera, sometimes in such a way that other people feel like fools at times. She only wants the best for her family and friends.

Family Background (Your Past): Thanya was born and raised in Ayutthaya, Thailand. Her mother had anger problems and would often abuse her when she was younger. Her father was never home due to his work schedule and she was forbidden from telling him, so he never knew about the abuse. One day when she was six her mother punched her in the right eye, making her bleed heavily enough to obscure her vision. Doctors believed she would lose her eye, but there was a specialty doctor in western Thailand who was able to save her eye. However, to this day that eye has turned gray and she has very bad vision in that eye. Thanya wears a prescription colored contact to both let her see and normalize the color. She is ashamed of her eye and she doesn’t let people know it’s discolored, both because of the drastic color difference and the way it is a door into her past. (If she is asked about it on a variety program she simply says it was due to a childhood accident and refuses to elaborate.)

Because of the incident with her eye, her dad found out about the previous abuse and wanted to get a divorce. Thus followed a year of legal disputes and fighting between her parents. Because of all the court issues, Thanya spent the better part of that year at her cousin’s house, forming very strong relationships with her relatives there. Perhaps the strongest relationship was with her cousin Nichkhun, who was 12 at the time. He was the older brother she never had, and was very loving and protective of her. He was the only one who never at any point made fun of the eyepatch she had to wear while her eye healed, and he often defended her from the boys at her school who would call her a ‘one-eyed freak’ because of it. Even after her eye healed, she was not allowed to get a contact lens until she was eight because of the danger of re-injury, so the taunting continued because of the strange discoloration.

Her dad eventually won the court case and custody over Thanya, but they had to move out of their house to a cozy apartment about fifteen minutes away. About this time, just before her eighth birthday, Thanya was cleared to get a vision-correction contact to match her uninjured eye. She also changed schools, and her dad put her in dance lessons because her child therapist said she needed a healthy physical outlet for herself. The teasing of her old classmates disappeared and she was accepted almost immediately into the folds of her new school.

Her dad’s decision to enroll Thanya in dance lessons was perhaps the smartest thing he could have ever done. She had a lot of pent-up emotions from the years of abuse from her mom, but she was able to go to the studio and lose herself in the whirlwind of movement. The physical exercise made her feel better, and she was accomplishing something she had never dreamed could happen. By the time she was twelve, she was one of the best young dancers in the studio and was beginning to compete with other neighboring studios. Her instructors were very proud of her and believed she could go far with her dancing. She and Nichkhun, now 18, remained very close, and he was one of her biggest supporters even though he was in Korea a lot of the time.

Two years later, Thanya was competing district-wide in ballet and hip-hop categories at the age of fourteen. This is also when life started to move very quickly for her. Nichkhun debuted in the group 2PM, and Thanya began teaching herself basic Korean so that she could keep up with him without needing Thai subtitles on TV. She also auditioned for a province-wide hip-hop competition, in which she later placed fourth. She was taking a greater interest in Korean culture and music. When she was fifteen, Nichkhun and her father urged her to audition to become a trainee, because she wanted to go farther with her passion for dancing. The summer before her sixteenth birthday, she flew to Korea and auditioned first at JYP, then Woollim. She was declined by JYP, but accepted by Woollim. She flew back to Thailand for a month so she could get a work visa, pack and transfer to an online school, as she still wanted to complete her final two years of secondary school. She flew back to Korea, where she moved into a Woollim dorm and got a job at a local grocery store.

Her next few years were very intense. She had voice and dance lessons every day, as well as schoolwork to do and a job that had her working at least 5 hours every day. She was still involved with her dance studio back in Thailand, but she could no longer do many of the competitions. However, when she was seventeen there was an opportunity for her to go to one of her home province’s most elite competitions, so she put some of her training and work on hold to get ready for the competition. This was also about the time she met Hoya (more information in the love interest section). When she flew back home for the competition, she was surprised to see Nichkhun and her father cheering her on, and because of them she was able to pull second place. After that, she flew back to Korea and continued training, as well as finishing secondary school and getting a second job. When she was eighteen, she learned that she was going to debut, and so the entire next year was devoted to recording and practicing, leading up to this moment.


Mother: Tansanee Jainukul | 44 | Unknown | Abusive | Alive

Father: Khemkaeng Jainukul | 43 | Engineer | Kind, supportive in everything she does, knows how to make her laugh | Alive

Siblings: None

Your Character In One Word: Poised


Earrings: they’re her favorite accessory
Healthy food, like fruits and vegetables
Working out: it makes her feel better
Jeans or other long pants
Cute and fuzzy animals
When people ask her to teach them a certain dance move
People seeking her advice
Cooking Thai food
Finding someone who can speak English or Thai

When people take pictures of her
Having her hair in a ponytail
Scandalous, skintight or absurdly bright clothing
Aegyo: it bothers her
Thrill rides
Haunted houses, or scary things in general
People touching her waist (unless it’s a part of a dance)
Arriving late
Being called ‘noona’ by anyone
Frosting on cakes or cupcakes
People interrupting her while she’s talking
The color pink
People touching her hair without her knowing
Sudden schedule changes
When people ask about her eye

When she’s stressed she tends to forget to eat
She puts a hand over when she laughs
If someone startles or scares her she tends to curse in Thai
She plays with her earrings when bored
She wrings her hands when she’s angry and fighting to keep her temper
She bites her lips when nervous
She fans herself when she’s excited
She sleeps with one cheek pressed against the pillow
She never walks around the house/dorm in just socks: she always has some sort of shoe

Dancing or teaching herself new choreographies
Making embroidery floss bracelets
Sketching people, clothes, faces or anything she could animate with a computer

She can’t see herself having children
She’d love to do some philanthropic work with an anti-abuse or anti-bullying campaign
Her most prized possession is a bracelet from her dad that says ‘Keep Fighting’ in Thai
She has two piercings in each ear
Her right eye is gray and her left eye is brown
If she hadn’t become an idol, she would have gone into computer animation
She is very flexible due to the years of dancing
Her favorite song is ‘Thank You for Being Born’ by VIXX
She loves the show Running Man, and it’s her dream to get on the show
She has to wear glasses around the dorm because she isn’t allowed to sleep with her contact lens in, or else her eye might be reinjured or irritated
She is able to sing in almost any language if she has enough time to practice
She is a total neat freak
She doesn’t like people touching her waist, unless it’s a part of a dance
She still struggles with spoken Korean, even after five years of exposure to the language. She can understand it almost perfectly though
She cannot fall asleep unless she’s listening to music
Sometimes if she’s speaking while angry or excited, she switches from Korean to Thai unconsciously
She’s slow to anger, but when she does get really angry it’s scary
When she eats salad, she doesn’t use any salad dressing
She has never kissed anyone

Friends: Lee Sungmin | 28 | Super Junior | Easygoing, loves to laugh, kind, caring, sensitive | Close friends


|| Spotlights Are On You ||

Stage Name: Thanya (탄야)

Position: Lead Dancer and Vocals

Persona: Mystery Girl- she is quiet on TV and people don’t know a lot about her

FanClub Color: Amethyst Purple

FanClub Name: Gem(s)


|| Not You Again ||

Rival's Name: Hyoyeon

Group: SNSD

Why are you rivals: Thanya considers this to be a somewhat healthy rivalry. Every time she sees Hyoyeon she is inspired to work harder with her dancing and be more ambitious with what she wants to succeed at. Hyoyeon motivates her, even if Hyoyeon herself doesn’t know.


|| All I Want Is You ||

Love Interest: Hoya of Infinite

Relationship: Labelmates, friends

How you met/meet: Thanya was still a trainee. She was practicing her dancing late one night in the Woollim building, working on memorizing a routine for a competition in Thailand. When she turned off the music to get some water, she realized someone was standing in the doorway watching her. That someone was Hoya. Hoya complimented her and said she was a very good dancer, and asked her what the routine was for. They got to talking, even though there was still a pretty significant language barrier on Thanya’s side. Thanya found out that he was also a dancer and a member of Infinite, and Hoya found out that she was a Thai trainee who had been dancing since she was eight. Hoya asked her to teach him a part of her choreography, and their friendship blossomed from there.

How do you interact in public: They have a very playful relationship, and Hoya is one of the few guys that Thanya is comfortable around. He is also one of the few people who knows about Thanya’s eye and what really happened. She doesn’t use aegyo on him, and in turn he doesn’t treat her like a child even there are over 3 years between them. When the occasion arises he is protective of her, and she provides him someone to talk to. They don’t care much for traditional dates beyond going to the movies, but instead they love to dance together, which is one of the things that brought them together in the first place. Even though there is a bit of a spoken language barrier, Thanya believes that dancing spans all languages. She secretly dreams to eventually do a dance routine with him on TV.

Back up Love Interest: Woohyun of Infinite


Suggestions: Maybe a scene where one of her bandmates opens the door to her room, only to hear sobbing and choked Thai as Thanya talks to Nichkhun over the phone in distress. Or, a scene where her bandmates find out she has a grey eye. Not necessary, but they're ideas :)

Comments: When I was talking about Thanya’s competitions in the background section, I mentioned districts and provinces of Thailand. Districts are smaller than cities, and cities smaller than provinces. Just wanted to clear that up a bit.

What should we call Luxe's FanClub: Elegance, Ladies (since luxe also means luxurious, and regal is a synonym, and ladies are regal. Gentlemen or Lords could be their male fans)



Thank you for considering Thanya for a spot in your group!



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