Coalesce [Preview Chapter]

Completely uneditted  and revised so typos will be present. Just a little warning for you.


She ran quickly down the path with nothing but the street lights guiding her. There had once been the screams and shouts of the people who were being attacked by the creatures she was running from, but now all that remained was the moans and groans from behind her mixed with her quick, unsteady breath as she ran for the village exit.

 Abigail ran blindly, not knowing where she was going or what was behind her. But she refused to glance back at what was following. She wan with the fear of them catching her, finding that the adrenaline she needed came from the unknowing.

She should have been tired. Her chest should have been burning and each breath should have been hard to take and her steps should have been slow and painful. If it had been a training exercise then exhaustion would have caught up with her. But she felt no pain for strain and fought on, persuading her legs to keep moving as she desperately tried to escape the monsters.

It wasn’t long before the tall brick buildings and pavement roads crumbled and cessed to exist and the Master found herself fighting the large hill that the lead up to her only escape. There was scarcely a light to guide her along the muddy track and the girl feared that the source might try to hide behind clouds if she waited any longer.

Her vision was blurred together into a black mess now that she had slowed her pace to climb the monstrous hill and she could hear the inhumane snapping and groans of happiness from behind her as the death creatures realised their pray was all but free from escaping them. Abigail found herself cursing lightly to herself as the dizziness faded and her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness that surrounded her.

She knew where she was going, but as she neared the array of thick trees and fearsome shadows she wondered how stupid she really was. The thought of running back down the hill and to another location only crossed her mind once as she looked at the monstrous Black Forest that she was heading to. The very place that the creatures behind her called their home.

Their den.

And she was heading straight for it in the hope of escaping the monsters that would rip her limb from limb if the managed to get their vial claws and rotting teeth on her.

Luckily for her the death creatures seemed to have just as much trouble as she did climbing the steep hill in such a dim light. But as she reached the top and glanced back at the mass of sharp, yellowed teeth and claws of the shapeless death creatures she made no hesitation in sprinting into the darkness and unknowing of the forest they called home.

Today was not the day she would die; and if she had to brave the forest to stay alive then she would.

Abigail tuned out the moans and growls that quickly caught up with her. Her focus was on the path ahead, the trees that blocked her path and only showed themselves to her when she was close enough to trip. They soared high into the sky and robbed the light that she needed, leaving nothing but pitch blackness and shadows that moved along with her. Impulse was all she was left with as she battled the world she could not see. But they could see her. Their eyes watched her in the darkness as she brushed branches away that tugged at her clothes and held her back.

It was the moment her senses started to return to her that her grip on escaping started to slip.

She could see the trees and bushes around her and managed to dodge them a fair bit easier than she had moments before. Around her the creatures of the night moved – good and bad – and watched her movements as they followed her. She saw them. Each and every one of them as she ran through the thick forest trees.

Exhaustion caught up with her quicker than it should have, urged back by her second long pause earlier. Her legs were a ablaze with numb pain as the muscles begged the teenager to stop running. Short breaths caught in and made her dizzy from the oxygen debt as her heart banged against her ribs, wanting to be free from the torture.

And then came sound; and with that a wave of panic.

She had known it the moment she entered the forest – that the moans, growls, groans and snapping had multiplied and gained on her. She hadn’t paid attention to it; she had managed to push it all away to focus on what mattered.  But now she heard it. And she wished she hadn’t.

She wanted to escape it. To flee from the creatures that followed behind her. In a hasty, blinded decision she took a left turn and cut a tree, passing it too close for comfort and catching the root that stuck out of the ground and pulled her down like it too had been trying to bring her to a bloody doom. Just like that she felt her body slip and screamed instinctively as her body came into contact with the muddy, leave covered floor.

Abigail moved quickly, turning onto her back as she tried to force her body up. But it was no use. Her arms gave way underneath her and her legs refused to be put under strain. Too tired to stand and run she was left with nothing to do but watch as the death creatures approached her. Countless numbers of sharp teeth and yellow eyes circled her, arguing over who would be the first to pounce on her exhausted body.

The Master shrunk back into the ground as the stench of rotting flesh stuck between sharp fangs became too much for her to endure. She lifted a shaky hand and blocked her face and nose from the creatures that were just waiting for their moment to strike, like the action would somehow protect her from harm.

And then she heard it. The snapping of a twig as the closest creature bounced forwards to sink its teeth into her flesh. She waited, trying not to think as the growls erupted into a mess of noise.

“It’s okay.”

She moved her arm to be blinded by a light that was far too bright for her dilated eyes to see in. Quickly, she shrunk back into her haven of promised protection as she listened to the sounds of a blade piercing flesh over and over again. It was the inhumane shrieks that followed each slash of the blade that made the girl realise she was no longer hiding for protection but out of fear of the scene unfolding in front of her.

And then it stopped.

The screams, groans and shrieks of pain vanished into the night sky and all she could hear was the sound of footsteps and her shaky breath. She realised now that her heart had settled down and she had sat for a while that she hurt in places she hadn’t before and the sensation of thick liquid trickling down her leg warned of a wound she hadn’t noticed until then.

“It’s okay now Abigail, you can look.”

She gasped, a mixture of surprise from the fact he was still there and that he knew her name. She could tell, and was certain, that she had never heard the boyish voice until that moment and her presumed in a quick judgement that he was probably a child of the forest. She pulled her arm away, slower than she had done before hand, and looked straight at the snowy male who’s white hair was the purest shade of white she had ever seen and dull green eyes stared into hers. He smiled with friendliness and held his hand out to help her, but the Master stared blankly at the unfamiliar male that welcomed her as though he had known her his whole life.

“Are you planning on staying there?”

She brushed his giggle aside, ignoring it. “Who?”

“Can’t that wait?” In an instant he became serious – smile faltering as he cut her sentence short. “We should get out of the forest first. You look like you’re in no position to fight and I’m only as strong as you are.”

Abigail glanced at his hand once more before she looked at his face. His hair was spiked in every direction possible and his eyes were sharp. She watched as his mouth twitched under her intense gaze and he struggled to keep his smile from growing into a wide grin.

But she found no danger in the white haired boy. So she took his hand and – for the first time in her life – trusted a nameless stranger.


Coalesce is my new book I'm working on. It won't be posted anywhere online and the only way to read it is to buy the book (because my mom is knocking hints that I'm not making any money by posting my stuff on Wattpad and you're apparently not allowed to publish if there's a copy of your book online). This is one of the shorter chapters in the book. Rest are a lot longer.


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