New Story Idea + Characters

Yep so, now that I've finished Wisteria's Stone (and refuse to edit it until at least January), I've been setting myself up for my next story.

It will be called Coalesce and is currently in the outline/planning. I'm planning on starting it maybe in a week or so?

These are two of the main characters, Abigail and Hope. I have to finish designing Louis.

I also have a make do word counter to help me keep track of how much I've done so far.


It's on my profile too if anyone wants to keep an eye on it (dunno why you would but)


But don't worry. I haven't forgotten the promise to update PP and TLB. I just need to finish planning Coalesce because I have a few ideas for the plot and  keep getting new ones, they're just not exactly in line yet.


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