Those who read A New Breaking, please read this



This is Kim (topsyhobby), the lame author of the lame story called A New Breaking.

First of all, I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY I haven't been updating T____________________T I totally blame myself if you forgot who I am and what this fic is about, it's my fault!!! Keeping the lovely readers waiting for a long time is such a horrible thing to do as an author, and I deserve all the criticism for that.....*runs and throws herself off a cliff*

Currently I've been updating Looking for a Lighthouse, and some of you might wonder why I'm not doing the same for A New Breaking. To give you one of the explanations, Looking for a Lighthouse is a relatively easier fic to write than A New Breaking. I need to put more efforts and thoughts into A New Breaking, so it takes a lot more time than expected, it's quite a hard one to write, to be honest....So I thought maybe I should finish Looking for a Lighthouse first, so that I can concentrate fully on A New Breaking later when I get to it. I want to make sure I give you the best I can, so when I get to A New Breaking, I'll focus on that one and that one only. Now that I think about it, it would be better and more effective to focus on one at a time, rather than going back and forth between two very different fics, because that way I can avoid any possible confusion or any dilution of emotional effects to be carried across. I know I shouldn't have started two fics at once if I thought I couldn't handle it, but at first, I thought I COULD handle it, and that was arrogance on my part. It was my mistake to think so, and I sincerely apologize for this lack of responsibility.

Plus, Looking for a Lighthouse was initiated by someone's special request (see my foreword for this fic, if you want to), so I tend to try and hurry up on this one first. I hope you understand.

I know this sounds like nothing but a pathetic excuse, but it's true, and I'm very sorry for this;;;;;

I also know that saying sorry doesn't get you anywhere and it doesn't do anything to make this less pathetic, and that you're probably tired of me saying sorry all the time and not actually getting things done for you, but I promise I'LL COMPLETE A NEW BREAKING!! You can trust me on that, I'm serious.

Updates for A New Breaking will be delayed for a bit more, but I PROMISE!!!! I promise I will work on it!!!

Thank you for one of my readers who messaged me and knocked some sense into my head to explain to all other readers why there has been no update for A New Breaking, I really appreciate that ^^

Once again, I'm really sorry T__________T, and thank you for reading and waiting for my fic!!!

Love you all~~~ <33333



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Don't jump off the cliff!!! Then you won't be able to finish your amazing fics! We're all supporting you!
xxisaacs #2
I love both fics and you can take your time to write ANB.
Is better you be focused in just one of them because focus = quality and of course, if you force yourself into two projects, you may end up getting stressed.
Thanks a lot for be so caring~
Anggigong #3
it's fine, pls dont feel too much presure to writing it..^^ we'll definately waiting here patiently for ur update, and beside, we really enjoy u updating Looking for a Lighthouse.. both fics has their own charms n i fully understand that u hv to put extra care if u want those fics still hold their magics to captivate our hearts :) hihi

pls know that ur writing is always makes me mesmerize n amaze..n i hope u enjoy writing it as much as ur readers read ur updates ^^
thank u again for writing n sharing it to us.. hope u hv a good day! ♥♥♥
That's okay though. Hehehe. We can wait. ^^ And we enjoy Looking for a Lighthouse as well so A New Breaking could wait. :)).