To All My Readers!

Hello overyone!

Firstly i want to apologies like usual!

First i am sorry not for not updating my fics and being a bit too biased towards 5W1H To you ; u ;

Since it's the only fic that got updated this month (?) i think

I will be active again once it's May,2014 because if i say i will be active the next week

i might end up going hiatus again.

it's my third year of high school so exams might be my bestfriend for a while.

I know i should continue my fic instead of typing this but i can't really do that because i need to study for my exams on monday.

I will try to update a bit when it's holiday but i can't promise you that.

So that's all i wanted to say :]

To those who are having exams, Good luck o/ and bbye!


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