Get To Know Your Author ( Stolen from springjasmine91)


Hair colour:

- black

Eye colour

- dark brown

Skin colour

- brown


Most favourable facial feature

- eyes


Most disliked facial feature

- nose



-166 cm


Body type

- 60kg





- Christine



- 17



- Chinese

Country of origin

- Indonesia


Current location

- Batam, Indonesia


Favourite colour

- Blue, Black, White


Favourite animal

- Rabbit




- Storia

- Army

- Perfection

- Baby

- Angel

- Inspirit

( I'll stop here because there's too much to list out Dx)


20 Random Questions


Summer or Winter?

- Winter


Do you have a special talent?

- I don't know maybe sleeping?


Do you think you are a strong person?

- Strong in what kind of terms? physically or mentally?


What are your phobias?

- i'm afraid of heights e-e


When do you feel most calm?

- sleeping??


What inspires you?

- Anime, Comics, Music, Shows


What do you dislike about yourself?

- Everything except my personality i guess


What are your top three favourite colours?

- Blue, Black, White


What are your hobbies?

- watching animes, reading comics, watching reality shows, listening to music,etc.


What is your favourite subject?

- counseling because i can sleep during that time


What are three of your current favourite songs?

- Everybody

- Smile again

- Beautiful


What is your favourite day of the week?

- Thursday


How would you describe your current mood?

- Sick yet happy?


What are your future goals?

- To be rich $_$


What artists do you like?

- Super Junior, History, Bangtan Boys, B.A.P. Teen Top, Winner, 100%, many many many more.


If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

- nowhere because i think my past is pretty good and there's no need to change it


Which artists do you dislike?

- Justin Bieber lol no offense


What is your favourite month?

- May because it's my born month xD


Do you believe in love?

- tbh no lol


What is a saying/quote that you live by?

- Do whatever you want because if you don't you will regret it in the future



Last beverage

- Yakult


Last text message

- asking about ielts


Last song you listened to

- Female President - Girls Day


Last time you cried

- Today when i sneeze


Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?

- No lol i don't even have any ex lol


Ever been cheated on?

- I never dated so no


Ever kissed someone and regretted it?

- I never kissed anyone as well lol


Ever lost someone special?

- not really


Ever been depressed?

- yes, when i have too homework and tests --


This year have you…


Made a new friend?

- yeah about four but i only like the three of them


Met someone that changed you?

- I did


Do you want to change your name?

- yes -_-


What can’t you wait for?

- Mom bringing me dinner


What were you doing at midnight last night?

- Watching attack on titans *-*


When was the last time you saw your mother?

- A few hours ago


What is the webpage you visit the most?

-Twitter, Youtube, and AFF


What is your relationship status?

-Single and forever alone lol


What do you worry over the most?

- my grades


First surgery?

- none


First piercing?

- i forgot


First sport you joined?

- Badminton


Do you want kids?

- NO I hate kids


Do you want to get married?

- if it's to my bias then yes if it's not my bias then no


What career do you want?

- A counseler but only for psychopaths *^* is it too much to ask?


Ideal type…

- great cook, funny, cute, a bit older and taller than me


- Male


Older or younger?

- Older than me about 2/3 ages


Shorter or taller?

- Taller but not too tall


Romantic or spontaneous?

- Spontaneous



- Chinese, or Korean or Japanese.


Lips or eyes?

- Eyes


Appearance or personality?


To my readers



What is one thing that you don’t know about me?

I dunno maybe my absurd life and personality?



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