10 Ways To Make A Guy Like You

Step One: Fall over in front of him. *In a Guy's mind Clumsiness is a vital contributing factor when choosing a girlfriend.*

Step Two: Slap him as hard as you can in front of all his friends. *If it only worked in one version of Boys Before Flowers, then you could say this was unreliable. But it's worked in all three. stinking. remakes. Hana Yori Dango, Boys Before Flowers & Meteor Garden...I think the producers were trying to tell us something...*

Step Three: Be the most clueless piece of crap you can attempt to be. (E:G - MrA: Marry me...
Miss A: Who are you speaking to...?
MrA: You, the apple of my eye...
Miss A: I never stuck an apple in your eye...
Mr A: *Growing annoyed* I know you didn't, I was expressing my love to you...
Miss A: To who?
Mr A: *Sarcasm* OHHH....To the TREE BEHIND YOU.
Miss A: I like trees too! Oh! I get it! The apple from the apple tree fell in your eye?! But why are you expressing your love to something that hurt you...?
Mr A: *FacePalm*

Step Four: Whenever you come within a metre from this guy, grab the nearest male and start laughing. Trust me. He'll get jealous...

Step Five: Ask one of your friends to hold a fan behind your head; so your hair blows 'naturally'

Step Six: Put some gloop on your face *Otherwise referred to as Make-Up*

Step Seven: Laugh at all his jokes. The best way to do this is to stand in the middle of his conversation and start laughing out loud.

Step Eight: When drinking water in front of him, make sure you sway your hair dramatically. *Hint: It would be better if you could arrange a choir playing in the background or something...*

Step Nine: Keep hinting out the fact you are waiting for someone special to ask you to the prom. *Hint: Don't tell him no one has asked you....You'll look like a recluse...*

Step Ten: Throw him on the floor and fall on top of him. For some reason a guy will automatically be attracted to you once you 'accidentally' kiss. *Hint: For better results as a friend to push you*

^.^ I hope you now know how to make a guy like you.

Authors Note: Don't do any of these in public....


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fourevermuzik #1
This is what drama teaches us. <br />
BRB I'm going kick my bias in the face now.<br />
...Haha. Just kidding XD