Not Ranting This Time

I need the ideas of those who understand Kpop and it's structure. I was thinking "this site must be flooded with kpop fans" and decided to find out. It's obvious that some idols are given stage names based off their real names or personality etc.

My group of friends is also a music club in our school. We recently (20 minutes ago) decided to come up with stage names but are blank. I was hoping to describe us individually and listen to any suggestions. Our groups would really appreciate the help cuz the "creative" names we usually come up with for each other aren't very nice. Maybe just help with a few? Tee-hee ;)

Skaila Jones, the oldest of the girls. One day she'll be famous for her killer vocals that contradict her gentle personality, but right now she's our leader and main vocalist. Even with that motherly mindset of hers, Skaila can really be fun when she wants to. The Leader has a soulful voice that parallels that of established R&B artists.

Roxanne Jackson, the second oldest. She has to be the opposite of Skaila, cuz she's the killjoy that shows up whenever you have fun. Our lead vocalist thinks her maturity makes her the guardian of our lives, but can pull through and be sweet as candy. The Reggae Queen fits in with the style of 2NE1 in every way.

Yolanda Leigh, the second youngest. She speaks like she texts and the only that stops "dumb blonde" jokes is that we're African-American. The lead rapper and lead dancer is not far from being a total airhead, but makes up for it with her dedication and skill. She works hard (and has improved her grammar) to get better. She is our Coco Blonde and visually resembles Jiyeon from GLAM.

Zaya Love (me), the youngest. She's the main rapper, main dancer, and maknae. She can be brutally honest, cuz she always speaks from the heart (also with grammar issues). Zaya is very independent and outspoken, but arrogant. Her rap skills and being the b-girl of the group almost make up for her childish antics. She is referred to as the 4-D Maknae and told she sounds like Janey of GP Basic.

I tried to be as honest as possible. Any cool ideas for stage names? I'm open to suggestions from all over.


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