You Can Ignore This

Legit just summaries of fanfiction I want to write and rewrite which is why you can ignore this. Unless you want to read these summaries idk

Learning To Love Yourself
Kingdom Hearts AU fanfic (will be put on and ffo)
Sora and Roxas are one. He's a mirror's image that somehow came to life. And he hates him. He hates everything about him. But Sora must learn to love his twin brother before it is too late.

Nobody's Home
EXO rewritten fanfic (different plot)
When Sehun finds a singing girl in the middle of his night patrol he brings her back with one aim; to help rebuild mankind. But the secrets she holds may be the difference between his clan surviving and becoming the lunch of the living dead.

Yes, I am rewitting one of my fics to become a zombie story. Why? Because I can.
No seriously; this has a better plot and isn't so cliche like the original. I don't even know what I was thinking when I wrote that.


I'll add more when I decide on them. Funny html because phone.


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I cannot ignore any of your blogposts! Don't make me do it! T.T

Anyway... I'm writing a story about one of my recent dreams. It was so friggin' detailed and it kind of made sense so I thought why not give it a try.
I want to read that Zombie story. :)