LOOK! :)

Hello peeps! Haven't been posting blogposts for quite a while now. How's everyone doing? :D Anyways, I've suddenly come up with an idea for a story. So can you guys help me with something? I would like to make an analysis of people and their horoscopes. Like, are their behaviours really linked to their horoscopes or the date they are born :) Something like this. So, mind entering your details into the questions below and post it in the comments? For the personality, please be detailed. You can write anything about yourself, what are your habits, your likes and dislikes, what you hate about other people, are you clingy or something... anything about yourself will do :)



Blood Type:




thank you :D


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a-positive #1
may I join? hehehe

Horoscope: Aries
Blood type: O

DOB: April 7, 1994

Personality: I'm a carefree person, I take things too lightly (and gets nagged a lot by my friends because of it). I have tendency to not finish the work I've started. I'm a very lazy person T_T. However, if I have enough motivation to do something, I'll do it whole-heartedly and become perfectionist. I'm very sensitive and cry easily, even though I always make sure no one sees me cry. I'm hyperactive and talkative. I'm very forgetful. My friends said that I used to have very good advices but it's getting dull nowadays hahaha they no longer ask me for advice :p. I can't say I'm tomboyish girl, but I really love soccer. I easily wake up to watch soccer match in the middle of the night, but become a heavy sleeper when it comes to school :p. I'm afraid to hurt people's feeling that I sometimes become naive and sugar-coat my comments towards others. Boys see me as a weird girl (it's proved, they said it to me more than once haha). I tend to hate my crush, I hate falling in love, I don't know why. I hate rude people. Pride is my number one priority. I often get headache.

hope that helps :)
lilymilktea #2
Horoscope: Libra

DOB: October 1, 1996

Personality: - i'm straightforward, even if it means hurting the other person, i just speak whatever that is on my mind, but i don't go overboard. maybe it's just because i'm a blood type B. Lol. I'm determined in whatever I do, if I want to get something done, I make sure that it's done. I hate two-face people, I rather hear them insult me rather than hearing fake compliments. I'm not the type who fall in love, I don't know why but I'm harsh to the opposite . I'm not sensitive, I'm thick-skinned. I like to be organized. I'm a dancer. I tend to sense people around me easily, like for example if someone will jump out from behind the tree, I'll know it, therefore I dont fall for tricks easily and I could also somehow sense people's feeling, if they are sad, I know it. I'm anti-social in real life but socialable in the cyber world.

Lmao, just typing this makes me sound so egoistic. :x
Western one. Leo, gemini, virgo... blablabla~
I want to help! :D Well...um, first are we talking about Chinese Zodiac or the Western one? XD

Horoscope: Boar/Leo

DOB: August 19, 1995

Personality: I'm lazy but also ambitious (so I guess I'm a contradictory person?). I'm a lot better at artistic things than I am with math and science. So I do a lot better in English, choir, and history (for some reason). Memorizing things is really easy for me, no matter what it is. I like to count how many steps there are in the staircases I use every day and count them when I walk there to make sure none of them mysteriously disappear. >.> I like to be organized, but my room is just so messy (however, I do know where everything is). I like dancing, writing, and singing. I play piano and guitar. I’m a very observational person. If someone wears a shirt (or pants) twice in one week I’ll notice it. I’ll also notice if someone gets a haircut (no matter how minor). I’m a quiet person in general, but I can be loud when I want (but that isn’t often). I don’t consider myself to be clingy, but when I have a crush on someone I like to be around them or at least keep in contact with them. However, that’s only if they’re a relatively close friend. If the person I like is more like an acquaintance, I’ll just try to get close to them or admire from afar. It’s hard for me to socialize with strangers. If I’m in a room where I know absolutely no one, I’m extremely quiet and I think I sometimes come off as an elitist… T.T lol I feel weird talking about myself so much. Hope this helps~ ^^