Tagged by FindingSunshine

The Rules:
1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
Tagged by: FindingSunshine (I seriously don't know what to say. You are one of the authors that respect. So,here goes.)
FindingSunshine's questions:

1. What makes you remarkable?

~Oh wow. I don't know. 16 years of life,I really don't think myself as a remarkable person. Well, maybe there is one. The fact that I can keep my feelings hidden pretty darn well. Maybe that's it. Maybe you might think this as a cliche' type of thing. But that is what I think. Even when I'm crushing on him, I kept in hidden so no one would know. Even when I'm super hurt, I'll cover it up with a smile. As stupid it sounds,I really do think that is what makes me remarkable one way or another.

2. If you could borrow a life of a Kpop artist for one day, who would you be?

~On first thought,I want to be Apink Chorong. She is a great leader and I really want to know how she felt when Yookyung left the group since if I am in her place,I will think myself as a failure. She seems so strong. But when I think hard about it,I guess maybe IU. She is super strong. After the things she had been through,she never falter and she kept smiling. And the fact she made a comeback with a concept,I truly salute her. She just showed me another side of her and made me a bigger fan of hers.

3. How does your favorite Kpop artist inspire you?

~They are just so strong and not to mention has a lot of patience. Take EXO for instance,if I was in their shoes, I would just quit being an idol and live a normal life without having crazy saesaengs following me. But still,they went through all those for their passion for singing.

4. What is the first word that pops in your mind when you read: Sunshine?


5. What do you do when you're in need of inspiration? 

~Me? I eat or sleep and sometimes a listens songs on my phone.

6. Give one simple pleasure of life that gives you joy. (life for example: the blowing of wind)

~the sounds of nature. Like the sweet sound of birds chirping in the morning and sounds of small trees getting swayed by the wind. That is just simply peacefull

7. Do you like IU? If yes, why? If no, why?

~I don't like her. I love her. Why? Refer to what I said on question number 2

8. What's your favorite animal?

~I have to say rabbit. They are super adorable and fluffy!

9. What gift would you like to receive this coming Christmas?

~books.Novels. Greetings. Birthday presents (well,my birthday is quite close to Christmas anyway)

10. What's your favorite season?


11. Give an inspirational quote that somehow keeps you going. 

~Don't look down on other people's past as it might be your future -HLOVATE (An author of a novel I've read)


-dewdrops's Questions

1. What do you think when you re-read the fic that you've written?

2. Do you like Apink? If yes the why? If no then why?

3. Apink or Girl's Day?

4. What is the first K-pop song that you have listened to?

5. What kind of person you think you are?

6. Which idol do you look up to?

7. What drama was the best you have seen thus far?

8. IU or Ailee?

9. What do think of idol shippings?

10. Have you ever heard about EXOPINK or MyungU? And do you like them?

11. What do you think about one-sided love?


Tagged (sorry)















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