☆ Guardian Quest || Kim Su Min || i_brought_a_jeep

 Guardians Quest



Username : Saki-chan16

Password : Quality over quantity







Name : Kim Su Min

Nickname : i_brought_a_jeep

Date of Birth :   16/06/1995

Age : 18

Birthplace : Tokyo, Japan

Ethnicity : Korean, Japanese

Languages : Korean and Japanese. 


 Create your Character


Persona :

[ ]     Leader 

[ ]     Ice Princess 

[ ]     Princess Syndrome 

[ ]     The Mother

[ ]     The Cool Kid 

[ ]     The Shy Turtle 

[X]     The Lone Wolf 

[ ]     The Selfish Brat

[ ]     The Loud Speakers

[ ]     The Unlucky One

[ ]     The Tech Geek

[ ]     The Money Bag



Backup Persona :

[ ]     Leader 

[X]     Ice Princess 

[ ]     Princess Syndrome 

[ ]     The Mother

[ ]     The Cool Kid 

[ ]     The Shy Turtle 

[ ]     The Lone Wolf 

[ ]     The Selfish Brat

[ ]     The Loud Speakers

[ ]     The Unlucky One

[ ]     The Tech Geek

[ ]     The Money Bag





Ulzzang :  Kim Da Hyun




Backup : Park Chan Neuol





Height : 162cm

Weight :46kg


Battle Attire : She wears a black jacket that takes blows very well with a black long sleve t-shirt underneath. She has shorts with a black half-skirt (?) tied around her waist. She has boots with many buckles tied tightly so they don't make a siunt. 




Weapon : Su Min has two daggers at her belt and a low class long bow and quiver on her back (Level up-ed?). She uses her daggers (which are black with a read hilt) far more often. 

Extras : She has a belt whith many pockets and a long black scarf which covers a the scar on her neck. Has long black hair she ties in low pony tails.







Character traits : Secretive, Lonely, Observant, secluded, silent, mature and introverted.


Personality : 

Su Min was born the oldest of three. She has a younger brother (13) and an even younger sister (6). She is very protective on them even though she doesn't really talk to them much. Su Min is very silent and often doesn't speak her mind. She will play with her siblings but they have to pester her a lot before she does. Su Min is very strong willed which can be mistaken for stubborness. She is an early riser and a bit of a perfectionest. She would raher finish a task then leave it uncompeted. She will listen when somebody is telling her what to do and will often comply but due to her secluded mind set she might choose not to follow, although she often does even if she sees different logic to the person issuing the order/idea. 

She can do most things her self and if she has the choice she will often choose do do things on her own. She can find strange and unusual ways to make is possible but if she sees no other alternative she will work as a group. She doesn't have a designated sleeping pattern but she is an early riser so she doesn't struggle when others wake her up. When she first meets the group and (Assuming they will have lookouts at night) they would spend nights together she struggled to sleep because she found that she had only just met them and still had to learn to trust them. 

Su Min has never had issues with being alone. Due to her hatred of crowds and open spaces she has found any things to entertain herself during times where she is alone. 

This includes:


Playing iSpy... With herself

Coudn't how many lines/cracks in one room

Creating finger games

Seeing how many words she can come up with in a minute

Examining a few escape routes

Bending spoons (If she has any)

Trying to do strange things with her eyes. (Making the iris' point in oposite directions)

Thinking of riddles she hasn't solved yet. 

Arguing/debating with herself



Likes :

Horror movies

Small spaces

High places




Night (Stars + Moon. General night time)



Dislikes :

Loud noises




The smell of rain


Habits :

Looking behind her

Putting things on her head

She is suspicios of people juding on their looks



Trivia : 

She has a scar on her neck

She is scarred of chickens

She likes war heads

She neglects most social media sights

She can draw pretty well

Solving riddles




Background : When Su Min was very young her father ran away and felt responsible for it since this insident her mother has remarried once. Her brother and sister were born both with a persistant nature which softened Su min up a little but only by begging for a long time can aither of them get her to do anything with them. Su Min's mother does most of the looking after and feels most responsible for her daughters 'condition' as she calls it. Su Min tries best to ignore her mother when she drops hints about talking to somebody about it and obvious suggestions of going and seeing a councellor or have one come to her.

Su Min spent most of her time drawing or solving riddles. She enjoyed playing video games as she felt that she was escaping from everybody around her when playing them. She got the game whilst she was online looking for new games to play. She heard rumours about a game coming out. She looked into it as much as she could with her little knowlege or technology (compared to somebodyb like the tech geek) and discovered that people were trialing the game. She looked into it some more and found out that one of the producers was one of her mums close friends. She 'subtly' asked her mum some help on the matter. Her mum said she would try and managed to get Su Min a trial 'permit' for the game.


Family : (For cameo)


Half-brother | Kim Jae Sun (Jae) | He is a year apart fom his little sister and eight years apart from Su Min. Like his twin sister he is active and bubbly. He makes friends easily and isn't an easy target for bullying. Pretty much the complete opposite of Su Min. He also has a taste for soccor but he can't play football | Su Min and Jae Sun are pretty close but not as close as they could have been. (6/10)

Mother | Kim Ae Ri | Ae Ri is the classical caring mother. She has restrictions but she prefers her children to experience all the opportunities possible. She worries about Su Min's attitude but she sees that maybe if she  | Su Min genrally stays away from her mother so she can deal with any issues her younger siblings might have. (5/10

Half-sister | Kim Min Ji (min ) | Min Ji is lound and sporty. She is a tom boy and she is average at school. She is very persuasive and persistant and she is always trying to involve Su Min in her activities. She wants to get Su Min to open up as her mother has often told her stories of what Su Min used to be like although Su Min seems naturally wrapped around her persionality. | Su Min is probably the closest to Min Ji then another members (8/10

Father | Kim Jun Hi | Jun Hi is somebody who gives into pressure easily. He has never had a consistant job and has stood on unsteady ground throughout his whole relationship with Ae Ri. Eventually after getting fored again and the pressure of feeding people got to him and he eventually gave in and left.  | C=[]he cisappeared without a word and hasn't been back since. (0/10)

Step-father| Kim Dyun Ni| Dyun Ni has all the family qualities you could want in a father and because of that Su Min doesn't mind him. He is close to the children and he has a supportive job that allows them to explore all opporunitites. | Su Min doesn't really talk at all but she is in silent agreement with most of the things he does and they genrally get along. (6/10



 My Guardian

(Replace Kyungsoo with your love interest)


Name : Luhan

Backup : Baekhuyn


How you met : The objects and surroundings of Luhans area shift. Su Min and the girls are following a man and he gets them lost. Su Min manages to get them out through instinct and her distrust of the man and his 'sure-ness' of where he was going before walking into a maze. Her ability to rel on her own resouces and instincts to get out spiked Luhans curiosity. 


Personality and how you get along : Luhan is kind and considerate. He likes to make sure everything is going well in his kindom and likes to address issues personally. He meets Su Min and everyone when they are going throught his kindom. They are mismatched and causing quite a  reaction so he goes to check everything out. Su Min tries to avoid Luhan but Luhan wont hear of it as he decides to see why she has decided to hide away from most people, and fix it!


Background : Luhans kingdom is known as one of the flatest in the game as 'high places are unsafe'. Most of the people who reside in the kingdom are all kind, bubbly and willing to help. Over all it is a nice place to pass through or live in. Though people who are not naturally from the kindom draw a lot of attention to themselves. When new people come to the kingdom they are greeted with smiles and laughs. The kindom was built like this because of Luhans cheerful up bringing and eye smile that he has managed to spread throughout his part of the land. 




 bad girl



Name : Song Qian (Victoria)      

Personality : Victoria, like all people from Luhans kindom, is rather bubbly. She finds Luhan to be charming and strong. He is kind and caring and she thinks she is the perfect match for him. When Luhan spends lots of time on Su Min trying to get her to open up banked up resentment is released and Victoria dislikes Su Min and her attititude. 

How you will meet : Su Min was walking with the group through the kindom when she bumps into Victoria who origionally thinks she is just shy and passes it off. Su Min passes her off when she tries to introduce herself as she has never been good at talking to people. As Su Min catches Luhan's attention Victoria begins to release all the anger that she has against people that she has never bothered noticing. She is innocent around Luhan if not a little dirty, and spiteful around Su Min. Victoria tries to keep it a secret and Su Min isn't used to talking to people about things so she doesn't say a word.



 Application Successfully completed

Message : HI, I'm not very happy with it, there is just something thats up@ Fell free to tell mr it is the worst thingyou have ever read :D! I'm open to critisism. I'm also not used to writing with Luhan I just liked the idea of the lone wolf. 

Scene requests : I'm not to good at these things. If you need me to add them I will but if I don't have to I probably won't.

Suggestions : 



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